Quote Originally Posted by Wutan View Post
Best Event Girls in terms of raw stats are Lavender and Edelweiss.
Dipladenia is also not a bad choice because she has an unique Ability.

You won't find an Event Girl that is equally good compared to a Gacha Girl though. Not on Nutaku or DMM.
Generally Event Girls are tuned down Gacha Girls but with the access to easy Skill and Equipment Slots.

Don't know about any other good Event Girls. Maybe the others know a few hidden gems?
I looked at Lavender and Edelweiss and they both have terrible abilities set:
Lavender: Heals 3x more HP from Healing Panels.;
Increases Attack for 2 party members, oneself included, by 10%.
Increases Solar Drive's effectiveness by 20%.

Edelweiss: Party members Heal 10% HP when encountering a Nest Panel.
Increases Attack by 5% when encountering a nest panel. (Up to 15%).
Adds 50 to the party's Speed.

So I don't think that they're any good.
Dipladenia - you mean immune to speed altering? it may be usefull sometimes when there are a lot of webs on mission, so i shall think about getting her after I level up all my pierce girls.