Finally another Kerria's Gacha cames. Let's brave the Salt waves and break the Curse or Dark God Nazuna. 918 FG in my pocket. I'm ready.
Kerria - Round 2, Let's GO!

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Dupe Kiwi. Expected. I got 2needed R-medals, that's cool.

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5* Mint? I gave up to get her after all these tries. I tried her gacha and reissue gacha, got ALL the other girls but not her. I guess Mint Curse is finally over.

No 3rd actually. I tried Kurenai trick and roll some 5 FG gacha (65 FG used here). I got another Kiwi. Two more R-medals.

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A new Fire Weed and a dupe Poached Eggplant. Fire Weed is not awesome but a bit cute. Poached Eggplant will bring another 2 R-medals.

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The salt is salty. But previous rolls were not that bad (at least, I always got something I want).
Here is my 40th FG roll of the year.

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I didn't see the gacha pot turn rainbow. I had some lag and it became rainbow instantly. I prayed for no priority fuck but no. I got Kerria. Now she is MINE.
With this gacha and the previous one, I needed 11 rolls to get her but now I HAVE HER. And we have a damn Sappling event, emergency maintenance compensation and a ton of free sutff. Best FKG day ever.

At the end these rolls gave me for 315 FG
- Beloved Kerria.
- That damn 5* Mint
- 6 R-medals. Just enough to bring me at 271. Next 5*6* fail will give me a free rainbow. And I'm only 23 D-medals far from the next ticket.
- Remains 600 FG for next salt.

If anything goes well, I should get 3 new rainbows before the end of Summer for a total of 5 rainbows in Summer. That's cool.
And I got Kerria.