View Poll Results: Which Tier does Black Baccara belongs to?

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  • S-Tier

    0 0%
  • A-Tier

    1 8.33%
  • B-Tier

    5 41.67%
  • C-Tier

    5 41.67%
  • D-Tier

    1 8.33%
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  1. #151

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    I almost forgot to rate Anemone (I guess a lot of us forgot... or lack of time).

    So, it's time for Anemone. Paper Only for obvious reasons.

    HP: Average. Not good but not aweful. She would be better with more HP since she is a counter but she can't have everything.
    ATK: She is the worst of the natural 6*. Thats almost a shame but she is a counter girl. Her ATK is her less important stat anyway.
    DEF: Same as HP. Not good, not too bad.But it's a bit annoying for a counter. it's supposed to be her more important stat.

    x1.8 damages on 3 target and then x0.5 damage on everyone. With 34% skill act.
    That's not bad at all. x1.8 damage 3 times is very good against a single boss. And that unique +0.5 on everyone is even better. On a single target she reach x5.9 damages. That's the highest damage factor of the whole game but... her ATK stat doesn't fit at all. But once again, she is a counter girl. Damages from ATK is just an extra. So, I'm okay with that.

    +30% ATK for all.
    Better than the average +20%/+22%. That's good. Not awesome on Counter Teams but still usefull anyway.

    +30% DEF, Guts and Def boost
    Basic stuff for a counter girl. +30% is more than decent, espacially if you have other girls with this kind of boost.
    If I'm not wrong with the Defending mechanics, more DEF mean more chance of defending. And if you defend AND counter at the same time, you will get super counter. In another words... DEF boost increase your Counter Damages, reduce taken damages, increase chance of reducing damages even more AND increase chance of Super Counter.

    100% Counter with x4 DEF + Super Counter
    Basic Counter Stuff. Super Counter works very well with the DEF boost for reasons above.

    +30% Crit Rate & +40% Crit damages
    At first sight, it seems a bit... strange. But actually, Crit works very well with Counter since Counter Damages can be Crit. And it work even better since Counter Damages are not affected by enemy DEF.
    +30% Rate & +40% Damage is really nice. Not enough to do counter all the time but since Counter girls will counter a LOT of time, it doesn't matter that much. It's an excellent ability to have in Counter Teams and it's pretty rare on Counter Girls.

    Team Build
    Obviously, she shines more than a 300% Solar Blast in a Counter Team. She is the first 6* counter ever and she is still one of the bests in that style. She can also have a place in Crit Teams I guess. Because she has a decent Crit. And even her Crit stuff can be intersesting in a Crit Team to gather a bit more damages if you don't win after the first turn.

    She is an excellent Counter. she is good in that style herself and extra good as Counter Support with her DEF buff and her Crit buff. She is a must have for both 100% defensive Counter of more offensive variations. And she has a little spot in Crit Team. Her stats are too low but her skill is very good and her abilities are awesome. Good girl.

    Final verdict:
    She is clearly a top A Tier for me. She is one of the pillar of the Counter style, espacially the offensive Counter Style. But she can't be S Tier because she can't carry anything by herself. She must fight as support for THE best Counter girl in the world.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  2. #152

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Ola tos Amigos !

    I felt burned out and didn't really have the energy to write anything here, but now that I am back on track to the mofufu land of new week starting lets get to i ~

    I`ll be trying to get both girls out today. Starting with Hanamono to catch up on the previous one and then going straight for Anewaifu. If I dont make it today I will supplement Anewaifu on a later date since while we do have a schedule here, its all in good terms and as such missing the deadline doesn't mean you are banned from talking about the girl on a later date. So while I will try to get Anewaifu out today, I cant promise anything as my reviews tend to be a tad bit longer

    So this one is for Hanamono / Flower Peach

    or as I love to call her

    MACE LOLI CHAN ! *add the DZZZZZZZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM sound from Inception*

    Her stats overall are pretty ok.
    Sure there are girls with higher this and higher that, but those girls tend to have weaker abilities in return. Only those girls who are intentionally made strong have both. Standard 6* HP, standard 6* DMG, and a substandard Defense is what you get with the Intergalactic mace of destruction wealding loli.

    "BUT Hey Myrdin, stop right there ! Sure these are pretty standard stats but they aint so great!"

    Well then my fluffy wuffy mochi kun /mmmmm mochi....nom nom nom :3/, sure you would be slightly right. Her stats aint anything stellar, but what makes up for it a bit is her above average speed.

    Rocking insane 695. Just 5 points short to 700 this love crazed loli comes at you fast like a speeding Train, and packs just as much of a punch !

    Ultimate skill chance is the usual 28-38% under the new patch.
    Her skill itself was once a pretty unique thing that had one of the highest modifiers in the game. Not so rare these days anymore, if her affection is maxed you get 5.4x damage multiplier since the damage is affected by her affection ranging from 5-5.4
    I hope someone revisits this girl and makes the number higher like 5.8 or something, so it can keep its unique quirk.

    Anyway, thats hell of a punch coming from this sweet little thing.

    Skill wise, this little loli chan has answered my prayers and at the time when there was not a single Blunt type girls with Crit other than Cactus she came charging forward packing nice Crit based skill once bloomed. This is something people seems to miss when rating but that is internal synergy and type of the girl. But more of that at the end of this section.

    Lets take a look at the passives of our Little Hanamono shall we ?
    *Damage buff 22% - bog standard thing, moving on
    *Defense buff for the team 15%, Guard rate 3.7% buffs and Guts !
    Now people seem to think that this is a gimmick on her, because of her low Defense. Let - me - tell - you, straight up - thats bullshit !
    This ability of hers has tanked so many high powered attacks from top tier Bosses and max level Aqua shadow girls, and came on top giving her another round to smack that giant ball of death into them one more time before dying.
    This ability is underrated on her, just due to lower Def stat value, but this is similar like with Keria - Damage oriented girl with one survival skill, that can make hell of a difference. Do not underestimate this. Get her the personal equipment, Give her a nice Whaleship shop item to improve on those stats and with Ampies this skill will trigger plenty of times to make a difference.
    *Crit Activation Rate and Crit Damage. 15% rate and 30% damage is pretty standard. Some girls like Ume have been buffed up to Damage 50 but thats irrelevant. This is still a good skill combination as it offers the whole Crit package and already work into its own synergy.
    *Boss Fight 20%
    *Boss DMG 15%

    Another fantastic combination of skill, just like with the Critical, Hanamono packs two amazing abilities that help exactly where needed the most, that being > BOSS FIGHTS. To translate this thats a whole whopping 35% extra damage against the big baddy. Add to that the standard 22% damage buff and we are looking at some very nice damage output, that can ALSO CRIT !
    And make no mistake - I have run through all the Boss Fight and Boss Dmg girls out there and let me tell you those stats are in the mid upper range and when combined they are much better than just one of the skills being 30%

    No Bullshit here > I have seen my Hanamono by herself turn a loosing fight into win, simply by hitting with her Ultimate that proceed Critical and smashing for Insane damage. On average she deals around 150 000 damage to the Whaleship Crystal on her own. The best I`ve seen her do was around 280 / 300 000, which was when the random team put her together with her Critical team Friends thus buffing that damage further.

    So what do we have here ?
    4 Abilities that synergizes well with each other, pushing the overall party buff and damage much further than if she had only one of those.
    This by itself already places her into B+, adding the rest of up this girl is breaking into A tier without even breaking sweat, simply by just how much she brings into any team.
    If she had skill activation to boot, next to her other skills I would argue her scraping the S tier.

    Now here I will return to the thing mentioned at the beginning - Internal/External Synergy and Rarity of type.
    This is something that is very important. you cant just plop random skills onto a girl and think she will be auto A tier +
    Those skills need to make sense and need to supplement each other, further pushing the Victory line. A good example of this is Saffron whose entire kit revolves around Defense, or Scotch Broom who is purely a Solar Blast Battery.
    Hanamono is perfect example of a that with her Crit rate, Crit damage and Boss Fight, VS Boss damage combos. Each of these abilities are nice to have, but only when put together with their second half are they really shinning. So her internal synergy is spot on. Yes the guts might be considered a weird one out, but I get it. Its a supplement skill just like Kerrias Dodge, thats meant to keep the high damage output of the girl going for a little bit longer.
    The other factor is External synergy which is how well does she work with a team. And since all of Hanamonos skill affect her team mates as well she works in any type of team since her buffs affect all her friends.

    Now what do I mean with Rarity of type ?
    It is a girl with a particular set of skills and how rare those skills are in her character type.
    Example is Crit for Magic girls. There are maybe 3 girls in the entire game who are magic type and have Crit.
    This works for almost any skill in the game other than the paper cut skill act, and basic damage buff.

    If the girls of a certain type is the only one or one of very very few girls in that type category that has this skill, this automatically bumps up her overall score in tier listing, as it allows you to build multi type teams (meaning 1 girl of each type). This is the one thing I have noticed people seem to miss when rating the girls who have this trait - not just in this thread since we are only few girls deep right now - but overall in the conversation as well.
    If you have a girl whom has a skill that isnt usually found in her type/color that allows you for better more diverse team building thus capitalizing on the weakness against certain types of enemies > which you always will have at least once if you build your team with one girl of each type > it makes the whole process much better and easier. A very important factor especially when bigger strategies and external synergies are considered.
    Definitely keep an eye on it when rating a girl who has a peculiar set of skills thats rare for her damage type

    Overall rating: Solid A/A+

    Visuals and misc.
    Hufff.... so this got quite long, but finally we are at the last part.
    So to get this out right now - I fucking hate Hanamonos VA. That voice is so horribly bad and absolutely unfitting that character I wonder who selected that woman to make the voice over for this girl. When I look at Hanamono I imagine a completely different voice coming out of her mouth, instead of that horrible grating, screeching, hammer smashing into iron plates reverberating noise that is her VA voice. Uuuugh God help us all if that women gets to dub more characters in this game. *Shakes his mofu fist at the sky furiously*

    Now as for her art style I`ll try to keep it quick. Its nicely drawn, the color palette is consistent and all 3 artworks fit well together, not causing any internal discourse in between the colors themselves. The first two ones are fairly cute and adorable, the last one is a bit meh, giving me the "Overly attached girlfriend" feeling. Though I suppose it fits Hanamonos setting since she is a maiden crazily in love with you.
    The pink little loli has also earned herself an adorable alternate skin, that being her dreamy, coveted "Bride Hanamono".
    Again the artist stuck to the overall theme and those feel well put in place to how she is presented. Plus it has some adorable animations. Unlike some of the loli girls who are pretending to be innocent and fluffy Hanamono actually is all of those things and its kinda funny to watch her love filled head cope with it.
    On a side note, she is the little sister of Peach, who is an absolutely bombshell of a woman, and if we are to go by her current looks which are already pretty nice, we can make a fair call that once grown up Hanamono would easily rival her big sisters beauty
    Last edited by Myrdin; 07-03-2018 at 03:13 AM.

  3. #153

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    About Anemone:
    Don't worry, maotd.
    I didn't forget to rate Anemone. I just wanted to break the tradition that the first vote was always mine. That's all
    I agree with everything maotd already said. Since i expect that all of us have similar opinions about Anemone i will make it short and simple this time.

    Before Anewaifu got her insane buffs (seriously though devs love this girl as much as the japanese fanbase do) i would have rate her B-Tier.

    However after her buff she combines two of the best/popular archetypes (In my opinion there are basically four archetypes which shine the most. The Competetive Pillars if you will. Counter, Crit, Debuff, Solarblast) in one package. Both of these archetypes harmonize very well with each other. Only Drawback of Anemone is her weak Statline but her Ability Package and Skill Damage compensate for that.

    She is relatively boring to rate cause her strength is extremely obvious. I am more looking forward to the next girl (Dogwood). Evaluating her should be more interesting since we don't talk much about SB Girls in our little subforum.

    I rate Anemone A-Tier

    I like Anemone as a Girl and Unit.
    It just gets old that she constantly ranks 2th Place over and over again.
    Last edited by Wutan; 07-03-2018 at 07:40 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  4. #154

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Finally some free time to write a long essay, and for the girl I actually own.

    Anemone is the very first counter girl in FKG, back then they need to balance her out with many things and then they rebuff her back. She is very popular among Japanese fans as well. Frankly, me included. So let's see if my favoritism will affect my ranking or not...

    1. Raw stat: As said, Anemone suffered a lot with the lowest atk among rainbows, okayish HP and def and low spd. This section about her is very depressing to write and grading...
    Grading: C-

    2. Skill: 1.8x 3 times and extra 0.5x on all. If focus on one target you'll get 5.9x which is highest multiplier in current game. However its potential suffered from her low atk. It can be offset with amping and high atk accessory though.
    Grading: S-

    3. Abilities: Her abysmal stat is offset with awesome abilities however. Anemone owned some of the best abilities combo in the game.
    -Atk+30% is useful for increasing her skill damage. Universally useful for ally as well. It also om a rather high% buff as well.

    -Crit rate+30% and Crit damage+40% are always a nice combo, both are on high tier for each category as well. She will prove a nice additional in crit team with this combo.

    -Counter with 4x with chance for super counter, as the first counter girl, this ability made her one of the great pillar of counter team, not the cornerstone though. Anemone has decently high def so super counter will activate frequently. 8x damage from def is not something you want to make fun off.

    -Def+30% with chance for guts 3 times... Guts ability can make or break the battle especially if enemy has insane atk and accuracy buff combo, and this especially true for counter girls. Def boost also increase counter damage and reduce damage whenever defend. It made counter shine even brighter.
    Grading: A+

    Team building: I will write this section if I have the girl, else I'll just skip this.
    Anemone can go with 3 buildings.
    Pure offense: Just go with crit team and she will support and attack well in one package. Don't underestimate her skill just because her atk is low. You will be surprised...
    Pure def: In short, full counter. Stack as much def accessory and girls with def boost ability and well... unless the enemy is super broken that can oneshot you no matter what build (I look at you, Aqua Shadow stages) You will definitely outlast them.
    Hybrid: This one is trickiest to build but benefit from both crit and counter abilities. It can be 2counters/3crits or 3/2. 2/2/1wildcard is also possible with this build since damage from counter can be critical and deal immense damage thanks to crit damage buff. This build is the hardest but has highest flexiblity as well.

    Final Verdict: Anemone served me well ever back in Nutaku and she continue to be even better. Countless times she saved me from defeat with her awesome skill. So well I guess I will disagree with maotd about her skill damage being secondary source, Anemone is the perfect hybrid that allow you to mold her into any build you want. I do agree though, that she can't really carry the team all by herself because she's more of the supporter. So here Anemone, A rank badge with the edge of + attached.

    Extra: I wonder why she is cursed with eternal 2nd place... I do love her though, just not as much as Saffron. Her violet hair and personality strike me good. The absolute trust she put in me made me want to answer in kind. She is also the second strongest girl in my team. Wait... even in my team she is stuck with 2nd place isn't it!?
    Last edited by game2534; 07-03-2018 at 07:26 AM.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  5. #155
    Alright. A day off can release some stress and let the mind focus better. Now I can finally focus on my first natural 6* that I got on DMM: Anemone.

    Let's look at her stats first. I see Anemone as the "all rounder" character as a rainbow. For those not familiar with the phrase, it is sometimes used for characters in games that do no specifically excel in a certain aspect but a good enough in all aspects to be considered a solid character. Her HP is pretty decent compared to some girls we've covered so far. Her ATK is a bit disappointing but she has a decent DEF stat that ties to later info in this topic.

    Now I must mention her skill Thunder Dragon Lance. Ever since I have had had Anemone, I've seen this skill of hers always hitting enemies at a high frequency. And I mean hitting them HARD! But I think it is cool that her ability not only attacks 3 times (albeit randomly to single targets) but that she also then finishes with an all encompassing attack. Even if the last attack is weaker, it is still sometimes that last little bit of damage needed to clean things up. Very nice skill!

    Anemone's abilities are really where she begins to shine. Standard ATK increase for team, nothing special there. Now the other skills are where things get good. She counters enemies 100% of the times. While not having the most stellar DEF stats, she has enough in my opinion to hit back hard enough with the 4x effect. Like Red Ginger, she also gets the Super Counter to have the chance to hit back especially hard. Very nice! She also helps out the defense of her team by 30%, reduces damage 5.3% when defending, and can resist fainting up to 3 times. Those are some very nice defensive abilities to bring to a team. Then she increases the critical damage by 40% and crit activating rate by 30%. This makes her a great addition for crit focused teams. It further enhances her skill to where she can hit even harder with critical hits multiple times. Really great stuff there!

    Overall, Anemone is a very solid unit that I can see why she has high popularity. While she does not approach broken status, she is truly a gem to have among your rainbows. I give her a very solid A Tier rating.

    Waifu analysis
    Anemone is certainly cute. Her hair is long and purple, not too common a color oddly enough among the FKG cast of ladies. While her armor covers a lot, it does not take anything away from her voluptuous form. While she may not have OPPAI epic levels like Red Ginger or an ass that drops your jaw, she still has the bang in her curves that are very pleasant to behold. She has a somewhat timid personality but nothing to where it is irritating and a pleasing voice. Overall a nice waifu to have and don't blame others for desiring: A Tier
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  6. #156

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    Anemone Discussion is over.
    Every vote was an A-Tier vote. Therefore she will join the
    A-Tier Squad.

    Next Girl:
    Deadline: 10.07.2018

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  7. #157

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    I have waited for this discussion cause we don't talk about SB much. I have got Dogwood a month ago and have a little bit experience using her. Just to say it right now: I see enormous potential in her!!!

    Before i talk about Dogwood as a Unit i want to talk about Solarblast in general cause this section will play a big role in her Final Grading.

    About Solarblast:

    In my opinion SB is one of the strongest Archetypes in the entire game. Especially for Dolphins or Sharks cause for all other Archetypes you'll need Skill Levels and Equipment Slots to achieve their Full Potential. You don't need those for Solarblast Teams (still helps the girls increasing their damage outside of the Solarblast Phase) cause their Damage isn't dependant on stats. Getting Equipment Slots etc. might not be a problem for whales but for us dolphins it definetely is.

    Here is a picture demonstrating how much damage a dedicated Solarblast Team can cause:

    Here is the damage formula btw:
    [ (Overall Force of your parties) / (10 * Number of your own parties [1 ~ 4]) - (enemy's defense / 4) ] * [1.01 + 0.01 * (Number of your own parties [1 ~ 4]) ] * (Ability Multiplier)

    SB Girls are also really helpfull on Whaleship battles (which are some of the hardest maps in the entire game especially the new Maps where Whaleship Bosses attack 4 times in a row) cause they fill your Gauge much faster (optimum is 300% of course) allowing you to fire of a devastating SB at the start of each Whaleship Boss Encounter. That allows you to fill the stagger meter much faster.
    The only real downside of SB Teams is that you can't use them on Raidboss Battles. But is that really worth mentioning?
    I don't think so cause it doesn't really matter how good your team performs on simple Raid Bosses. You don't get anything if you nuke them.

    But now let us begin with Dogwood's Grading, shall we?

    Stats: (S-Tier)

    20186 HP, 8164 Atk and 3190 Defense. WOW. Dogwood's stats are freakin amazing and balanced. Good HP, high Attack (which is usefull for her Ability set) and nice defense. She has one of the highest Total Power in the entire game.

    Skill Damage and Skill Activation: (B-Tier)

    Deals 3.8x damage to 2 enemies
    24% (Lv1) → 34% (Lv5)

    Her Skill Damage is pretty good for harder maps if you encounter two bosses at the same time. Her Skill Activation is nothing worth mentioning to be honest. 24 % on Level 1 and 34 % on Level 5 is the weakest Act. Rate amongst Rainbows. This section is good, not amazing though.

    Abilities: (S-)

    Starts the subjugation with the Light Gauge 100% filled.
    Remember how often we criticised this Ability??? Well on a dedicated SolarBlast Girl this Ability is a godsend. Starting with 100 % Light Gauge means you only need another 200 % from other girls and you can fire the strongest possible Solar Blast at the start of each Map.
    She is the only girl granting you 100 %, all other girls fill the meter only by 50 %.

    Increases Attack for party members by 25% per 100% Solar Drive used (Up to 75%).
    Other than Choco Lily's Ability this Ability works for the whole map. Remember that in the best case Scenario you have 300 % Light Gauge at the start of each map making this Ability an instant 75 % Atk increase for the whole party!!!

    Increases Solar Drive's effectiveness by 70%.
    Another Staple for SB Girls. Increases the effectiveness of your SB.

    Increases Skill Activation Rate for party members up to 1.2x based on each member's affection.
    Nice to have especially if you use a First Turn Skill Activation SB Squad.

    In all honesty the only real downside of her Ability Package: She only has four Abilities. However The sheer power of those Abilities compensates for that.


    The basic premise is to pair her up with other SB-Girls which have the following Abilities:

    Increases Solar Drive's effectiveness by 70%. Bread and Butter for SB. Without it SB doesn't function properly.
    Starts the subjugation with the Light Gauge 50% filled. If you want to maximize SB you want to be sure to fire it off (at 300%) asap. This Ability enables that.
    Increases Shine Crystal drop rates for party members by 25%. It's nice to have this Ability. Collects necessary Shine Crystals faster which allows you to use SB more frequently.

    Recommendation: Dogwood+Scotch Broom make an excellent SB Core. Scotch Broom also has the "increased Atk per Solar Blast" Ability. It's a little bit worse though.
    After a 300 % Solarblast these two girls alone buff your group atk for 155%!!!

    Another Recommendation:
    Coral Bush for First Turn Action.

    Dogwood is the queen of SB. In my opinion one of the strongest Archetype in the entire game.
    You could argue that she ain't broken by herself but she is the stable in every SB Team and contributes the most to the success of this broken Archetype (Remember Solar Blast deals insane damage).
    This might shock some of you but i wholeheartedly believe Dogwood belongs to S-Tier and i stand by it.

    Final Verdict:
    Last edited by Wutan; 07-09-2018 at 01:55 AM. Reason: Kurenai clarified that SB doesn't ignore Defense. Thanks,bud :)

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  8. #158

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    I waited for Dogwood. I'm not a big fan of her (she was even my least favorite 6* on Nutaku a long time ago) but she has some unique assets. Let's go! (with Paper Only tag)

    HP: She has average HP with 20,186. That's not bad but not good. But, due to her game style, she don't really need good stats.
    ATK: She is in the top girls here. And that's good because it works well with her abilities.
    DEF: Same as ATK. She has a good DEF stats but she don't really need it after all.

    3.8x damage to 2 enemies, 34% skill activation.
    It's my least favorite skill type (or should I say, the only one I don't like at all and I avoid as much as possible) so, I can't say it's a good point for her. Damage to 2 enemies is too... not effective. Damages are too low for a single target (like big lonely bosses) and can't hit everyone in pests groups (unless it's a group of 2 pests but that's a bit rare).
    But, it's a not that bad ability on Aquashadow missions since some of them has groups of 2 bosses.

    And that's where and why she shines. A lot. Like the sun. I don't know where I can start. I will just start with the easiest ability I guess.

    x1.2 skill rate for all
    Same like every girls with that ability. It's good. Very common but always apreciated. For her and above all for her team mates.

    +70% Solar Blast damages
    SB is too underrated. Especially now with the 300% gauge. The only flaw of this game style is the need of a full 6* team to be efficient. You can't use 5* as placeholder or you will loose too much power unlest Crit team or Counter Team.
    I don't know how it works exactly but SB damages is not an addition of all SB damages multipliers. Two +70% SB damages don't give you +140% but more. That's mean, +70% will give +70% if she is alone (and that's not that awesome) but a lot more if you use more and more SB girls. And that' how you reach insane amount of damages.
    (I tried with my 5*. I should reach +100% with 3 +20%, one +15% and one +25% but it give me +148%).
    Based on my test it seems it's: current SB bonus + xx% (bonus given by the girl) + 0.xx * current SB bonus.
    With bit more maths (please stay here!) on my example we have:
    We start with a +0% SB bonus
    1st girl (+20% SB):
    0% + 20% + 0.0 * 20% = +20% SB damages
    2nd girl (+20% SB):
    20% + 20% + 0.20 * 20% = +44% SB damages
    3rd girl (+20% SB):
    44% + 20% + 0.20 * 44% = +72.8% SB damages
    4th girl (+15% SB):
    72.8% + 15% +0.15 * 72.8% = +98.72% SB damages
    5th girl (+25% SB):
    98.72% + 25% + 0.25 * 98.72 = +148.4% SB damages.
    And that's how we reach our +148% insead of the +100% expected. I hope I'm clear with how SB seems to be calculated. Because this is why SB team are so powerful.

    Now, back to our dear Dogwood and her Solar Blast dream team. If every girl bring a +70% SB damages we will have a little +2314% SB damages if my formula is right and if there is no SB damages cap. A full 6* SB team gives you a bit more than 23 times more damages than a single 100% blast. And that's a lot of damages.

    +25% ATK each 100% SB used
    That's sound not good the first time but we are in a SB team. It's easy to reach 300% SB at the start of the mission. Above that, you don't even need to use all the SB gauge fillers in your SB team. You can put some of them in others teams (even if thoses teams will be a bit weaker) and pick all the bests girls for your SB team.
    That's said, it will just give you +75% ATK for the whole team at the start of the fight. Just enough to finish the bosses if SB don't burned their bones.

    Start with 100% filled gauge
    It's just twice the highest SB filling for a 6*. Just with one Dogwood, you have 1/3 for the needed gauge to get her highest ATK boost and a broken ATK. It's the best SB filling of the whole game. That's awesome. Nothing more to say about that.

    Team Build
    Maybe her worst default. she is a Solar Blast girls, she remains to the solar Blast family and she will never leave it. SB girls alones are just meh girls. They will be OP only when they work together. And that's also why a SB team is harder to build. You must use the bests girls to reach the best build. Unless the other styles where you have a lot of possible builds, SB is more brainless. Get as much SB boost possible + Dogwood, click the death button and wait until the end.

    SB is underrated, Dogwood is underrated. By herself she is not that strong unless some owerknown superstars but with the right friends she can be more murderous than every Crit team (almost).
    Her abilities are perfect and she became the symbol of Solar Blast (at least for me) like Saffron is the Symbol of Counter.

    Final verdict:
    In almost every Final Verdict I say I put girls on S tier onyl if they are able to do all by herselves and carry their teams to victory but that time, even if Dogwood can't do that, I will give a her S Tier anyway.
    It's not the same S Tier than Kerria or Saffron. If we rate her with the same criteria, she is not even B Tier. But She deserves a S Tier for two reasons. First, Solar Blast is extremely powerful if you useit correctly. And Dogwood is the best SB user, far over all the others.
    Second, Dogwood is THE best Solar Blast girl and the only one with 100% gauge filled ability. She is THE must have for EVERY Solar Blast team just like Saffron is the must have for every Counter Team. You can't build a serious Solar Blast team without Dogwood. That's all. And I have no waifu feeling about Dogwood.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #159

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Wow, 2 S-tier on the girl I least expected? This is quite a surprise! Let's see if I ended up in the same conclusion or not.

    Hanamizuki or well, Dogwood is much less mouthful. Dogwood is very underappreciated girl back then, and even now some would think she is not so good. But if you are like me, you will see her VERY often in ally list even not in dedicated SD team. And there's a reason for it. So now why don't we see why Dogwood is so popular?

    1. Raw stat: Her base stat is very all-round, balanced, and on the higher end. She also has high speed to balance or break team speed as well. Every stat is higher than my cut off and it help her while waiting for solar drive gauge to filled up. Don't underestimated her outside of SD.
    Grading: S-

    2. Skill: deal 3.8x damage on 2 targets with 24-34% Now with newly rebuff for many girls it quite pale compare to others. It can do the job however.
    Grading: B+

    3. Abilities: This section is the most difficult to write because unless you experience the power of her abilities yourself, she's extremely pale on book. Dogwood will show you she's not just American wannabe however...
    -1.2 Skill act boost is common, but it will help you a lot while you wait for SD gauge to filled. And if you place Dogwood in any team as wild card, then it will help you as usual.
    -The rest three abilities sync together very well so I will group them as one. First you have 100% SD gauge filled at start of mission. We trash talked this ability back then because it help almost nothing to the character, this time is different, not only it help a lot in SD build it also help increasing atk for the team with her increases Attack for party members by 25% per 100% Solar Drive used and it capped at 75% max. This ability made Dogwood worth as wild card in any team if you don't have full team yet because... well 75% atk boost unconditional is great right?
    The last ability is of course, needed for SD team with 70% damage boost for SD With maotd already calculated damage for me you will see why SD is great when stacked enough. And well, Dogwood is the cornerstone of this build. Her ability helped a lot in Whaleship stage as well.
    Grading: S (for SD team, otherwise A- as wild card)

    Team building: Obviously than any obvious, Dogwood is staple if not cornerstone of SD team. You can however, use her as wild card in any team if you need big atk boost or skill act boost. She is extremely valuable in whaleship stage as Wutan had said, 100% gauge filled means only 200% to go for full blast and even 1 blast can change between win and lose now that boss in whaleship stage can whoop you hard 4 times a turn. So the quicker you can break boss, the better chance for you to win, and Dogwood can help you turns the tide of battle with her ability.

    Final Verdict: S as S in our meaning goes with 'turn the tide of battle' and 'deals enough damage to nuke everything' and Dogwood fit the first condition and partly fit the second. I already describe why she can turn the tide of battle (whaleship only though) and with optimal SD team, she can deal huge, def ignored damage to any bosses. So she deserved the first S in the rainbow army.

    Extra: Good god I cannot described how much I used to hate her because I thought SD was suck. (It is now though, but with correct setup it becomes super broken instead) It turned out, I can never be more wrong. When I first got her from Danjou ticket I felt 'meh, her?' as I never a fan of SD. She proved me wrong however as she carry the team so well with huge atk boost. When SD was revamped and you can stack it up to 300%, her worth went skyrocket as she became super popular with helper team. Even her voice which I used to loath becomes very cute and soothing too. I guess Dogwood turns form 'bad first impression' to 'very dearly girl' in my team. with Stock as close second. Which will be talked about if this forum stay until then.
    Last edited by game2534; 07-08-2018 at 09:22 AM.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  10. #160

    Join Date
    May 2016
    A bit late but at last.
    Aint no one chainin this rebel mofu >:3

    Just kidding. So lets get to it and make it quick this time:

    a.k.a Anewaifu

    Her stats are well spread and while some may say her def or Hp is to low for a counter girl..... Anemone is no longer just a counter girl (we will get to that later so hang on). She is a bit on the slower side of things with only 400 speed though.

    3x 1.8 to single random enemy and then 0.5 to all after wards.
    While the 0.5 after doesnt seem like much, thats still an additional hit. Other girls with this skill do not have that, so thats Anemones unique something.
    Activation rate is the same as usual, nothing to write home about nor be ashamed of.


    Ok here its where it gets interesting:

    Standard DMG Buff - of whooping 30% ! Much stronger than the usual 22% so definitely a plus

    Counter/Super counter at 4x. Not the strongest, but not the weakest either. Was pretty good back in the day though.

    Defense/Guard/Guts - this is one of the best skills in game since its 3 different skills put into one and stucks well with any girl really, the higher her defense the better. Plus it benefits the whole team as well.

    Crit Rate and Damage : Ok so Anewaifu got buffed not relatively recently and this turned her into semi broken nonsense as far as skill in vacuum go.
    She has a 30% activation rate and 40% Crit damage. Holy shit of the shitting stone. I believe there are maybe two other girls who have this skill this high (Kuko and Loquat) in both rate and dmg. Insane

    Ok so the thing with Anewaifu is that for a long time she was one of the prime Counter girls with nice Active ability. This all changes when she underwent a massive overhaul with her Bloom that turned her into a Crit girl. Not half assed one, not semi decent one, but a full fledged Crit girl that has also Full Fledged Counter due the Def/Guts buff.

    This by itself makes her broken. Not in the damage terms but in terms of identity and her depoyment in squads. Both Crit and Counter are two prime skills and you do not put them together. Especially not if both parts of the skill setup have its secondary buffing skill (Crit Rate and Damage. Counter and Def buff).

    I am tempted to give her S- tier simply because of the skill setup. Its more like A++ Or S--. Somewhere in the middle. But personally I think with the overall utility and the way she has been setup Anemone is S tier albeit of a different sort than either Saffron or Kerria.

    Now for waifu factor.... well... its Anewaifu. What shoul i say
    This girl has 2 or 3 additional forms, due to how popular she is. And only after several new girls finally came out she lost her prime position in the popularity poll. Finally. Honestly I didnt like her for a looong long time simply due to the crazy hype everyone sprouted around her. I think it wasnt justified. Her personality is on the warm/shy/composed side of things. Her looks are OK-ish, though nothing that literally speaks to me. But she is not unlikebale.
    I have the Miko version and that one is plenty cute. But I have a weakness for the whole Miko aesthetics and such. I dont think I have the second version of her... not even sure what it was, but eh.
    Anewaifu is just....there. She is not the shining diamond, but nor is she the dirty coal. She is the ever present and dependable like a solid rock and stone. Always with you, always prepared and ready. Always useful. She just ...IS.
    And sometimes that is all you need.

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