View Poll Results: Which Tier does Black Baccara belongs to?

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  1. #51

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    I'm not agree that Cattleya power can help newbie...
    Compare in the Newbie Ticket, there are other strong girls that useful than her for newbie.

    She in buff campaign so I'll wait and see she'll get buff or not after today maint.
    Before that I'll put her in C.

    and maint over... no buff for her so I stand my old verdict...
    oh c'mon dev.
    Last edited by twilightdream; 06-04-2018 at 02:33 AM.

  2. #52

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    I wait until maintenance ended on purpose to see if Cattleya got upgrade or not. Turns out it's not her turn to shine yet so I will grade her as is.

    When we talking about poster girl of FKG, Cattleya comes to mind as 6* one. Well at least back in 2015-2016. She's the oldest girl back when the game first released, and I have to say it has a negative impact on her. Since most of us regular already gives similar view on her, I'll simply give a crush course on grading.

    1.Raw stat: Aside from low HP, she got good atk and sizable def. At least her atk is high and it fit her needed.
    Grading: C+

    2.Skill: Powerful 2.4x, normal chance to activating. If only her abilities would aid her more...
    Grading: B-

    3.Abilities: Maotd said it all, why solar gauge 50%? If BB has ugly duckling ability that is def boost, this one is dead duckling. It's so half-assed that it couldn't even help you fire 1 solar drive. And if you don't play solar drive team, this function is borderline useless even back then and now with powercreep meta the solar drive usage would decline even more besides whale ship stage which help increasing boss break gauge. Or well, if you have Dogwood who directly gain benefit from each drive firing. The rest is nothing to add much since I'm not a fan of random buff. 18% skill damage boost is great but pale compare to some girls who have direct damage boost like Stock or Japanese Anemone.
    Grading: C-

    Final verdict: C She suffered a lot from being an old girl. That said She's not downright bad as no rainbow is bad. But she definitely pale compare to new girls and even old girl with immensely powerful abilities like Kerria. She can be either sweeper or supporter but none of the abilities actually directly geared towards them.

    Extra: Well her arts is absolutely gorgeous though. No wonder why she has so many dedicated husbando. Hot H scenes, big boobs, pink panties, red hair, sexy body, haughty Ojou-sama... well pretty much every god-tier waifu material mold in a shape. I might not have any team dedicated to her but I won't complained if I got her by dumb luck or chance.
    Waifu tier: A
    Last edited by game2534; 06-04-2018 at 05:47 AM.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  3. #53

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    After a lot of C-Votes Cattleya will end up in that Tier for now.
    Maybe she will climb after she gets her buff. We'll see.

    Next Girl:
    Deadline: 08.06.2018
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-05-2018 at 04:25 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  4. #54
    Ah sweet Red Ginger! How hard it will be non-biased in assessing you, but let us undertake this venture considering you were my first 6* in DMM FKG and I have ample experience with my rainbow waifu leading the charge.

    Okay first, Red Ginger may appear as another glass cannon. Perhaps even a weaker glass cannon than previously judged girls like Cattleya. Her max HP surpasses BB and Cattleya, but not Dendrobium. Her defense is flipped in this regard as she is superior to Dendrobium but not BB or Cattleya. So this gives off the appearance that she is a bit more well rounded than the others. What may be the biggest downfall for many is her Attack stat, which is weaker than all three. Some may consider this reason to throw her into the trash. NOT so fast, my friends!

    Abilities! Her initial abilities do not appear all that impressive, increasing attack for party members and overall squad speed on the map. But once she's fully bloomed, this beauty begins to show her true wonder that makes up for her attack stat. Increased skill activation rate AND increased damage of said skill for party members by 15%. Need I remind you that Red Ginger's ability is 4.3x damage to one enemy by itself and (here is the key) absorbs HP. Her ability that can do crazy damage if she's also given critical damage boost also is a life steal. And there is MORE. She not only counters 100% of the time, but also can Super Counter. Since she already counters all the time (rather than some that don't), it is only a matter of whether she counters or SUPER counters every single time she is hit. Plus if you pair her with the right units increasing damage and crits, she becomes a wrecking machine!

    I have not fully fleshed her out yet on abilities and jewelry slots, yet let me tell you something. On a team full of rainbows including Anemone, Red Ginger has 99% of the time been the last to fall. With this past first week of the current RB event, my team was frequently up against level 90 12 million HP RB. Often times, the rest of the team fell around the 3 million HP damage mark. Red Ginger by herself finished the remaining 9 million because of how often she triggered her ability and replenished her health. Heck, often times she finished with full health. Now in my experience she falls like the rest against the 2nd week 18 million HP RB, but I believe if I had her more fleshed out she would begin to last a little longer.

    It is for these reasons (truly non biased) of her abilities more than covering her stat weakness and my experience with her on my lead team that I decide her ranking, in which truly makes her barely squeaking into: S Tier

    I know some may scoff or think I'm ridiculous. Initially I was thinking A-tier for Red Ginger. But I looked at the description also of what S-tier is expected and I could see her fitting in that description. And also after seeing what I've written, it has swayed my opinion that she just barely edges into S-rank because I believe she could be approach being broken once maxed out.

    Waifu judgment:
    She is my rainbow ultimate waifu for a reason. Done by one of the best FKG artists, dark-skinned being one of my fetishes, and long lovely blonde hair. She also is so cute with her teddy bear. Some may be put off by her pouty expression. But when you finally see her smile, it will melt your heart. Not to mention the body of a goddess!!! Full hips and large delicious breasts! Sometimes one of the 2 affection scenes of a girl may not be great. BOTH of Red Ginger's scenes are HOOOOOT!!!!!!

    Without a doubt: S-CLASS TIER!!!!!

    *Additional note for Japanese DMM FKG community: How dare you! Shame on you all for giving so many alternate version votes for Cattleya and Anemone whereas Red Ginger has yet to get a 2nd form. Such a travesty!
    Last edited by ShadwNinjaX; 06-05-2018 at 09:56 PM.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  5. #55

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    Red Ginger ; Paper only verdict.
    yea, I don't have her so it's a only paper verdict.

    First her pros.
    Her passive buff is very strong, the +30 atk & +15 skill dmg is no joke for the enemy.

    She has advance activation type passive which can produce skill use by its level.
    If she has lv 5 active skill, combine with at least 2 knights that also has activation passive she will use her skill a lot.
    Also her active skill can heal her HP, so she's durable more than she should.

    Oh, she can counter too.

    And her cons.
    She has 1 panel passive the party speed, that make her lost 1 passive slot.
    It maybe not big deal, but in Whale mission that not require speed this skill is no use.
    yea, some may say...
    hey you can put a knight that has +atk by speed party to get benefit from Red Ginger buff.
    Ummmm... it's not so easy to find that knight since I believe we have only 3 rainbow knight that have it.
    No no no, I won't count Kinsenka no I can't.

    Another thing, she can counter but can't dodge.
    That mean her counter is not effective than it should.
    Even she can heal herself with her active skill, but without extra help from teammate she may faint.

    So paper only verdict : A.

  6. #56

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    Red Ginger. I'm not a big fan of her but since she is from my favorite FKG Artist, I like her anyway.

    HP: She has a lot of HP. That's a good thing. It's not like she need it a lot but it's still good due to her counter ability and absorb HP.
    ATK: That's low. Too low for her. Not even 7k. It's not good even for a 5*...
    DEF: Not very good too. That could be not that important if she don't have Counter.
    Well. She don't shines by her stats. It's not horrible but not very good.

    4.3x damage to 1 enemy and absorbs HP. That's a very nice ability, nothing else to say. It make a good combo with her good HP + Counter and with her other offensive abilities.
    36% skill activation is decent too. Espacially with her skill act ability.

    +30% ATK for all.
    A very nice ability, both for her and for team support.

    Skill Activation Rate for party members by 1.28~1.36x based on one's own Skill Level.
    THAT's a good ability. A bit rare and very usefull. It goes very well with her skill. At max skill level she is almost at 50% skillact just by herself. Add 4 x1.2 skill act girl and she just reach 100% skill act.
    Add 4 x1.2 skill act girl with lvl 5 skill and 36% skill act or more and your whole team has 100% skill act.
    Add Rice-Choco-fritithing Lily and you will have a slightly broken offensive team.

    Increases Damage of Skills for party members by 15%.
    Usually I think it's not a very good ability but with her previous skill act ability and the possible team set up... it's more usefull than ever. So, good point for her. Not her best point but still good.

    100% x3.75DEF Counter + Super Counter.
    I'm not sure about it. It's a good ability but she can't really use it for 2 reasons. First, her DEF stat is too bad. And as rainbow, she can't boost it with a lot of equipment (ok she can but you need dupe or dressbloom. Dupe are too rare and dressboom are reserved to better counter girls). Second, she is a hard offense girl and she will not have many allies with DEF boost in her team.
    But, even in non counter team, Counter is still good to make cheap damages. On herdest bosses/maps, any kind of damage is welcome.

    +150 Speed.
    Sorry for speed lovers, I don't think it's good at all. It was useful in the past, where some maps needed a tight speed control or for some maps farming but this time is over. Now, this kind of speed boost is as bad as ultra low speed girls. In term of abilities, it's her darkest point. I don't have her so, I will not speak for her but speed boost is just a NO for 5* when I build a team, unless I have too many low speed girls.

    Her stats are poorly balanced but her skill+firsts 3 abilities make her strong. Her counter is not reliable but not useless. She could be excellent but her speed boost is too negative. It force a super restrictive team building, or a 4 high speed teams set up for most missions. But, thanks to the current FKG, speed is not important on most of harest missions or challanges. You don't need it on Whaleship/Nidhogg phase 1 and there is no hard to reach pests on Aqua Shadows/Nidhogg phase 2. So, even if she can't shine on story or event missions, she is a solid 6* for the hardest FKG stuff. And that's what we want for her.

    Final verdict:
    Due to her speed tier, she could deserve only a poor B tier but, like I said above, thanks to speed uselessness at high level, she can be higher.
    Her firsts abilities combo can make miracles with the right team and she could be both a great support or a shiny heroine, depending on the team used.
    I give a a nice A Tier. She could be S Tier... if we had not some other far better girls to push her in their shadows.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  7. #57

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    Ok since Red Ginger was my first Rainbow on Nutaku (paid) and my first Rainbow on DMM (free) this vote might be a wall of text.

    Stats: Her HP is amazing which complements one part of her moveset rather nicely (Her Skill absorbs HP), Her Atk is pitiful for a 6* (there are even 5* with more Atk), her Defense is average for a 6* (there are a lot of 6* with such a defense). Sadly her lower defense doesn't help her Counter Ability and of all the Counter Girls she might have the weakest Defense Stat and the weakest Counter Damage.

    Verdict: C

    Skill Activation Chance and Skill Damage: 26 % Skill Activation on Level 1 and 36% Skill Activation on Level 5 is really n1. Most Rainbows have a Skill Activation Chance of 24 % on Level 1 and only 34% on Level 5. She deals 4,3 Damage to one enemy. Not that impressive due to the fact that there are other Single Target Nukers which can inflict x4,8 - x5,2 damage to one enemy. However most of them don't have HP Absorb. HP Absorb really helps her Counter Ability. I will cover this in the Ability Section.

    Verdict: This section is fantastic. S

    Abilities: Well in my opinion there is everything represented in this category. The good, the bad and the amazing.

    Thanks to her recent Buff she increases Attack for party members by 30 %. Not the highest group atk. buff but definetely a good one.

    Increases Skill Activation for party members by 1,28-1,36x based on ones own Skill Level (1-5). Obviously you have to invest Skill Blooms to get to the 1,36 multiplier. Is it worth it? HECK YES!!! If you want to boost your consistency in first turn squads, if you want to buff your overall damage output this ability is amazing and makes it so much easier for your knights to activate their skills reliably. My Maple has 5 Skill Levels and let me tell you this Ability is amazing and rare.

    Increases Damage of Skills for party members by 15%. It's a n1 recent damage buff. A little unoriginal but solid.

    Adds 150 to the party's speed. So this is where it gets a little bit annoying for me. I hate this Ability. Once upon a time we all wanted one fast Squad for specific Events. I called it the Speed Meta. That was long before Bloomed Forms even existed. Today Event maps are homogenized and you don't need one fast Squad anymore. This ability cripples Team Building in my opinion cause you have to adjust all other teams to the speed difference this Ability creates. Yes you could argue that you can farm faster with that Speed Boost but let's be honest: Does it really matter if you do your daily FKG routine in 15 or 30 minutes??? Decide for yourself.

    Counters 100 % of the time using 3,75 % of your defense as attack power or Super Counters. A good Ability but sadly her Counter Damage is on the lower side and there are a lot of girls which outclass her in pure Counter Damage. However due to her amazing HP Absorb she'll be able to survive on harder maps for a much longer time period compared to most other Counter Girls and that's why that Ability Combination is so good.

    Verdict: I have seen other Ability Combinations which are even better but her Abilities are amazing overall. A

    Teambuilding Options: Due to her wide range of Abilities you can put Red Ginger in a lot of teams and she will do her job fine. She is a good Allrounder in my opinion. A Jack of all Traits, a master of none. A n1 Support Unit. She won't dish out the most damage in Counter Teams. Saffron will. She won't dish out the most damage in Skill Damage Teams. Maple will. But she is a n1 addition to a lot of archetypes and will do her job fine.

    Archetypes where she is good in: 70 % Debuff with her as Life Leech/Counter Unit, Skill Damage Teams, First Turn Squads, Teams which utilize Abilities like this: Increases Attack for party members by 120% of the party's speed.

    Conclusion: She served me well in the past. She was my first Rainbow on both versions. She helped me quite a bit in the Speed Meta of old days and she also helped in the beginning of my DMM journey. Lately she has fallen a little bit out of flavour for me. I have difficulties including her in my top 20 due to her Speed Ability.

    Red Ginger is a n1 Unit with a wide range of Abilites. She is versatile and that's her biggest strength in my opinion. Team Building can be difficult due to her Speed Boosting Ability so beware of that. I don't think she is suited for S-Tier (she lacks god-like stats and she also isn't as tanky as Kerria or Saffron cause she lacks Evade). I have to disagree with Shad here. I don't think she comes close to the brokeness of Kerria or Saffron.

    Final Verdict: I wavered between A and a really good B+ (mainly because of her Speed Ability. Yes it's that annoying for me) for a long time. In the end i decided to go with A-Tier
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-07-2018 at 05:14 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  8. #58

    Join Date
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    Good lord there are walls of text above me! Let's see if I would ended up in similar conclusion like you guys or not. Too bad Hunter doesn't join us here since I think he has Red Ginger too. Note that this is just paper verdict since I don't have her and my helper rarely use her.

    Red Ginger is the first 6* with single target and drain effect in one. So naturally back then they need to balance things out and...

    1. Raw stat: Her stat would suffered and it just has to be her atk that suffered. It doesn't reach even 7000 but in exchange her hp is nice with 21600, goes well with her skill. Def is average, not too high or low but for girl with counter ability, it's definitely not enough.
    Grading: C

    2. Skill: Now we're talking. Her skill is 4.2x and drain HP. High activation rate with 36% top and considered her ability set, it definitely worth to get her skill level to 5 unless you have waifu priority rather than usage. Her skill also help increase her max HP even further with healing boost promotion ability. Her HP can reach as much as 27000 max.
    Grading: S

    3. Abilities: What a mix bag of one. But this bag is definitely worth owning and using. 30% atk boost, 15% skill damage, and 1.36x skill act combo work together nicely to maximize the damage output for your team and herself. A bit expensive with 4 rainbow skillblooms for max potential but I think it worth the effort. The synergy of these 3 is top notch in its category, the damage. However the rest two are not so appealing. Counter is mediocre at best since her def is also mediocre and speed +150 is a make or break for the team. It can salvage team speed or disable the brake and her team will rush to the goal while the other team barely a step away from the last pest node. Not really helpful unless on specific team build or map.
    Grading: A-

    Final verdict: A She's solid unit but suffer from bits of bad skill synergy and stat to reach S pinnacle. But definitely a solid unit to have since she can support very nicely and under proper support, she will dish crazy damage while refuse to yield.

    Extra: *note that my extra is not always about waifu factor, it can be any kind of personal opinion, the more subjective view towards the girl*
    It quite a baffle to me why she's not popular, like not at all in helper team/ Japanese players and it reflected in polls. Gameplay wise she's not as broken as Kerria despite how similar they played? Waifu factor Japanese not a fan of tall, tanned girl? I think she's pretty fine, not as much as Shad level of dedication but solid enough.

    Extra 2: I have a request to Shad and Wutan (and Hunter if you guys bother to read this far) Can you form a team around Red Ginger, it can be any archtypes you think she's the strongest with your team. Then fight lv.90 raid boss with 18m HP, then post how much damage she can dealt in tactica? I want this thread to be tier discussion only. It MIGHT answer my question in extra 1.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  9. #59
    Why you all gotta give my waifu so much crap, yo? She's done nothing to you! Just kidding! Like I said before in my post, even I was leaning towards A-Tier. But after seeing my own reasoning laid out and experiences with her, I barely edged her into S-Tier. Like if there was a double minus option, I would put her at S--. Ah well, I am happy she's landing where I figured everyone else is putting her in A-Tier

    Quote Originally Posted by game2534 View Post
    Extra 2: I have a request to Shad and Wutan (and Hunter if you guys bother to read this far) Can you form a team around Red Ginger, it can be any archtypes you think she's the strongest with your team. Then fight lv.90 raid boss with 18m HP, then post how much damage she can dealt in tactica? I want this thread to be tier discussion only. It MIGHT answer my question in extra 1.
    No problem. I'll give it a try but please keep in mind I mainly play for simple enjoyment of the game, so I am not focused on strategy tactics as much as you guys and likely won't have as much a Rockstar team set up.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  10. #60

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    Like I said, she could be S Tier if there was not other far better S Tier. For me, she is not A Tier because of her but because of S Tier being held by too stong girls. Like Wutan's tests show in Tactica, Red Ginger can do a great job until her death since S Tier Kerria finish the fight full life, defeated by the turn limit.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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