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  1. #41

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    Good suggestions. And i really like Scotch Broom (I have her on Nutaku).

    My biggest problem with SB-Teams is the restrictive Team Building:
    -Only Rainbows
    -To maximize such a team you basically have to include Girls with the 50 % Light Gauge Ability (to reach the 300% cap) even though they are no Solar Blast Girls.
    In Mei's case that's not a problem cause i already use her in my Crit Squad. I don't have any free spot for Cattleya though.
    She would weaken my Crit Team, Debuff Team or Counter Team (cause she has no Synergy in any of these teams) just to strenghten my Solar Blast Team.

    To optimize SB you have to invest a lot. It's so strong though. Ardisia Bride i would have to wait 4-5 months to promote her. I don't have any shards atm
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-15-2018 at 07:35 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  2. #42

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    With the promoted girls, we may have another one with 100% Solar Gauge filled. They are some 4* with SB ability. They may be good candidates for another strong SB girl.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #43

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Just a bit of salt tickets before going to bed... Not too salty this time though.
    Tales from the Gacha-nottoosalt.jpg
    Finally getting Oncidium after so long. She is one of my target girls to get as well. 1 less girl to choose from 15' ticket then.

    And why not, let just get it over now that I'm at it.

    Tales from the Gacha-15ticket.jpg
    Saffron needs her best friend for tea party after all. Well I have her bathhouse ver. and her character quest is really cute.

    Tales from the Gacha-16ticket.jpg
    Her bloomed art is beautiful and I want to know why she hates men, or at rather, don't want to be treated as a girl.
    Last edited by game2534; 06-16-2018 at 10:25 AM.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  4. #44

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    oh yeah, forgot to comment

    I haven't pulled much. Dis was an old pull like few days ago

    I haven't been seeing gurls dat fit my fetish ever since the Bunny gurls craze which I empty so much FKG and I never got I think it was blondie? Yeah, it was blondie bunny https://harem-battle.club/flower-kni...-1-2018-a.html

    I don't like da gurls look but I pull once anyway coz I have too many FKG

    2 dupe golds not bad - I did like Flowering Peach
    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

    Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
    Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.

    Signature made by Myrdin

  5. #45

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    Just like that, I did my daily gacha for the mission:
    Tales from the Gacha-isitanepicroll-54aaf85.jpg
    It's pretty good for a normal gacha.

    So, I tried my luck and burned my 8 saltickets:
    Tales from the Gacha-eight_saltickets10-54aaf95.jpg
    It was a lucky day. Sadly, I should keep my ton of FG for Saffron/Kerria/5* St Paulia gacha. I will not try more luck here.

    Valentine Snapdragon is not my favorite but she is my first chocolate healing panel girl so, why not. it's still usefull for some maps.
    Radiant Cyclamen is nice. I don't love her but I still wanted her anyway. I'm glad with that.
    Maybe that new FG system is bringing me luck (yeah... keep dreaming...)

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  6. #46
    Thanks to the Emergency Maintenance I got 30 FG! TY Devs!
    I had 75 fgs and decided to roll the current bride event gatcha (for the 8th? time including 5 single rolls and 3 50 fg pulls)
    Tales from the Gacha-yes.jpg
    YES FINALLY! now I have a nc skin for my 6 star Cherry
    FKG DMM ID: 255077336 IGN: JLP603
    FKG Nutaku ID: Shitaku account inactive

  7. #47

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    GZ. That was a good salt tickets pull.



    Yeah the new skin is really nice isn't it?

    Also this version of Cherry already has three forms even without a Bloomed Form

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  8. #48

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    Ok might as well share it here.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  9. #49

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    oh man i wanted the other 5*, game!!!
    Not the loli

    I hope i can gather enough FGs for a second roll before the event ends...

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  10. #50

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    That's... sad. I know your feeling. Maybe you will be more lucky with the Salticket Pact.
    I hope you can get enough FG to try another roll. It should be not that hard i guess. We will have a 10 days FG campaing. It's already 20 FG. And 8 FG from the next part. And another 2 FG from reissue. You just need to find 20 other FG. With certainly new Nation missions, 2 FG from last part of bloomed girl character quest, 3 FG from max affection/2nd affection a girl...
    Good luck!

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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