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  1. #21

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    It seems most of what needed to be said was already mentioned.

    From my side I would recommend going for the 30 FG gacha as a F2P player myself, at least as a start.
    Once you get an army of 5*, I'd switch to the 50 FG ones.
    Don't be too worried about 6* at the start, I've got my first one at 1+ year of playing.

    Blooming and promotion should be left for when you're actually feeling wealthy enough to tackle it.
    Promotion needs a lot of currency that you don't get quite often, so I'd stick with your favorite girl for this one.
    As for blooming, some girls get quite a boost with their third ability, so you might want to concentrate on those, though in the end you don't lose much by just picking your favorite.

    I don't know how far Nutaku has gotten with their updates, but I have a "good practice" concerning equipment seeds.
    I amass them until an event with additional upgrade exp appears - then I use them all at once.
    Last time I checked you can't get forge spirits out of the equipment gacha in Nutaku. Here you can.
    I don't use any equipment as fuel for leveling other equipment pieces - in DMM you get enough forge spirits for all your leveling needs.
    All the leftover equipment you won't be using can be reforged into bond crystals, which in turn can be used to buy commander medals, which then can be used to buy 5*+ gacha tickets.
    Using those, you start gathering rainbow medals. 300 medals and you get a rainbow unit of your choice.
    I would avoid using bond crystals/commander medals for anything else, unless you have a surplus of the first - you can get some 5* girls (not in the gacha, though weak) to fill up the team or anything else you need from that specific store.
    The mentioned 5* girls can be fed equipment and skill blooms you get by using the special plant pots in your garden (the golden ones).

    I'll add you as an ally in a moment.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #22
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Volarmis View Post
    It seems most of what needed to be said was already mentioned.

    From my side I would recommend going for the 30 FG gacha as a F2P player myself, at least as a start.
    Once you get an army of 5*, I'd switch to the 50 FG ones.
    Don't be too worried about 6* at the start, I've got my first one at 1+ year of playing.

    Blooming and promotion should be left for when you're actually feeling wealthy enough to tackle it.
    Promotion needs a lot of currency that you don't get quite often, so I'd stick with your favorite girl for this one.
    As for blooming, some girls get quite a boost with their third ability, so you might want to concentrate on those, though in the end you don't lose much by just picking your favorite.

    I don't know how far Nutaku has gotten with their updates, but I have a "good practice" concerning equipment seeds.
    I amass them until an event with additional upgrade exp appears - then I use them all at once.
    Last time I checked you can't get forge spirits out of the equipment gacha in Nutaku. Here you can.
    I don't use any equipment as fuel for leveling other equipment pieces - in DMM you get enough forge spirits for all your leveling needs.
    All the leftover equipment you won't be using can be reforged into bond crystals, which in turn can be used to buy commander medals, which then can be used to buy 5*+ gacha tickets.
    Using those, you start gathering rainbow medals. 300 medals and you get a rainbow unit of your choice.
    I would avoid using bond crystals/commander medals for anything else, unless you have a surplus of the first - you can get some 5* girls (not in the gacha, though weak) to fill up the team or anything else you need from that specific store.
    The mentioned 5* girls can be fed equipment and skill blooms you get by using the special plant pots in your garden (the golden ones).

    I'll add you as an ally in a moment.
    Thank you and other people, who gave me a lot of usefull advices and added me as friend. So now i have some compilation about the account progress in dmm (maybe it shall be usefull to someone else).

    1) about shop - life crystals - spend to 6* skills somedays. If i shall rarity up 5* , their skill will be redused to 1 anyway so i will need 2k LC for each one. I don't know if 30rarity up crystals discount worth 250 LC spent to 5* skillbloom, maybe no. I dislike ampies per 100 LC, bloom petals - i don't know what is better - LC vs 100k coins (no 100k option on nutaku unfortunately)
    bond crystals - girls per 18k are too expencive to me so only options are cheap D medals and cheap 2-nd aff gifts, maybe expencive D medals if i have extra ones.
    rainbow medals.... 100 d medals->5* guaranteed ticket-> repeat 300 times... it will take years to have a single 6*, so i'm gonna just forget about it. I guess that more productive way is play 30 FG gacha, add some d medals to have enough crystals, upgrade someone realy good, like Waterlilly or Anemone miko to 6*, max her skill for 2k LC, PROFIT.
    d medals - guaranted 5* tickets with low chance for 6*, rarity up crystals, ampies
    sun medals - before i could have at least 600k whale group only, option is bloom birds (on dmm i have 6k medals from the begining instead of nutaku, where i just started whale missions with 520k team, so i'm only planning to bloom first girl there - Primrose ), maybe some ampies/dragons if i will realy miss them. Then second aff heart (no need to buy them with LC). Accesoires are expencive so it's not for the beginners.
    coins (only DMM) - 150k per 4* girl is useless, bloom petal per 100k is an option
    2) exchange - almost non-existing on nutaku: exchange 3x5 lvl manyus to 20 lvl... how i miss it on nutaku when i'm forced to sell 5 lvl yellow/blue manyus from current event because the upgrade price at 30+lvl becomes too painfull, maybe copper forge spirits to silver/gold to save money.
    accessoires seeds - play 100x gacha, keep +10 medium ones, exchange rest to bond crystals. What is item with anvil icon, exchangable with forge spirits?
    3) FG - character/accessoires capacity if needed, spend rest to 30 fg gacha. Maybe after about 30-40 5* girls switch to 50 FG ones, cross fingers and pray for 6*.

    About girls progression:
    Level up at least 1 5* girl to lvl 70 evolved ASAP (80 bloomed later) - your helper squad max lvl is your girl max lvl.
    Next goal - level up 20 5* girls (maybe with couple 4* if needed) to lvl 60, then evolve some of them untill you will have full group of 20 evolved 70 girls, during this process bloom 1 to lvl 80.
    After that you may think about theme parties - like dodge/attack down/skill chance/crit and begin to bloom others.
    First bloomed girl in my case will be Anemone miko - skill chance up, attack up, evasion seems to be fantastic abilities set.
    Permanent event girls - Mountain Lilly is good, Edelweiss and Lavender both have good stats but terrible abilities. BTW, Edelweiss missions are very, very easy, even top ones, so every 1 week old account easy can have her. Geranium with skill up ability seems to be ok too. But in general they're much weaker then gacha 5* girls.
    I found another interesting permanent event girl - Monotropastrum. Attack up, dodge, crit up - seems nice even unbloomed (i think that permanent event girls are too weak for bloom), but again she is pierce type like Mountain Lilly.

    And for lvl up exp event - am i right that it is right now and will be finished 4.2.18 so i must upgrade everyone theese days?
    About flower pots at my garden - is there any difference between different flower pots - 150k ones are for skillblooms for girls, buyable with bound stones , but what about others? BTW, there are 5 150k pots and 4 girls, what is 5-th for?
    Wutan said that i must keep at least 10 keys from manyu mission. Is there some special missions for multiple keys? i have 120 of them and i don't know how.

    In general, DMM is much more newbie friendly then nutaku - besides japaneese language.

  3. #23

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    About LC: buy only Gold and Rainbow skill bloom, the few Dress Bloom (becareful, they are limited and never refilled) and the 5*6* ticket (never refilled too). All the other stuff don't worth theses LC at all. Silver skillbloom could be useful to reach skill lvl5 on a 4* you REALLY want for Rainbow promotion.

    About Bond Crystal and D-medals: Don't buy the girls with D-medals. D-medals are too rare. Use them for tickets or Rainbow shards if you really need them. Use Bond Crystal to buy theses girls, if you want them. You can get a lot of Bond Crystal through many ways (equipement reforging, selling/using as upgrade material 3* to 6* girls, daily quests, on certains events and through some campaigns).

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  4. #24

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Ok, for me the situation with the shop looks like this:

    1) life crystals - I don't specifically farm life crystals, but you do get quite a few of them out of the event maps.
    Each time the items get restocked I try to buy out only the rainbow and gold skillblooms and the cheaper second affection-unlocking jewels (the more expensive ones too, if I have a surplus of stones).
    There's also a gacha ticket to be bought from what I can see, though that doesn't restock and I've already used it.
    Blooming materials can be farmed so I never buy them in the exchange store.
    Occasionally, there are also limited-time special maps that give you a lot of those, so I rather keep my currency.

    2) bond crystals - I use them only to buy commander medals. Every time I got a surpluss I've bought one of the units in this store - I have them all now.
    During one event (can't remember which) we had a good way of getting bond crystals, so it was just that much easier.
    I don't feel the need to buy anything else from here, but since you gain more bond crystals than you can spend on the medals, I'll probably try buying something else next time.

    3) commander medals - Since they're not farmable I use them only to get the gacha tickets.

    4) rainbow medals - The whole system to get your guaranteed rainbow is not setup to be something farmable, it's more of a guaranteeed 6* of your choice
    for actively playing the game, even if you have lousy luck in the gacha, which I think is a good idea.
    Don't specially mind it, just keep collecting and one day you'll have enough (I have about 284 right now and I haven't used them before)
    By the way, you don't need to repeat it 300 times - you get 20 (IIRC) rainbow medals for each commander medals' gacha ticket.
    Plus, it's not like the commander medals' ticket is the only source of rainbow medals -
    for each duplicate gold girl you pull you get 2 medals, for each duplicate rainbow you get 100.
    Additionally, sometimes a few are given out during events or login campaignes.

    5) sun medals - No opinion on this one, as I'm not actively doing the whaleship missions.
    Though I will probably only buy the equipment pieces in this store section.

    6) medals of honor - Also no opinion here, as I'm not strong enough for all unique missions yet and because of that, I've not farmed them.

    7) gold - The exchange rate is quite bad, so I don't usually buy anything from here.

    Exchange - I only use the equipment -> bond crystals one, occasionally low-rarity equipment seeds -> mid-rarity equipment seeds.
    All manyuus are usuable for me, since I level everyone, even the low rarity units.
    Right now I have more high-level manyuus than the low-level ones.

    Equipment seeds - Once you get around to doing the reissued events, you'll probably start using the event equipment,
    so I'd only collect the 10+ rings (mid or high rarity) and burn the rest to bond crystals.
    Since I exchange low-rarity seeds for the mid ones, I don't really bother with low-rarity equipment.

    FGs - You've got a good idea, I also use it for the gacha as a priority and to expand the inventory once I really need it.
    Currently I'm waiting for another full (6* included) gacha for 30 FGs, which we had some time ago to appear again, though that might take quite a while.

    About the progression you've mentioned - doesn't sound like a bad plan, though to be fair just adjust it to any current needs.
    As an additional good event girl I recommend Hypericum, as she's a counter girl with high skill activation (even not boosted) and fully leveled hits quite hard.
    Dipladenia will also be useful, as she has the rare "ignore speed modifying panels" ability, which really helps 3-medalling quite a few maps.
    All in all - counter, evade, skill activation and a few specific ones (for example damage from small pests 50%) are good abilities to have.
    One more thing - if you're strong enough try prioritizing the time-limited reissue once all of its stages appear - the earlier you get the girl/equipment (and FGs from the map) the better.

    The level-up exp event gets you 10% more exp during character and equipment upgrade and a higher chance of great success (the gold text during upgrade).
    I'd use it as far as your resources (manyuu/gold) allows, though not till you have 0.

    The garden's flower pots that are not golden only have a different design as far as I know and no functional differences.
    The golden pots give you skill blooms for the exchange shop girls plus Azalea, a special event girl from a few events back - you'll need to wait for her reissue.

    DMM gives you a lot more freebies - right now I'm sitting on 381 FGs waiting for my chance.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 03-31-2018 at 05:15 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #25

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    About Keys and how to select the stages:

    1. First click on the marked icon:

    new player needs help (DMM version)-1.jpg

    2. On the second screen you can select the Manyu Type you want.

    new player needs help (DMM version)-2.jpg

    3. On the third screen you can select how many keys you want to spend. The more keys you spend (max is 10) the more Manyus you will get.
    If you are lucky you will get 20 Lvl.100 Manyus and 30 Lvl.20 Manyus. In my case right here i have only got 10 Lvl. 100 Manyus.
    new player needs help (DMM version)-3.jpg

    new player needs help (DMM version)-screenshot-341-.png
    Last edited by Wutan; 03-31-2018 at 04:56 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  6. #26
    Unregistered2 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Thank you and other people, who gave me a lot of usefull advices and added me as friend. So now i have some compilation about the account progress in dmm (maybe it shall be usefull to someone else).

    1) about shop - life crystals - spend to 6* skills somedays. If i shall rarity up 5* , their skill will be redused to 1 anyway so i will need 2k LC for each one. I don't know if 30rarity up crystals discount worth 250 LC spent to 5* skillbloom, maybe no. I dislike ampies per 100 LC, bloom petals - i don't know what is better - LC vs 100k coins (no 100k option on nutaku unfortunately)
    bond crystals - girls per 18k are too expencive to me so only options are cheap D medals and cheap 2-nd aff gifts, maybe expencive D medals if i have extra ones.
    rainbow medals.... 100 d medals->5* guaranteed ticket-> repeat 300 times... it will take years to have a single 6*, so i'm gonna just forget about it. I guess that more productive way is play 30 FG gacha, add some d medals to have enough crystals, upgrade someone realy good, like Waterlilly or Anemone miko to 6*, max her skill for 2k LC, PROFIT.
    d medals - guaranted 5* tickets with low chance for 6*, rarity up crystals, ampies
    sun medals - before i could have at least 600k whale group only, option is bloom birds (on dmm i have 6k medals from the begining instead of nutaku, where i just started whale missions with 520k team, so i'm only planning to bloom first girl there - Primrose ), maybe some ampies/dragons if i will realy miss them. Then second aff heart (no need to buy them with LC). Accesoires are expencive so it's not for the beginners.
    coins (only DMM) - 150k per 4* girl is useless, bloom petal per 100k is an option
    2) exchange - almost non-existing on nutaku: exchange 3x5 lvl manyus to 20 lvl... how i miss it on nutaku when i'm forced to sell 5 lvl yellow/blue manyus from current event because the upgrade price at 30+lvl becomes too painfull, maybe copper forge spirits to silver/gold to save money.
    accessoires seeds - play 100x gacha, keep +10 medium ones, exchange rest to bond crystals. What is item with anvil icon, exchangable with forge spirits?
    3) FG - character/accessoires capacity if needed, spend rest to 30 fg gacha. Maybe after about 30-40 5* girls switch to 50 FG ones, cross fingers and pray for 6*.

    About girls progression:
    Level up at least 1 5* girl to lvl 70 evolved ASAP (80 bloomed later) - your helper squad max lvl is your girl max lvl.
    Next goal - level up 20 5* girls (maybe with couple 4* if needed) to lvl 60, then evolve some of them untill you will have full group of 20 evolved 70 girls, during this process bloom 1 to lvl 80.
    After that you may think about theme parties - like dodge/attack down/skill chance/crit and begin to bloom others.
    First bloomed girl in my case will be Anemone miko - skill chance up, attack up, evasion seems to be fantastic abilities set.
    Permanent event girls - Mountain Lilly is good, Edelweiss and Lavender both have good stats but terrible abilities. BTW, Edelweiss missions are very, very easy, even top ones, so every 1 week old account easy can have her. Geranium with skill up ability seems to be ok too. But in general they're much weaker then gacha 5* girls.
    I found another interesting permanent event girl - Monotropastrum. Attack up, dodge, crit up - seems nice even unbloomed (i think that permanent event girls are too weak for bloom), but again she is pierce type like Mountain Lilly.

    And for lvl up exp event - am i right that it is right now and will be finished 4.2.18 so i must upgrade everyone theese days?
    About flower pots at my garden - is there any difference between different flower pots - 150k ones are for skillblooms for girls, buyable with bound stones , but what about others? BTW, there are 5 150k pots and 4 girls, what is 5-th for?
    Wutan said that i must keep at least 10 keys from manyu mission. Is there some special missions for multiple keys? i have 120 of them and i don't know how.

    In general, DMM is much more newbie friendly then nutaku - besides japaneese language.
    life crystals: You won't be rarity-upping many of your 5*s, use golden skillblooms for useful golds instead of the discount. Ampies aren't worth it unless you're sitting on something like 10k LC after buying the recently added ticket and dressblooms. For petals, the first choice should be getting what you can from quests for completing lower level unique missions. 75 LC and 100k gold will both be manageable prices later on. LC also become much more plentiful when you can do the Ultimate missions which Nutaku refuses to add for no apparent reason.

    bond crystals: With raid bosses giving 800+ seeds apiece, you should be able to forge enough crystals for all the D medals, cheap gifts and eventually save enough for the characters.

    rainbow medals: I got 300 as a free player. Just keep buying those D tickets and rolling gacha.

    d medals: If you're not a whale, you'll be choosing either tickets or rainbow crystals. You won't have enough for both, much less ampies.

    sun medals: Before buying birds, again, see if you can get what you need from unique missions' quests.

    gold: I had no issue with buying some 4*s for 150k before, but things might be different nowadays.

    forge spirits: The anvil icon one is for character specific equipment. You can convert other types to that because the character stuff can be leveled to 50, upgraded, and leveled to 50 again. That'd be too much of a drain on earring forge spirits if they were still the only choice.

    FG: Using the 30fg gacha until you have 30-40 5*s seems excessive. It'd probably be best to stop once you have four of one or both featured girls. There'll presumably be another 30fg/5* max gacha every other week as they add new rarity promotions for old 5*s.

    other permanent events: Star Lily has high stats for an event girl, Guts and benefits more than most event girls from blooming with her +37% atk for two. Robinia is like Edelweiss with less atk, more def. Adonis is another one that ignores webs/whirlwinds. Rain Lily and Belladonna are there if you just need more atk debuff.

    The bonus exp ends with the coming update but it's a small bonus and happens semi-regularly. No need to stress.

    The fifth golden pot is for Azalea (Newcomer), obtainable from one of the Unique missions.

    Using 10 manyu keys at once is a time saver. Nothing more, nothing less.

  7. #27

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered2 View Post
    Azalea (Newcomer), obtainable from one of the Unique missions.
    I actually did not know that, but now that I look at the mission, it's true.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #28
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered2 View Post
    sun medals: Before buying birds, again, see if you can get what you need from unique missions' quests.

    gold: I had no issue with buying some 4*s for 150k before, but things might be different nowadays.

    other permanent events: Star Lily has high stats for an event girl, Guts and benefits more than most event girls from blooming with her +37% atk for two. Robinia is like Edelweiss with less atk, more def. Adonis is another one that ignores webs/whirlwinds. Rain Lily and Belladonna are there if you just need more atk debuff.
    I can't understand how it can be no issue with gold - i had 1.1 mil, upgraded couple girls to 70 evolved, couple more to 60 and had almost nothing.
    With all theese keys i have much more manyus than on Nutaku so i need more gold too.
    Are there a ways to farm a tonns of gold besides saturday mission or 80 stamina mission (8x10 stam event mission is almost the same gold amount but with extra bonus missions and event currency)? Or don't bother with it and farm something else?

    Event bonus missions with 400/500k and no helper allowed made me crazy. Are they possible to complete withount full set of 6* 80lvl girls? My 81k main group did almost nothing there.

    Antoher question - now i have a selectable 5* ticket from gift with about 1/2 girls aviable and don't know who to pick.
    I already have Waterlilly, Toadlilly, Rose, Suzuki grass, Nasturcium, Snapdragon(about her and Green Bristlegrass - is counter+ evasion realy good? I think that it's countersynergic). As waifu i was thinking about German Iris, but solar drive is all or nothing (in my case - definitely nothing), but i think that as newbie i must choose strongest one. I'm thinking about evasion party, but I already will have 5 evasion girls (after 2 of them will be bloomed), so evasion is not a must have. Any ideas?

    Can different versions of one girl be in one group(like Anemone +Anemone miko or 2* Cyclamenn +5* Cyclamenn)?

  9. #29

    Join Date
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    Gold will be an issue until you get a solid team of high lvl girls going, where you don't need to upgrade the main squad anymore.
    When times are tough on gold, just reduce your costs - for example if you upgrade a girl with 10 manyus, upgrade her only with 1, etc.

    We all struggled with gold here and there, the more girls you evolve/bloom and upgrade the worse it will be. I remember very well burning million upon million of gold coins when I mass evolved/bloomed girls. Heck I had to stop evolving/blooming for almost a month, doing just small upgrades and keep playing maps. When the 2x gold bonus came, I ran the Mori Mori 100 stamina gold map over and over again. I burst upon few dozens of Stamina potions and just kept running that one.
    Never forced it to much just tried to get a million or so to last me for a while, but I distinctily remember someone, maotd or volarmis or someone who went full ham mode and earned several milions, lasting him for quite a while.

    So the simple answer is > Prioritize, tighter your belt and keep saving up for the priority girls.

    As for the special missions, well yeah they are not supposed to be super easy, since you get a D-medal for it. Still a full 4 teams of bloomed 5* should be good enough.

    As for the ticket - if you have a setup in mind go with a girl that compliments it, otherwise go for who you like the looks and skill off.
    And yes - you can have both in the same team. Heck this game allows you to build a team of the same one girl. I remember someone doing something like that with ...Red Ginger ? not sure, but I remember seeing a pick of a team made out of the same 6*. The other teams were the usual mix but one was made of singular girl. So absolutely its possible

  10. #30

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    You'll never have issue with gold on DMM.
    Here we have gold up campaign, wait for it come and run the Morimori map on Saturday like you never run it before, you will get nice amount of gold from it.
    If gold up campaign is 2.0x I think you should get around 60k / round maximum, didn't run it for 6 month not remember.

    In the past you can pick helper for that special mission, I think you have to wait a bit to tackle it.

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