View Poll Results: Which Tier does Black Baccara belongs to?

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  1. #211

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    Apr 2017
    Ms. Yandere goddess turn? For Nazuna's sake she must be the most dangerous woman in this game. Let's talk about this prospect of her in extra as usual, for now let's go with paper only grading.

    1. Raw stat: Her stat is not really that good. It's mediocre in almost every way. She has high speed though. 500 short of HP, bits over 8000 atk, and a little shy from 3000 def. Yep, mediocre. A little more atk would help her sweep or higher def would sync with her ability.
    Grading: C+

    2. Skill: Like Nerine I would like it better with 2.8x and 37% act chance. In Ōonibasu case it's worse than Nerine though since her atk is much lower so her efficiency as sweeper is lower too.
    Grading: C+

    3. Abilities: Her abilities are almost all under average. Her atk+33% for all is higher than average though.
    Increases Damage of Skills for party members by 12% we have 15% for almost every girls, so this one is kinda pale compare to others.
    After being attacked, increases Skill Activation Rate for party members by 2x on the next turn I don't have detective-chan to compare like wutan so I don't really know. But in my case I have Stock with 35% damage boost after being attacked. In Stock case it's very reliable since Stock has higher def(3282) combined with her 30% def boost, 5.3% damage reduction and guts so she can last quite long especially in debuff team. Ōonibasu has lower def and her def boost skill is lower with 25% boost and 4.5% reduction and guts combo. So for me, she won't last as long and thus made this skill not very reliable in the long run.
    Grading: C-

    Final Verdict: She is not that good rainbow especially with her bride counterpart is much better in bait and counter strategy. I guess she's in C-tier. C- even. There's much better than her in almost every position you want to fit her in, whether as sweeper, or bait, or supporter.

    Extra: Ōonibasu aka. Ms. Yandere. We have couples of Yandere characters here like Suzuran, Lavender, or questionable one like Dipladenia. Ōonibasu however, must be the most dangerous because she doesn't care jack about you as yourself. She care for one thing about you though. That is your body. She finds your body (Knight Commander) beautiful and want to keep it for herself. You can die for all she cares but your body must be intact so she can 'love' it for eternity. Compares to Suzuran which is possessive type, or Lavender who is jealousy type. Ōonibasu is very dangerous. Dipladenia seems like someone who wish for person who accept her as she is and not use her as a tool however. So rather than Yandere, she seems like a delinquent girl who finally find a teacher who understand and accept her as she is. So she sticks to you and will listen to everything you told her.

    In short, Ōonibasu is the worst case of Yandere for me. Not worst in a bad meaning, but worst in 'worst kind you want to interact with'
    Last edited by game2534; 08-13-2018 at 09:10 AM.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  2. #212

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    May 2016
    I have her. I love her VA, and if I was danchou I would instantly put a crossbow bolt (seems all the guns in FKG world are magic guns, rather then science derived, black powder slug throwers) straight through her head.

    I had her for a loooooong time now, the normal version on Nutaku and the bride version on DMM, so while not a perfect comparison, at the same time having the bride version I can somehow compare, and I completely agree on the rating of C-

    She needs some buffing to be done as she struggles in every aspect. Not much of a offense to work around her stronger dmg buff, and not much of a defense to make her "if hit" skill of any relevance.
    She has guts, which is at least something to make her work, but honestly, with her low Defense it doesnt come to play as often.
    Her stats are attrocious, exemption being the speed which is very good.
    Skill is the basic AoE, not even sure why people are rating these separately, to be honest as skills are all 4 paper cut types for everyone.

    Overalll she is mediocre at best, borderline subpar at worst.
    Giving her Evade, just like the bride form might help a bit as Evade and Guts have proven to be a solid combination.
    She is also one of the few girls who could benefit from Skill Damage buff with her bonus skill act if hit. But it would have to be more than the usual 15 to really make a difference. 20-25% would be something to actually raise her ranking.


    With that being said let me get to the juicy parts which are non rating related. Game already covered pretty much all of it. I had made a long post in the old FKG forum part where I took a deep mental analysis of all the yanderes. What he wrote pretty much corresponds to my analysis.
    Lavender is one you could tame, coz she loves you so much you could play around that to make sure all is well, Suzuran is like a child, so while you could teach her to a degree she would still be unpredictable. Dangerous.
    Victoria...... yeah this chick is a fucking psychopath/sociopath by definition. Danger level maximum. Kill on Sight less your survival is seriously compromised.
    When I watched her bride form H scene I was hoping that maybe, just maybe she might be a bit more.... caring ? Less mental ?
    I cant read the text but I get the feeling that was not the case and she is pretty much the same. There is no emotion behind that plastered smile of hers. She is an empty void inside.
    Do not engage ! Eliminite on sight. If I was Danchou in real, I would constantly keep Mei and Sakura or some of the other powerful duelist and seasoned veteran girls around me as bodyguards.

    *Now as for the art the basic form is .... meh. That lily pad skirt is just bad, and that bikini bra doesnt help either.
    Her secondary artwork is much much nicer, and the third ones is also very good (its a discounted bride version one though).
    She is definitely a looker.
    Unlike some other girls, her axe is as plain as it gets. Its literally a lumberjack axe, as simple as it can be. That being said, I think she is the only axe wielder in the game, so thats something. Axes are dope (insert obligatory Gimly meme )

    Her voice......haaaaah... yes... her sweet amazing voice.
    Oonibasu Voice Actress did a stellar job, perfectly fitting both the artwork and the mental state of her. Her usual voice is a fake melodic, cold and uncaring. When she gets heated it gets a higher hysterical tone to it to show her broken mind and lack of empathy.
    Fantastic job on the VA actress, I love this voice over and wish she did more than just Oonibasu and I believe one 5*.
    I believe it was Taon who took the time to dig around and managed to find out info about the VA, her other FKG characters, and also other non FKG related VA work. I think its somewhere in our Chit-Chat thread.... or maybe in the Nutaku one. I am not sure, but its there somewhere.


    So yeah Final Verdict C-
    Oonibasu was fairly popular for a time, so I its a shame that she doesnt reflect how amazing of a character she is (amazing in as - how her character is written, superbly voice and has an overall fitting theme quite unique to the usually cheerful character of the FKG world. ).
    Certainly some "buffing" would be in order to bring her up to speed (I cant make myself type "loving" as she is unable of such a thing and does not deserve it in return either.) with the new challenges and stronger enemies.

  3. #213

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Skill is the basic AoE, not even sure why people are rating these separately, to be honest as skills are all 4 paper cut types for everyone.
    I don't know about others, but I rate skill as "How is it worked with character archetype and raw stat" Nerine while has exact same skill, got higher grade from me since her high atk help her fitting in sweeper role while Ōonibasu got less with lower atk. So Ōonibasu in sweeper role got overshadowed by the other girls in the same archetype. While girls in counter archetype will get the basic grade which is B- or B (2.8x with 37% chance will get higher grade by default) since it pretty much in the middle and their main role is to counter so the value stat would be HP and def rather than atk.

    Hope this cleared!

    PS: it's 1 week old comment but I see you said something like 'Let just skip Saffron by giving her S-tier and moving on?'
    Well... OVER MY DEAD BODY my friend! You can go ahead and skip any girl you want but I will not allow my waifu to be left out just like that!
    HBC's FKG 6* Tier List-pass-79979-530-805.jpg
    Last edited by game2534; 08-13-2018 at 09:47 AM.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  4. #214

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    Don't skip Saffron. She will certainly be S Tier but I want some rating from others. It may be just me but with my new 6* Camelia, I have some doubt about them. They are stronger than all the rainbows but thay are not that strong at all compared with Kerria. I need to know how they are not that strong we me.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
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  5. #215

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    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    Don't skip Saffron. She will certainly be S Tier but I want some rating from others. It may be just me but with my new 6* Camelia, I have some doubt about them. They are stronger than all the rainbows but thay are not that strong at all compared with Kerria. I need to know how they are not that strong we me.
    We will talk in detailed later when Saffron turn comes. But for my experience, Kerria is better in almost every situation, aside from 2 scenarios.
    1. Enemy is super OP that can OHKO you no matter what. There was only one joke yet challenge boss like this (April fool Nidhogg) and I doubt they would bring that in for real.
    2. Boss has multiple form and phases. In debuff team the effect will work for the first set of boss and useless when they switch form. Nidhogg in 3rd form will stack atk to infinite and without debuff, even Kerria will fall fast while Saffron can clear all 3 form with minor casualty via her fierce counter thus limit Nidhogg's turn and its rampage.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  6. #216
    Royal Water Lily is another rainbow I have not experienced having either on Nutaku or DMM. However, I do remember her being very popular and visible on the Nutaku side. Not so much on the DMM side though.


    RWL's HP below 20K is a bit disappointing but it is not out of the ordinary for Slice types to have a little lower HP it seems. Her ATK is not the best in the game but it is still impressive at over 8K. So she'll hit hard when she does. Her DEF is also disappointing being below 3K. It's not a crushingly low DEF, but still hurts to see. So she is pretty just below average in stats in my opinion. She does have a good AOE at the slightly higher 2.9x. So the few turns she survives, RWL has the potential at least to do some decent damage to all pests on the screen.

    Now for her abilities. Well it seems even more disappointment awaits. The one good skill I see from her is that she buffs the skill activation rate by 2x for her team the next turn after she is attacked. Now if she could potentially survive quite a few turns, this would allow her team to become late game changers and hit their skills more frequently in longer lasting battles like RB. But that is a big question on how many hits she can take. Her DEF skill for party members is nice, but it isn't the best version of this skill. So average at best. And otherwise she increases the damage of the skills of her team by 12% and increases overall ATK to by 33%. While these are not bad in themselves, this rounds her out to a ability set that doesn't let her fit well in much any scheme from what I can tell. This can hurt team building potential.

    So all in all, she is a pretty decent rainbow. Her lackluster stats and the wasted potential of her ability set hampering her from fitting into many end game strategies make me have to give her a grade of: C Tier

    Waifu judgment

    Don't get me wrong, Royal Water Lily is a beautiful woman!...….. But she's crazy! Never stick your mighty Danchou into crazy fellas! She's wielding an axe as a giant sign that is blinking in bright neon "WILL CHOP YOUR PRIDE OFF!" So RWL is hot, but bitch be crazy. So hell no! D Tier
    Last edited by ShadwNinjaX; 08-16-2018 at 06:50 PM.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  7. #217

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    This thread died for too long. Since Wutan is out since a long time (I hope everything is fine for him), I close the Royal Water Lily rating and open the next girl's one.

    Royal Water Lily is done.

    I'll use the + and - system like Wutan said.
    Ratings summary:
    C x1
    C- x3
    D x1

    Final tier is C-

    Next Girl:

    Dead Line: 01.09.2018
    Since it's still summer time and due to forum low activity (and Wutan disparition), I'll give a bit more time than usual.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  8. #218

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    Red Spider Lily time! I like Red Spider Lily for a foxy and miko style. And she is drawn by Moneti and I love Moneti style. But I never get her or her Miko version. So, paper only.

    HP: Decent HP. Not the highest but still over 20k and that's enough for her.
    ATK: That's a good ATK stat, over 8k. Nothing to complain about.
    DEF: A bit low but not that much. Decent again.
    She has good average stats for a rainbow. I can't complain on this point.

    x2.8 damages to all, 37% skill act.
    Good and very common all target skill for rainbows and better than the x2.9 / 34% actversion of thoses skills. There is no more to say. It's just a nice skill.

    Meh. Not bad but not good here.

    +28% ATK for all
    That's nice. Better than the average +20/+22%. It's always good to have to support the team.

    +15% ATK x number of enemies for all
    That's a good thing. Not the best ability but still usefull to max the damages against some really hard pests group and kill them before they kill you. This ability alone is not that good but with more girls like that, you can reach incredible damages buff. I like it.

    x1.2 skill act
    Good rand really classic ability. No more to say than "it's good for her and the team etc.". You already know it.

    80% Evade turn 1 and 2, 50% after
    Evade ability. That's a good one but it seems Evade teams are not that strong now (maybe I'm wrong but Crit or Counter teams seems better now).

    And... That's all. But she still need something else. She has not that much abilities and nothing to really shine. They're not bad but... a bit boring. She lacks of something special.

    Team Build
    As I said, she can go ina team with a lot of ATK buff depending on enemies. It's not the best team archetype but it can be really helpful for some maps with large groups of strong pests like on the lasts Whaleship's 1st part maps.
    Or she can have a place on an Evade team. She is not that bad with her ATk buff and her skill act but there is better girls anyway. Not a must have.

    She is not bad but she is a bit average everywhere. Actually,she really lacks of a little something to be better. And unfortunatly, her Miko version is slightly better with ATK debuff (I didn't know she has both ATK debuff and Skill act... interesting...

    Final verdict:
    I really like her for her style but... she is not that good in battle. She deserve C Tier for me. She really REALLY needs another ability to make her better. Not necesary something broken but just something useful. i don't know. Even another attack type would be nice. I think devs overestimate a bit Evasion and don't give enough toys to evade girls (unless thoses girls are called Saffron or Kerria but that's because Devs are crazy).

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
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  9. #219

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    Are you interested to continue this thread,guys?
    Since we have a few new regulars here (mainly smr and fndkgnz) maybe we will get more input for future votings.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  10. #220

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    I'm totally interested.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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