Thanks for all your replies.

//2) I would say bloom your strongest or prefered five 5* ASAP because the Level of your Helper Squad (Lvl 80 Bloomed) scales with the Power of your Allies Helper Squad.
I was thinking that ally helper power scales with higher lvl among my girls, so i need only 1 lvl 70 (or 80 later) girl ASAP. Too bad that i'm wrong.
And about strongest - who do you recomend to evolve/bloom first - Waterlilly, Anemone miko, Saffron(xmas), Heather (my only blunt type 5* among 15 girls), Susaku grass, Poached egg plant, Cyclamenn (radiant). And about the candidate to rarity up ASAP - Cyclamenn vs St. Paulia (Cyclamenn is already evolved 10 lvl so i can rarity up her right now, st. Paulia - in a couple of days).And price is almost the same - 712 vs 743 crystals.
Btw, i like that 2* and 5* Cyclamenn can use each other skins.

//One major tip I have for you straight from the get go however > Save your AMPIES and when upgrading 6* do it straight from L1. This will massively reduce the price you pay when compared to upgrading a 6* after its been maxed to L80. Never recommended to do. This is even more true if you want to Promote a low tier girl to a 6* > Save those Ampies unti she becomes a 6* and then use them from Level 1 to upgrade her as much as possible, then finish up with Manyus > Evolve > upgrade to as high lvl as possible until it slows down to much > finis with Manyus > Bloom > repeat = bunch of Gold saved

As the girls should keep there ampies and affection after rarity up - maybe i should feed her my about 100 ampies right now? I mean after evolution and before rarity up, or wait untill rarity up is done?