Title: The taste of water

Morning Glory: As I thought, water is delicious- <exhales>
Calystegia: Morning Glory, can you tell the difference in the taste of water?
Morning Glory: I-I'm an adult, so I can do at least that! <Fufun!>
Calystegia: In that case, where does this water come from? <presents the glass>
Morning Glory: Eh!?
Morning Glory: <I got carried away and said I can taste it, but there's no way I can~> <gulp>
Morning Glory: Hmmm~ Is this spring water from Lilywood, I wonder~ <Just kidding, ahaha>
Calystegia: Awesome! That's correct! Morning Glory really is a water sommelier!
Morning Glory: EH!?
Calystegia: I must tell this to Moonflower...
Morning Glory: <Aah!> Wait a minute~!!