Ok guys sry for being so late to the party. I wasn't really present on the forum or ingame.

Reason for that: My PC and my Laptop crashed and atm i have to use a really old PC.

Playing a Browsergame like FKG with that one is a nuisance. It's too slow for comfort.

Looks like a lot of us didn't get a Rainbow to be thrilled about?
My rolls were not that impressive either but i didn't expect much anyway cause believe it or not Random 5* and 6* tickets always gave me girls i don't like/need.

I didn't even make screenshots because my current PC is like a fucking toaster...

Anyway here are my results:

5* Ticket Number 1:

In my opinion one of the best 5* Crit Girls. I don't need her cause i have so many 6* Crit Girls anyway. She looks cute though.

5* Ticket Number 2:

Yeah fuck that girl. I knew that i would get her. I never liked that girl. I hate her design and her Abilities are way to niche to be good.

6* Ticket:

Yeah Loli again...Nah not that thrilled about her.

I apologize for neglecting the Tier List Thread but looks like maotd continued for me anyway.
Maybe i can repair my Laptop next week and finally use an electronic device faster than a toaster oo