View Poll Results: Which Tier does Black Baccara belongs to?

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  • S-Tier

    0 0%
  • A-Tier

    1 8.33%
  • B-Tier

    5 41.67%
  • C-Tier

    5 41.67%
  • D-Tier

    1 8.33%
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  1. #201
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    I dont agree with the arguments for B. Especially when you compare her to other B grade girls who stomp her like a weed.
    Guys please, dont be so generous.
    Again this is the problem with having an S tier, people subconsciously compare everyone to Kerria and Saffron and then think of B as C and of C as D.
    We should have skipped Kerria and Saffron completely just nodding that yes they are S, and move on coz its skewing the ratings a lot.

    I am not chastising nor complaining. I do respect your vote. But it bothers me that there are clearly more powerful girls who are also B tier.
    At this rate we will end up with all girls being A/B even though not all of them deserve to be, very few being C, and pretty much no girl or only 1-2 in D.
    Relax. Everyone has a right to their own opinion. I myself was thinking of a higher C but ultimately, by my own judgment, thought it was fair enough to make her a low B. Sure, lots of other B girls are better. But that's my opinion. You may not agree with it. You may not like it. But at the end of the day, it's mine. But that is what voting is about as various people look at different aspects and judge based on their individual personality and perception. So if you personally don't agree with what some people grade, that's fine. But leave it at that. No need to call others out with it. In the end, this is all about fun with a game we all enjoy.

    I might as well judge the next girl while I'm on here too. Nerine is another girl I have not had on either side of FKG, but I haven't really seen her as much in helper teams as I did Ino.

    Starting off with her stats, her HP is pretty disappointing. Having HP at 18700 is not really impressive considering she as an average DEF around 3K. Her highlight is having pretty impressive ATK at 8600 roughly. So while she is not a glass canon precisely, she approaches that level of fragility it seems to me. Her skill is an AOE which is nice considering she is a little better than other at 2.9X DMG.

    Now looking at her abilities She has a decent increase ATK of 30% for the team. Increasing skill activation level based upon skill level along with a 15% boost to skill damage is a nice combination to support fully developed teams. She also does a good job for her team by increasing their DEF by 30%, DMG reduction by 5.3% and resist fainting up to 3 times. Not a bad ability there either. But the Achilles heel (ironic pun intended) is her ability to ignore speed altering panels. Which is basically rendered irrelevant come late came. So it is a wasted ability slot. When you look overall at her abilities, she doesn't appear to fit in any specific meta that is favored for team compositions. Her abilities are just common with no specific specialty like Crit or Debuff.

    The shortness of the analysis sums up what I think. She doesn't have much going for her. Overall I would initially consider her barely hanging on to a B- on first glance, but those poor stats and wasted ability slot combined with a lack of specialty just brings her down hard to what I have to say makes her C Tier undoubtedly in my opinion.

    Waifu judgment

    Loli. Automatic F Tier!!!! Nope! Nada! Not gonna happen!
    Last edited by ShadwNinjaX; 08-07-2018 at 09:32 PM.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  2. #202

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    Apr 2017
    We just reach Nerine? Man and I thought I wouldn't show my face here until Saffron's turn but that would take months for her turn.
    About grading, while I don't really mind or in more rude word, care for how you guys think. I do think we're pretty soft on grading. I too usually round the grade up when 50/50 situation arise. We end up with most in A/B tier but we compare between girls in the same tier, I at least, do see different in the power and performance, sometimes the gaps are pretty wide too.

    I might write about this more tonight, and might grading Nerine too when I'm at it.

  3. #203

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    First of all welcome back
    Btw. i liked your votes so please don't wait until Saffron comes around before you vote again
    The activity here dropped quite a bit and i need you to continue voting. You are one of the most consistant participants here.

    My two cents about softness in grading:

    Well in my mind it's normal and healthy that there is discrepancy in Grading. Wouldn't be that funny if everyone has the same opinion. I also don't fear that too many girls will end up in A-tier. Like maotd once said the older Rainbows are just pretty much unbalanced and therefore they have been put in A-Tier.

    In the B and C-Tier sector there is way more discrepancy i guess. The mid or lower Tier Girls are just more difficult to judge cause their power isn't that obvious. Some people might see something in a girl that others don't and just because someone said a girl is good/bad doesn't make it a true fact for another person.

    Example: I myself didn't see Sakura as good as others but i accept that the majority here think she is an A-Tier Girl. If i wanted a list for myself i wouldn't have suggested a Tier List Poll. I would just have made an Excel Sheat for myself.

    In hindsight i think it would have been a good idea to include + and - not only in our voting system but also add those elements to our list. I can see the benefit to not only differentiate between Tiers but also differentiate between girls in one Tier.
    Last edited by Wutan; 08-09-2018 at 04:08 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  4. #204

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    Well I would like to join too but I need some breaks from here. Not only because of salt incident but I got a very bad case of influenza in god know many years. Common cold and flu are here and there but influenza is just unwelcomed rare guest. Need entire week to recover and well, I got all the time to cool off or rather, I don't think of anything but to healed as quick as possible.

    About +/- I would like it since it would give detailed insight and differentiate the girl in the same tier better. For example Pink and Kuroyuri. Since I gave her C tier back then it's obvious that in my opinion Pink is better. With all our vote however they are in the same tier while I see so much different in their power and potential. Note that I don't reject any opinions that differ from me, it just that their power is too different despite in the same tier in my opinion ALONE. *Need to emphasis on this*

    While I'm here, let's go with quick review on Nerine.
    Nerine is one of the more common girl in my ally list. (Not as common as Dendrobium or Japanese Anemone) Why... yes why I wonder, she's definitely not bad but her abilities set is pretty standard with one useless ability unless you use her in nation defense. With renewal ND however this ability becomes even more useless. Now let me prepare paper only stamp...

    1. Raw stat: Nothing to say besides glass cannon. Low HP and extremely high atk. Average def and rather quick on her feet. She will sweeps them quick and get swept under her feet in the retaliation.
    Grading: B-

    2. Skill: I wonder why she has that derpy face similar to Iono when using skill... Slightly higher power in exchange of low skill act rate. I prefer 2.8x and 37% more.
    Grading: B- (Derp face has nothing to do with this for your record)

    3. Abilities: We have usual atk boost. 30% is pretty standard after rebuff.
    The next combo is pretty intense however, with 1.36x skill act top and 15% damage boost from skill combo. She would help the member use skill more often and boost damage from it. The same problem as Pink persist however, do you have enough skillblooms? And would you use it on her? 1.28x barebone is not too shabby and should be serviceable though.
    30% def with 5.3% damage reduction and guts happy set can make her stand longer on the battlefield. But her value would decline as she sweep the small flies out, it's the game for the big gun rather than sweeper like her.
    Last ability... Can I just leave it there...? I mean, what's the point?
    Grading: B-

    Final verdict: B or C depends on team setup. If you don't have team with damage boost from skill and sufficient skill act to back up, then a C. If you have a team like Shiro-chan (Christmas) and Edelweiss (new year) to go with her, then it's B. The party for Nerine is still limited but should expanded soon. But as I said, I still have no idea why she's popular in my ally list...
    Oh and I forgot, I grade her C due to limited team member and strict condition with flexiblity.

    Extra: Which the only reason I can think of is that she's cute! I mean she seems like a trying to be good kid for you so you can compliment her a lot, which in turn made her try even harder. It's a vicious loop you can abuse on girls like her... Muwahahah!
    Well half joking. She's cute and trying hard for you to compliment her part seems true though. She's also the one girl that eluded from me whether it's her 5* or 6* so I never play her CQ and thus have extremely limited info about her.
    Last edited by game2534; 08-11-2018 at 11:55 PM.

  5. #205

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    Nerine. I don't have her or her bride version. I don't love her, I don't hate her. Totally neutral paper rating this time.

    HP: she has the 3rd worst HP from natural rainbow (4th if I counter Alstroemaria but I don't count her obviously). That's not a good thing. Even if she is not a defensive girl.
    ATK: Highest ATK of the game with Pink. Good point.
    DEF: Her def is okay. Average DEF but enough for me.
    That girl knows how to go from an extreme to another. Hopefully, she did it right but her low HP is still a problem, espacially with all thoses super strong pests.

    2.9x damages all, 34% skill rate. Sorry Nerine but it's the same than the other girls. 2.8x dmg, 37% skill is better. But it's still good and classic for a rainbow. Nothing much to say here.

    Ignores effects from Speed-altering panels in maps.
    Useless now. And I wonder if it was usefull at any moment of the game. Lila is enough for it, Dipladenia is good too. And no rainbow should have this kind of ability. Sorry Nerine and Christmas Rose.

    +30% ATK for all
    It's above the usual buff for all. Not thebest but really nice. Good point for her.

    1.36x skill activation
    Another good ability. Very appreciable and still rare in the game.

    +15% skill damages
    I guess it's good? I really don't know how to rate this. On the paper it's not bad but I don't really know if there is any skill damage steam archetype and if it's viable or not. But it goes well with her skill rate buff so, why not.

    +30% DEF for all and guts
    Not bad because of Guts but not good because it's not usefull. She is not a counter girl or a really defensive girl and it looks just like a bonus ability. Nice to have but not needed.

    She has some good assets with her ATK buff and her skil act buff but that's almost all. Nothing really exciting here.

    Team Build
    Nerine is very flexible and can go everywhere in almost every team... if you don't have better girl. She don't bring really good things aside her skill rate. She can't fit in every (or almost every) serious archetype and there will always be gorls better than her. And I know I should not compare girls but there is also Christmas Rose in the game, very similar with speed panel thing and skill rate... with a way better utility for Crit Team.
    Sorry Nerine. You're not bad on the paper and can be great as placeholder but you suffer too much from concurrency.

    Extreme stats, good skill and a lot of useless or not usefull abilities. Good everywhere, exeptionnal nowhere. Nerine is not bad but it' hard to find HER place. She can do a lot of jobs (even in some offensive version of Counter Teams) but there is always better girls to replace her.
    Like I said, the only team type made for her could be Skill damage team (and I'm not even sure of it) but I'm not even sure it's a real team archetype.

    Final verdict:
    C Tier because you don't actually need her. It's good if you found her in gacha but there is so much other better girls to choose if you want to build a solid team.
    Maybe you will be better in the future Nerine. If devs want it.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  6. #206
    With everything everyone's already said, while a really high ATK is nice, but for many players, building a team around a arhtype is arguably more important than raw stat power.

    Given her abilities, it's already been stated she does not fit into any one particular typing; with exception of speed negation, all her other abilities can be useful in some situation, especially that 1.36x skill act. She also have DEF boost, but no counter, which makes her like a half-finished project...So she can fit in any team, boosting its existing skillsets, but she won't be a "make-it-or-break" team member because of her lack of specialization.

    On a side note, many loli-fans seem to like her design. So while she is general enough to fit in many teams, she has a lack of specialized skillset to distinguish herself amongst today's power-creep, she might be fading if she does not get buffed. Her 1.36x skill act. is nothing to scoff at, but it's about the only feature I can give points on. So C TIER is my vote.

    DMM ID: 838832909

  7. #207

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    Ok the Nerine Discussion is over.

    C-Tier it is.

    Btw. guys since nobody except game gave me an answer about adding +/- to to our Tierlist and his answer was positive i will add the suffix + and - to our ruleset. I will also add +/- to our older votes if necessary. I do this to differentiate between the girls even more.

    Next Girl:
    Deadline: 16.08.2018

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  8. #208

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    Sorry, I didn't see that. But I'm okay. That' a good idea.

    I'll rate Royal Water Lily a bit later because I just did Nerine few hours ago.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #209

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    Ok here is my Ōonibasu Vote. I don't have her so it's a Paper Verdict only.


    Definetely on the lower side of the spectrum.



    Grading: Her Stats are pretty mediocre overall. Not horrbile but also nothing to write home about. If she just had a litte bit more Atk i would have given her B here but as it stands it's only: B-

    Skill Damage Type and Skill Activation Chance:
    Deals 2.9x damage to all enemies 24% (Lv1) → 34% (Lv5)

    Grading: The slightly weaker form of the AOE-Family. Therefore B-


    Increases Damage of Skills for party members by 12%.
    It's below average. The Standard Group buff in terms of increased Skill Damage is 15%. So it's not a good start.

    After being attacked, increases Skill Activation Rate for party members by 2x on the next turn.
    It's a nice Ability if you know how to use it. This Skill only really shines if you use it combined with Debuff Support. Only a few Girls have that Skill. I will call it Rage Ability from now on.

    Increases Attack for party members by 33%.
    Good and Solid Atk Buff.

    Increases Defense for party members by 25%, increases damage reduction when defending by 4.5%, and allows oneself to resist fainting with 1 HP remaining up to 3 times per battle.
    Again the Defense Buff is below average. It should be 30% or more.

    She has a Skill which is rare and makes an interesting option for Debuff Teams. Her other 3 Skills are just not that impressive to me though. I don't know i would like to see the devs give her at least a fifth Ability. As it is right now she lacks that certain something.

    I talked briefly about this but the only team where i can see her shine is as a Provoke Unit in a 65%-70% Debuff Squad. There are many other good Alternatives for that Archetype in terms of Damage Dealing options though. Kerria, Streptocarpus or Sleepy-chan for example.

    In a Debuff Squad she can be good but you could also use Streptocarpus there instead. She has the same Rage Ability just like Royal Water Lily but is a better unit in my opinion cause she also can give the Debuff Team a nice form of Crit Support and help creating a Debuff/Crit Hybrid Team. Overall i think Royal Water Lily is a decent unit but she is outclassed by other girls in the Debuff Archetype.

    Final Verdict: C
    Last edited by Wutan; 08-12-2018 at 05:47 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  10. #210

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    Royal Paper Lily, Water only rating. Or something like that.

    HP: They're close to my needed 20k but still under. Not really good in my opinion.
    ATK: Just over 8k. She is on the good side of the fence but she is still far from the top.
    DEF: Under 3k. Same comment than HP stat.
    Her stats are a bit too meh for me. Too close for the minimum needed but two of them are close from the wrong side.

    2.9x damages to all, 34% skill rate.
    Same comment than Nerine. I think 2.8x, 34% is better. But it's not bad. Nothing much to say here. It's a pretty classic 6* skill like almost every 6*.

    +33% ATK for all
    That's good and over the average. It's a nice buff for everything and everyone.

    After being attacked, increases Skill Activation Rate for party members by 2x on the next turn.
    I don't know if it's a good ability or not. On the paper it's a good thing but with her low HP and DEF... I wonder how much attack she can take. I will put it in the "really nice but not reliable at all" category.

    +12% skill damages for all
    Good but under the average. It should be at least +15%

    +25% DEF for all and Guts
    Still under the average. It should be +30%. But anyway, she is not even a counter. The good side of it is Guts. It pair really well with her special x2 skill rate after being attacked. Not that bad, even if it's not really good.

    Team Build
    Seriously, she is like many girls we rated recently. she can be in every team because she is not that bad but she don't have a specific job. She just tries to do a bit of everything. She can't even be in a counter team for her DEF buff because almost all the others 6* brings more DEF buff.

    She is another rainbow, lost in the rainbow pool. Not bad but not good. She stands outa bit with her special skill rate ability but it's not good enough to make her better than the other. it seems she get a buff last week but she will need another (or more than one other) to really shines.
    And her Bride Version is better with Evade ability.

    Final verdict:
    For me she is C- Tier. For her too under averages stats and abilities, for her lack of specialization and her better Bride Version.
    To me, her best point is her Artist. Even if she is not good, she is made by my favorite FKG Artist so, I still like her.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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