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  1. #181

    Join Date
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    Let's go and b-b-b-b-burn the T-T-TICKETS!

    Okay. I guess it's not that bad. Regular Camelia is far better but why not. She is not that bad once bloomed.

    I totally forgot about her but I like her spoon-umbrella. Nice idea. She is not bad but she would be much better as counter if she had Super Counter. But nope. Still cute and funny.

    Believe me or not, I was pretty sure I will got her. Every times I thought about that ticket and the girls I don't want, she cames in mind and then, the 6* I really don't want.
    I don't hate her but she is a bit weak and, above all, she is a Solar Blast girl with no Solar gauge ability and I have... no other Solar Blast girl to make a team. I'm still happy because she is a free 6* (and just my 4th magic 6*... where are the Pierce one's?) but she is not that strong and her best potential is useless since I don't have friend for her. She will just stay here as support with her skill act and her 20% ATK x pests. Still interesting to go with Easter Helenium and Pumpkin Swimsuit. Actually, she is a 6* I that I would have preferred to have on Nutaku. But she is still cute with her glasses and her coat.
    And she brings me to 10 6* (if I count 6* Alsroemaria)
    It seems almost everyone is not fully satisfied with his/her new 6*. That's a bit sad.

    And that's all. See ya for burning some saltickets or FG.
    Last edited by maotd; 08-30-2018 at 02:01 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  2. #182
    WOW YES RANDOM LUCKY RAINBOW IS HERE! been like wat ... 15? pulls since my last rainbow? not including the pre reg tickets
    Tales from the Gacha-dmn.jpg
    i pulled the new blooming prio gatcha btw (aiming for cattleya)
    Tales from the Gacha-loli.jpg
    Tales from the Gacha-cattleya-swimsuit.jpg
    spent around 200 FGS... all in all Id say it was worth it
    Last edited by JLP603; 08-29-2018 at 04:11 PM.
    FKG DMM ID: 255077336 IGN: JLP603
    FKG Nutaku ID: Shitaku account inactive

  3. #183
    Finally get home from work, looking forward to what I get! Let's go!!!

    1st Gold ticket
    Tales from the Gacha-special1stgold.jpg

    I know I said I dig foxy babes more than nekos, but I didn't say that I didn't like them either! So I'm cool with this! Kitty kitty meow!!!

    2nd Gold ticket

    Tales from the Gacha-special2gold.jpg

    Pretty girl. Not the best, but I guess RNG had to balance out the OPPAI of the first ticket. But I'm okay with this and not gonna complain.

    Rainbow ticket!!!

    Tales from the Gacha-specialrainbow.jpg

    BUAHAHAHA!!! I'm sorry! I couldn't help but laugh. Because months ago I wanted to pick up Cherry because I desperately needed a (NON-LOLI) rainbow blunt but also because I was getting more strategic with my teams. I was painfully made aware there were some better choices and I had to go with them. I also had her on Nutaku! So welcome home Cherry!

    Just adding this now because the addition of so many FGs made that new gatcha more attractive despite the loli-risk! But I cannot resist the MEGA-OPPAI!!!

    1st gacha roll

    Tales from the Gacha-swimsuitcattleyaheaven.jpg

    Oh hell yeah!!! Double the Cattleya, double ya fun! What an awesome day!
    Last edited by ShadwNinjaX; 08-29-2018 at 04:49 PM.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  4. #184
    Ok here we go, was gonna save them, but I guess there's no reason to do that.

    First roll 5 star is..
    Tales from the Gacha-gatchasp1.jpg
    Snapdragon Valentine ver., she has skill act. 1.2x, and she is blunt. Yay I guess?

    Second 5 star roll...
    Tales from the Gacha-gatchasp2.jpg
    Anemone Radiant Princess. My first Anemone, so yay for that.

    SIX STAR Roll, here we go baby!
    Tales from the Gacha-gatchasp3.jpg
    Horse Chestnut, kind of a surprise, had to search her up :O
    At least she can debuff, boss buff, and add BLUNT weakness. Judging from her skills, she can use a buff sometime.

    Gratz to everyone else thus far on your pulls!!!

    DMM ID: 838832909

  5. #185
    Ok, here are my rolls, short and sweet:

    Tales from the Gacha-fk1.jpg

    Tales from the Gacha-fk2.jpg

    Tales from the Gacha-fk3.jpg

  6. #186

    Join Date
    May 2016
    As to my knowledge we should have gotten two more 5* tickets.

    So gentlmofus, let the hype train continu
    *I will roll mine today, once I get back from work

    Also Gratz to anyone who got at least some girls they wanted. While I am happy with the 5* I am not really sure what I am supposed to do with Scotch Broom.
    If Dogwood is the Queen of Solar Blast, then Scotch Broom is like the Royal Princess. Great for SB, but for me ? .... ech Stats, and skill act fodder for the last 5* team I am still rocking, and SB buffer for Whaleship maybe ?
    Last edited by Myrdin; 08-30-2018 at 12:28 AM.

  7. #187

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    Ok guys sry for being so late to the party. I wasn't really present on the forum or ingame.

    Reason for that: My PC and my Laptop crashed and atm i have to use a really old PC.

    Playing a Browsergame like FKG with that one is a nuisance. It's too slow for comfort.

    Looks like a lot of us didn't get a Rainbow to be thrilled about?
    My rolls were not that impressive either but i didn't expect much anyway cause believe it or not Random 5* and 6* tickets always gave me girls i don't like/need.

    I didn't even make screenshots because my current PC is like a fucking toaster...

    Anyway here are my results:

    5* Ticket Number 1:

    In my opinion one of the best 5* Crit Girls. I don't need her cause i have so many 6* Crit Girls anyway. She looks cute though.

    5* Ticket Number 2:

    Yeah fuck that girl. I knew that i would get her. I never liked that girl. I hate her design and her Abilities are way to niche to be good.

    6* Ticket:

    Yeah Loli again...Nah not that thrilled about her.

    I apologize for neglecting the Tier List Thread but looks like maotd continued for me anyway.
    Maybe i can repair my Laptop next week and finally use an electronic device faster than a toaster oo

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  8. #188

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    Sorry for your computers and for your rolls. Money Tree is a really good one, the others are one's of the girls I try to avoid as much as I can.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #189

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    Yeah i am mostly upset about the 6* i guess (upset is maybe the wrong word for it cause these girls were for free after all xd).

    My last 4 Rainbows ( one natural Rainbow, two Random Rainbow Deals and the Mobile Ticket Rainbow) were Lolis.

    Daisy (both forms), Peony Halloween and Burning Bush.
    The only one i like is Peony cause i can use her in my Debuff Squad, she is cute and has a n1 attack animation. Screw the other 3.

    A mature beauty would have been a pleasant surprise for once oo

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  10. #190

    Join Date
    May 2016
    As much as I dislike that "fake cuteness" loli, it has to be said that Burning Bush as far as abilities go is a pretty competent character.
    I dont like her that much either, but credit where credit due, her skills are pretty solid as a support debuff 6*

    But yeah it seems most of us got girls they didnt really want that much. Though there were lucky few who got really good girls they actually liked, so it seems the results were quite balanced in the end. And a free 6* is a free 6*
    Last edited by Myrdin; 08-31-2018 at 03:16 AM.

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