View Poll Results: Which Tier does Black Baccara belongs to?

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  • S-Tier

    0 0%
  • A-Tier

    1 8.33%
  • B-Tier

    5 41.67%
  • C-Tier

    5 41.67%
  • D-Tier

    1 8.33%
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Results 181 to 190 of 225
  1. #181
    Okay! This time it is Pink! I honestly do not have any experience with this character. Only times I have seen her is on a few ally teams and she seemed pretty decent to where I could see she has some fans.


    Starting of with her HP stat, it is not all that high to be honest. But that seems to be the case with a lot of slice rainbows. They can end up as glass cannons. And wow! Her ATK stat is outrageously high! above 8600? Damn. Well at least one thing is for sure: If she only gets one hit, she is going to hit like a ton of bricks! And the nice feature is to round it out is that she has a pretty decent defense stat. So she will likely last more than one round. Overall I like her stats despite the disappointing HP.

    Her skill is an AOE, which is always nice, and has about the same power of other rainbow girls with AOE abilities. So she really doesn't excel beyond anyone but neither falls short in that either. As for abilities, she has the standard decent increase in ATK for her party. She increases her own skill activation rate depending on her current skill level. This is probably her best ability as it can help her hit all the pests more frequently. But you have to invest into her to make it worthwhile. Now her boss abilities are somewhat disappointing. Compared to some of the best Boss units, increasing ATK by 20% is not all that great when Sakura is 35% and Pinkladies is 25%. Pink does beat both of them at Boss DMG at 15% compared to their 12%, but 3% difference doesn't really seem all that significant. SO she isn't likely to be the must have rainbow for boss killing, but she'll certainly fit in on a team for that purpose.

    Her last ability is probably the worst and weakest point to her: Healing when hitting a nest panel. That is really only around in early game. With most of us at the levels we are at and the game at the point of development where it's at, this ability is practically useless. Nest panels are now often placed to where you can't reach and destroy them. Really sad. If FKG needs to do anything about it, they should change it to healing when encounter map roaming pests to make her more worthwhile in this sense.

    Judgment: All in all, Pink is a very solid girl. But she has a few things that work against her. She's not top tier boss killer material, her HP is less than desirable, and has a trash ability holding her back. All things considered, there are other girls who made it into A tier that really earned those spots. I have a harder time putting Pink in those same ranks but can understand why others felt she deserved it. But for me she falls just short: B+

    Waifu judgment

    Honestly, she is a cute girl. But er color scheme really comes off as washed out to me. Almost like a water coloring artwork. Nothing stands out that makes her give me that "wow" feeling. She isn't even very curvy. I can see how she can be the waifu of many, but not for this particular ninja.
    C Tier
    Last edited by ShadwNinjaX; 07-30-2018 at 07:08 PM.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  2. #182

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    Thank you for voting, guys.

    We have a problem though cause the final results don't point in a 100% certain direction:
    2X B-Vote
    2X A-Vote

    That's the first time this happened.
    What should we do?

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  3. #183

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    Do not fear, Mofu is here !

    If you want, you can take my rating without writing a long post
    C tier

    This girl is nowhere near A tier. I think people are a bit overly generous with the last few ratings, everything is A/B.
    But the fact is that no, bunch of them are not.

    Low HP, Good DMG low Def. Ok speed. 2/3 stats are lack luster.

    This gril, has Skill act, so that automatically makes her a C- tier according to my ratings
    Next - Healing panel - worthless in maps, only semi useful in Whaleship (maybe... I havent got healing panels in there yet despite having Choco chan in my WS team)
    Boss Dmg 15% and Boss Fight 20%
    (Wiki keep crashing for me today at all, dunno why... thank you my Knights Quarters extensive listings for giving me the info I need).

    Artwork: which is unrelated, is very beatiful, bunch of details and highlighted accessories and overall well done. Same with her 5* version which I assume once promoted will be much better then her native 6* form, and also has cute artwork so Win Win.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 07-31-2018 at 03:35 AM.

  4. #184

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    Maybe we were too generous giving her an A? I can see that.
    Yep i will take your vote into account. Since you voted C-Tier her Final Grading is leaning more towards B-Tier than A-Tier.

    I have to disagree with you about giving her C-Tier though. I think we should give her at least some credit for having the highest Atk. in the game and her defense is rank 20 of all Natural Rainbows. That's not bad either considering she is not supposed to be a defensive girl. Her HP is definitely low though.

    Please don't forget that she has superior Skill Act.
    1,36x Skill Activations is almost double the amount of Skill.Act you normally get. It basically means you get two girls for one in terms of Skill.Act

    In the end considering all five votes i will give her B-Tier. I think we have to make a new rule if votes end up in a draw though. We can't always rely on an additional vote provided by someone like Myrdin did this time.

    Thanks for that,bud
    I appreciate it.

    On average we are usually only 4 guys voting so this could easily happen again. Does anyone have any ideas how we should handle this in the future?
    Since the Show must go on here is the next Girl we will judge based on battle capabilities:
    Deadline: 05.08.2018
    Last edited by Wutan; 07-31-2018 at 03:12 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  5. #185

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    Yeah, I guess A-Tier is a bit too high for her. A Tier should be for must have girls but not broken enough to belong in the realm of S Tier. I'm ok with B Tier.

    About the new rule, we could use Letter+, Letter and Letter- tiering? Some of use use them already. For example, with Pink, we have:
    A, A--, B & B.
    It's closer to plain B than plain A so, B Tier.

    And to calculate it without doubt, we could give ach letter a value.

    S worth 5
    A worth 4
    B worth 3
    C worth 2
    D worth 1

    + means Letter value +0.5
    - means letter value -0.5.
    Then, we can do the mean of all the votes and choose the closer letter to the final value.

    Or if we got a draw again we could just have an extra discussion to see if someone want to change his vote. Like here. I gave her a A Tier but after a bit more reflexion she is better with a B Tier. And if after extra discussion the girl is still stuck between two Tier, we can just put her on the border between thoses tiers.
    Last edited by maotd; 07-31-2018 at 03:23 PM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  6. #186

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    Yep Pink is basically the definition of "Not a Must Have. But Nice to Have" xd. I suspect the majority of Knights will either end up in B-Tier or C-Tier. Especially the newer natural 6* are all suspected candidates for C-Tier unfortunately.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  7. #187

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    Yeah but if all 6* deserve a A Tier or S Tier it would be too balanced and tiering would be meanless. A good and balanced power repartition should be very rare S Tier, few A Tier, a great amount of B Tier, a small amount of C Tier and a few D Tier. If we dont get this, maybe we should rethink our tiering system.

    Right now we have a lot of A Tier but that because we just started and most of the very old 6* are amazingly unbalanced at all. As you said, the newer ones would be more often B Tier or C Tier with some exceptions.
    Last edited by maotd; 07-31-2018 at 03:28 PM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  8. #188
    Honestly, I am fine with the suggestions so far. In truth that is what influenced my decision when I really thought about it. S-Tier is for the absolutely broken girls. A-Tier are the rainbows that aren't broken but must haves that you should definitely be excited to get. B Tier are the girls that aren't must haves but certainly nice to have. C and D tiers are when major weaknesses are exposed overall for the girl just as we pointed out with Cattleya and Daisy.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  9. #189

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    You might have noticed that I`ve been using + and -
    To me girl is automatically a minimum C- if she has only skill act. Anything else, starts to add up on that and push her higher. If she doesnt have Skill act she starts from D. I always consider internal and external synergy. Not a "one skill one point" but more of a "how do these skills work with each other (Boss/Boss fight. Crit/Crit dmg. SolarB/Crystal/Light gauge, etc) in the context of the stats and theme of the knight in question. And how does the knight in question work in sinergy with other knights and can you achieve any type of build with her, or are her skills a complete a complete mess of random abilities that have no clear direction and leave you wondering "Just what the heck was her designer doing ?"

    Also I believe the votes are skewed because people keep constantly thinking about the S Tier.
    S tier should not even be a thing, as there are maybe "2/3 girls there which is more of a exception than a normal thing.
    A tier should be the pinnacle of power "creme de la creme" so to say. As maotd said - girls you should be thinking loong and hard about getting because they are very good and can perform at top tier condition.

    I think because people subconsciously consider S tier as No1 and A tier as No2 you tend to be more generous with dealing those "A"s.

    I will be occasionally posting here as well Wut - when I have time, or if its a girl I have a special interest in. I just dont have enough energy to comment on every girl twice a week .... and when I write you know I tend to write a lot (but I am trying to control myself I swear mofu :3).
    And I do read this thread even if I dont comment as much as In the beginning.
    As such If a situation like this happens, i will make time to write a short comment (A bit longer then I did this time, but I was at work and holy molly the shitstorm we had here yesterday was real eugh...)
    Last edited by Myrdin; 08-01-2018 at 12:24 AM.

  10. #190

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    Yeah most of us already use +/- in votes so shouldn't be to difficult to get the voting done. Also since Myrdin proposed to write a vote if a draw occurs that would be an additional factor influencing the final result.

    We came a long way:

    S-Tier(God-Tier) Dogwood, Kerria
    A-Tier(Amazing-Tier) Dendrobium, Red Ginger, Cactus, Japanese Apricot, Sakura, Peach Blossom, Anemone
    B-Tier(Good-Tier) Black Baccara, Chocolate Lily, Cherry, Pink
    C-Tier(Decent-Tier) Cattleya, Daisy

    Looking over the list overall i am happy with the results so far. Sure there are always some girls we all vote a little bit different and neither of us will be in 100% agreement with all choices made but overall it looks appropriate to me. I suspect only one other girl reaching S-Tier status so shouldn't be more than 3 anyway. I also think there won't be any new A-Tiers for at least some time.

    Hmm the current Girl to vote is Iono. Since there are quite a lot Evasion Girls i think i will compare her to other Evasion Girls and see if she can hold her own against the competition. I will use Myrdin's Knight Quarters for research
    Last edited by Wutan; 08-01-2018 at 03:09 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

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