View Poll Results: Which Tier does Black Baccara belongs to?

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  • S-Tier

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  • A-Tier

    1 8.33%
  • B-Tier

    5 41.67%
  • C-Tier

    5 41.67%
  • D-Tier

    1 8.33%
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  1. #101
    Just to be clear, that is why I brought it up in my initial post and after seeing what Wutan responded with, I agreed to keep the 2 values as separate as possible. So I do still stand by my S- vote of Red Ginger as you can see that I based my judgment off my experience with her and her stats/abilities. In the end, I admitted myself that I was strongly leaning on the "A" tier side but was just slightly convinced enough that she was "S-", in an unbiased analysis with no waifu influences. Then of course I naturally went on to gush over her on my waifu feelings. Same with Cactus, I gave a strictly unbiased analysis before waifu judging. So I have been doing my best to respect Wutan's rules and have fun with it. If others feel differently, I am sorry you feel that way. So I'll keep going forward being as honest and unbiased as possible with my official scoring before a separate fanboying vote that Wutan already knows doesn't count for anything.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  2. #102

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    No worries, Shad. I am personally fine with all the votes so far. I didn't see an overly biased or ridiculous vote so far. A little bit of waifuism/favouritism is always present. Besides that it would be really boring if everyone has the same opinion.

    I would only intervene in the following cases:

    1. Someone downvotes a good Unit without explanation to C/D-Tier even if there is evidence that said unit is actually really good.
    2. Someone upvotes a mediocre/weaker Rainbow to ridiculous levels (without explanation). In general upvoting a C/D-Tier Rainbow to S-Tier or something similar.
    3. Someone insults another person or trashtalks about another persons waifu.
    4. Someone constantly refers to an already voted Rainbow in every new upcoming vote and repeats how awesome the already voted Rainbow is.

    I didn't see anyone break the rules so far. And i doubt anyone will break those rules in the future. It's all good
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-13-2018 at 06:11 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  3. #103

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    Guys guys, you are OVERTHINKING it.
    Chill, dont worry, all is good. We are just a small community of fellas here, and by this point we pretty much know each other enough to understand how the people here think (write), react, and overall present themselves. And so far other than some occasional newcomers who were not able to integrate and eventually left (or were kicked out), I think we have a pretty good small community here going
    So dont sweat the small stuff when its all good.

    Here, take this beatiful picture of Bloomed chestnut to calm and relax yourself
    HBC's FKG 6* Tier List-34790146_10209421831021493_4501032108805849088_n.jpg

    *Also - applying pseudo mofu admin bat fu ~ This awfully smells like Chit Chat to me, and we all know where that belongs dont we ?

    (Admittedly I am also guilty this time, thus even more reason for me to rein it in)


    So next in line should be Mei. If count correctly we should start with her today, but If I can ask you to postpone her by 1 day until tomorrow, I would be grateful.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 06-14-2018 at 12:20 AM.

  4. #104

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    Today is the last day of the Cactus Discussion (her Discussion started on the 12th of June). Mei's Discussion starts tomorrow
    15.06.18 - 17.06.18

    The schedule works out in your favour,bud
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-14-2018 at 04:15 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  5. #105

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    Ok i still have to vote if Cattleya should stay in C-Tier or not. It was not easy to decide it but here we go:
    I will compare her to BB cause they have a similar purpose. Group Atk-Buffing Sweepers.

    Reasons for Cattleya to stay in C-Tier:
    -She only has three usefull Abilities.
    -Her TP is considerably lower compared to BB

    Reasons for Cattleya to climb:
    -Her Group Atk Buff is more consistent than BB.

    I know 48% Atk for the whole Group is a lot (second highest Atk-Buff) but she has only three good Abilities and her HP is extremely low for a Rainbow. Yes her Atk-Buff is more consistent but BB buffs for more if there are three enemies on the field (On most maps that's the case).
    I wouldn't use either of them on harder maps if i don't have to and have other Rainbows available. Therefore on normal Event Maps and Story Maps BB is more usefull in my opinion.

    IF she just had another Ability (even a gimmick one) or more HP i would give her B-Tier as well but in the end i will stick with my original vote.
    Like game said she is somewhere between B- and C+. For me she is a tiny bit more of a C+ than a B-.

    My vote: C+
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-14-2018 at 04:00 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  6. #106

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    The Cactus Discussion has officially ended.


    1x S-Vote
    4x A-Vote
    1x B-Vote

    A-Tier it is.

    The Discussion if Cattleya should jump to B-Tier also ended.

    2x B-Tier
    3x C-Tier

    Cattleya will stay in C-Tier

    Next Girl:

    Last edited by Wutan; 06-14-2018 at 04:22 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  7. #107

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Mei Plumblossom, Japanese Appricot and Ume in JP.

    Mei was the first girl in FKG whom I considered waifu, and even up to this point she is one of my favorites. Even so, considering I am able to separate my preferences from my objective review It should not impact my overall rating. So lets get to it.

    Stat wise she is solid and holds the candle to the stronger girls. Her attack is her dominant stat Peaking at 8.2K once Affection is maxed, without ampies, this certainly plays into her role as single target nuker and team finisher. She has higher than average defense when compared to such as BB, Denbro and similar girls. Her HP is normal for what you would have expected.
    Speed of 550 allows to you put her into any team as she is right in the middle of things, not dragging the team down, nor running them up front far from others.

    For a long time her active skill was the highest in the game, boasting a massive damage multiplier of 5.4, outperforming even Sakura who was at that point sitting at 5.0. Now they are the same, but its pretty strong improvement considering Mei started at 4.0 when she was launched, so she has received a lot of love.
    Her trigger chance is the usual 26% - 34% so she isnt as beastly as Cactus, triggering the skill over and over again. But that makes her far from bad.
    The graphics are more tame, her being one of the early knights in the game, but still look good even to this day. Her ultimate animation emphasizes on her speed and dueling proves where she jumps around her target striking each individual vital spot. Very cool agility based combat acrobatics from this seemingly fragile lady !

    Skill wise, she is almost perfect and were it not for the one retarded hiccup in her setup she would by ease burst into the S tier. So what do we have here ?

    Once bloomed Mei offers the standard damage for the whole team buff, set at the usual neutral 22%. Since this is pretty much the standard thats nothing amazing, but nothing horribly bad either. Moving on.

    Skill activation of 1.2... Yes this beatiful, gentle, well posed yet warmingly fluffy doll like lady has the universally amazing static skill activation. While not as good as the one RG has, this one is the standard for most 6* and as such is always welcome.
    Considering her botch standard trigger % chance for her ultimate this by itself makes her suddenly much better. But wait, it gets better.

    Playing into her role as Sakura`s rival and best friend, and also the strong single target nuker, the devs outfitted her with very good Critical setup.
    Offering a slightly above avarage Critical chance of 20% and 30% Crit Damage, Mei can be at home in any Crit based team as the closing jab aimed at the enemy.
    What makes her ever so valuable is the actual combination of Chance AND Damage for your Crits combined with her massive single target damage, that allows her to outperform many other Crit Girls thus giving you more incentive to pick her up when constructing your Teams setup.

    As far as well balance standard girls go she is absolutely amazing, and were it not for the last thing in her setup she would be able to break into the S tier. Not as broken as Kerria or Saffron, but if it was literally anything else, then what I am to talk about next she would be able to step up to S- tier at least.
    Soo ... what is this horrible pieco of shit that plagues my waifu as well as some of the early designed girls ?

    The horrible shitty retarded skill known as Solar Blast...

    Yeas the last skill in her repertoire is the oh so hated Solar Blast. Now these days SB is not as worthless as it was, but the problem is, if you want a SB girl she needs to be tailored for the role having multiple skills that bolster it.
    For Mei this skill starts you with 50% Light Gauge filled.
    Yes.... absolutely useless. The problem is, the pure gimmick nonsense this skill is when looking at her overall setup. Since Blooming was introduced much later into the game, she was stuck with this skill for a long time and unfortunately Devs do not redesign the older Knights to fit better with their post Bloom skill setup.
    As such just this one hiccup bars Mei from breaching from the tier of "Amazing" into "Mildly Broken".

    There are many things she could have benefited from other than SB, but thinking about what could have been is not the point of this review.

    As such I rate her at A+
    She is a very solid girl in every single aspect, and will fit into any crit team. She can hold her own as well if put into a different setup, and while I am complaining about the SB skill, the fact is that starting the gauge 1/2 filled is much better than some other skills like for example Cattleyas Crystal Drop and such.

    Now with the objective review done and concluded, lets move on to more pleasing part... the Waifu factor mofu :3

    Mei has 3 distinctive artworks for each of her forms, plus later in the day she also received a 5* yukata version which is also very pretty.
    So lets talk about the art, theme and overall design and level of details.

    Her Basic form is absolutely top notch, and as far as not just all her forms but also many other knights go, its absolutely spot on and I think my favorite in the game.

    So lets dive into it why - Unlike other girls, Meis basic form Impersonates the meaning of the title of the game.
    That being Flower KNIGHT Girls. Emphasis on the word Knight.
    She is wearing a segmented plate breastplate (not boob plate mind you), with additional hip guards attached. Her beautiful slender legs are protected by armored leggings, shielding her feet, shins and knees. She also sports a simplistic yet semi functional set of bracers to protect her forearm. Plus her hands are covered with gloves, which makes sense since wielding a weapon in a combat creates sweat and leather gloves make sure the handle stays nicely placed in her palm, not slipping out.
    Her weapon is a long bladed rapier, which is pretty stylish and does add a more of a duelist look to her.
    As far as protection goes she has plenty of it, while also maintaining that battle maiden eye candy look.
    Her dress is also nicely done and fitting with the theme. A huge plus for me is the lingerie's which are showing just enough from underneath her protective gear to tickle your fantasy ~mmmm~

    It is needless to say that her slender doll like look might not appeal to some, mostly those who like their ladies nice and thick with big tiddeees but to me personally this appearance is the epitome of a fantasy beauty and is very attractive . Also I am a sucker for long hair, and find it amusing that her hair is slightly wavy rather than the usual straight one that most other girls have.

    Now I will jump here slightly forward - Her second artwork is from the generation where it was trend to slutty up the girls once Evolved and as such all the epic battlemaiden feeling is gone, leaving us with half naked chick instead. Still its done fairly well and still has enough clothes with frills etc to add plenty of details to her artwork and not completely discredit her as just another bikiny model walking around the battlefield. Still though, there is some strange magic going on, how else would that sort of revealing dress hold onto her is a mystery
    Despite it being lightened up an quite revealing there is still good amount of details present. Something I always appreciate since it shows much more effort and skill on the side of the painter rather then just simply the job by stripping the girl.

    Her Bloomed artwork.... is utter rubbish. Shit even. Shocking coming from the person who has been praising this girl so far, but I am not joking here unfortunately T__T
    It seems like they gave he job to someone else and that person COMPLETELY messed up her mono-thematic color setup by introducing a lot of blue, black and dark brown into an already established mix.... What the fuck dude ? Are you color blind ?
    NOT ONLY do these colors NOT mesh up well togather, the contrast is all over the place and the overall nice fluid look of one color being dominant with bunch of small details, and highlights serving as the contrast, the overall visual has been ruined and broken into an incoherent mess of not well mixed themes that fight with each other. Plus I think she has gotten uglier in the face. Whomever did this is due to an ass kicking for doing this to my Mei!

    As for the Yukata skins, they are all pretty, but I will not comment on them here, since its a separate unit in game.

    Now the last, most distinct thing about Mei look is - you`ve guessed it - her closed eyes.
    Soo is she actually blind ? This comment is already growing fairly long, so the short answer is: NO. Do not fear the Waifus eyesight is still present and working.
    During her H scene you will get the chance to see her eyes, and they are very pretty even give her a bit of a sharp look. Certain fierceness you would not expect from her usual gentle expression.

    Her Voice Actress is fairly nice, though I believe the voice actress could have gone for slightly more lively voice over. I get the stoic, intelligent beatiful ladylike setting but I personally dont really like it that much for Mei. There have been multiple occassions when hearing the voice overs from the other girls where I thought that "this voice would be much more fitting instead."
    So while the voice actress is doing nice job on the persona, I think that persona is not completely in line what Mei has going on, and a more soothing voice that would fit the gentle expression she wears would be in order.

    So with all that said I`ll wrap it up here. Its been long enough, and there is a limit to how much a husbando can write regardless how much he feels about his waifu
    Also it is needless to say by this point but for me Mei will always be the FIRST WAIFU, and this title belongs to her rightfully so, even if I talk about few other girls in the future as waifus as well.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 06-15-2018 at 01:50 AM.

  8. #108

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    Let's go for Mei Ume Apricot-chan. I put the "Paper Only" tag because I don't have her.
    I like her bloomed form, her white and blue mantle with that sparkling things remind me a bit Makoda.

    HP: Medium HP. Not super high but still good for me. It's the HP of almost every 6*.
    ATK: High. she is top tier in ATK class (11th highest ATK stat of all natural rainbows, according to the wikia)
    DEF: High stat too. It's less usefull for her but a high stat is a high stat, espacially when her other stats are very solid too.

    There is nothing bad to say about her stats. Her worst stat is a good one. I can't say it's perfect 'cause perfection doesn't exist here but on that point, she is a very solid unit.

    5.4x damage to 1 enemy. And it seems it's 38% activation with Monday buff.
    It's exactly what she needs. 5.4 damage is the best multiplier in the game, shared with a few rainbows.
    With her good AtK stat and her ability set, she can be a strong boss killer, if she is used with the right allies.

    Light Gauge 50% filled
    Like every old rainbow since we started, it's not very good, useless, she could have better ability... Well, it's just her legacy of old rainbow, before girls became more specialized. At least it could be useful for Whale Ship.

    x1.2 Skill Activation
    Good old skill activation. It's not super awesome but it's always welcome. And it help her with her good skill. A good ability both for her and for her team.

    +22% ATK for all
    Here too, nothing exceptionnal but still good to take.

    Crit rate +20% & Crit Damages + 30%
    There're her bests assets. With that, she can be a solid girl for Crit Team. Added to her beautiful skill, her skill act buff and her ATK buff, she start to be a must have for a serious Crit Team or for a bosskiller team.
    She is also a good friend for Kerria due to skill act and Crit.
    (sorry Wutan, I always refer to Kerria in my votes. She is my base value of broken 6*)

    Japanese Ume Plum Apricot is a good one. Her stats are above the top, her skill is above the top and her abilities are less awesome but still super solid for a such girl. The Solar Gauge thing is meh on her but the other abilities are good and give her a place in the strongest team archetypes in the current FKG. And that's the most important.
    Like I said, she is a must have boss killer and a precious unit in many teams, both for a the good support she brings and for the hard ATK power she has.
    She is a nice girl. Nothing more to say.

    Final verdict:
    I guess A-tier is a good tier for her. She can't be S-Tier despite all her good points because she is just very strong, not broken as f*ck.
    She deserve this tier for her stats and her destruction power. Even if she has a black point in her ability set. And some crazy player used her to rape Nidhogg in one turn. She can't be a bad girl.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #109

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    Mei is one of the girls in my current Helper Squad. She will also be a part in one of my Final Crit Teams.

    One of the very first girls where this section really shines. Her HP is a little bit under average (I checked the Wiki for that). I think most girls range from 19300 to slightly above 20K. By no means is her HP bad but it's her weakest stat.
    Her Atk. is excellent. 8232 is exactly what she needs for her offensive Ability Set. 3356 Defense is also Top Tier.

    Grading: A

    Skill Act. Chance and Skill Damage:
    x5,4 damage to one Enemy with 28% Skill Activation Chance on Skill Level 1 and 38% Skill Activation Chance on Skill Level 5.

    There are more Girls with such a High Singe Target Damage output than you think.

    None the less it especially works for her offensive Moveset. Crit and all that jazz

    Grading: A

    This is her "weakest" section in my opinion. It's still good but there are other Crit Rainbows with much better passives than her.

    22% Atk for the whole group. Slightly above average. Solid, not amazing.
    Increases Skill Activation Rate for party members up to 1.2x based on each member's affection. Solid Buff. An old friend of mine
    Starts the subjugation with the Light Gauge 50% filled. Don't get me started about it,please.
    Increases Critical Activation Rate for party members by 20%. Most Crit Rainbows have 20%. Good.
    Increases Critical Damage for party members by 30%. 30% Crit Damage Buff is good. However there is a better buff out there (maybe even two cause i think there is a girl who buffs for 35 %. Don't quote me on that though). 40% is the King of Crit Damage Buffs.

    Grading: Her Buffs are good but there are other Crit Girls with better Ability Sets than hers. B

    Conclusion: Mei is an amazing Crit-Nuker. Her job is to nuke one Enemy and she does it fairly well. I am happy i purchased her. I don't think she has S-Tier potential. She isn't broken. There are other Crit Girls with better passives but she has Amazing Stats and amazing SingleTarget Damage going for her.

    Final Grading: A-
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-15-2018 at 02:36 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  10. #110

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Ume's turn. So 4 more girls until the girl I actually own... *picked up and stamp 'Paper Only'*

    Now with 3 detailed reviews I wouldn't waste much space to talk. Let's get into it with this knightly flower knight.

    1. Raw stat: Little bit, like just a bit low on the HP side but get covered by high defense. 8200ish atk also helped a lot with offense oriented girl like her. In short, good.
    Grading: A

    2. Skill: 5.4x with 26% lv.1 and 34% top. Now it becomes standard for single target attack. It's a high standard however and it will get the job, killing a boss especially the pierce-weak one, done without problem. It also goes well with Ume's high atk as well.
    Grading: A

    3. Abilities: Atk buff and skill act boost is standard load out. One with decent % and another is always nice to have even though it's common.
    50% solar drive gauge is the same situation as Cattleya. It has its own use but not helping Ume's character in a single bit. A dead duckling as I said.
    Crit chance and boost combo are always good synergy. Work well with crit team and especially on Ume herself. 30% damage boost is not at top but close enough. Overall a nice set of abilities but why I think it's a little too bland...?
    Grading: B

    Final Verdict: Ume is a neat boss killer who clearly belongs in crit camp. Place her as a back line finisher and you're good to go with her. Nothing much to say more than this. Everything about her is good but basic, not much for super awesome or downright horrid. Base and basic as much as you can get. But sometimes, simple is best and I know someone like her professional mindset as a knight. A- for you the closed eyes girl.

    Extra: Again, not much to say. I do like her base and bloomed arts though. Base art is as Myrdin said and bloomed art is as maotd said. Oh and does she has Sharingan as secret weapon or something?
    Last edited by game2534; 06-15-2018 at 07:08 AM.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

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