Title: ***'s swimsuit - continued

Pumpkin: What should I do with this... <Haah...>
Tuberose: Pumpkin! What have you got there?
Pumpkin: It's an origami swimsuit Lantana gave me. I was thinking of locking it away somewhere...
Tuberose: <tension rising> Origami swimsuit!?
Tuberose: It's so risky and fun, I'll play the whole day in it~!
Tuberose: First up...
<Pumpkin: Is that really OK...>
Tuberose: It's the sea~~!!1 <dash>
<Pumpkin: Aah...!>
<It got torn in 3 seconds>

1 Possibly a reference to a cliche situation in anime where a group of friends visits the beach together and the first they do is shout in high spirits "It's the sea!".