View Poll Results: Which Tier does Black Baccara belongs to?

12. This poll is closed
  • S-Tier

    0 0%
  • A-Tier

    1 8.33%
  • B-Tier

    5 41.67%
  • C-Tier

    5 41.67%
  • D-Tier

    1 8.33%
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  1. #1

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    HBC's FKG 6* Tier List

    Welcome to the official 6* Tier List for our little Subforum. This thread is just an excuse to talk about broken units and to analyze the crap out of all current 6* out there.
    This list is for fun and could also give some of us new ideas which units to aim for in the future.

    Here are the Rules:
    1. Every five days we will discuss a new Rainbow (we start in chronological order).
    2. Please use this thread to discuss and explain to others why you think a girl belongs in a specific Tier.
    3. Write what you think about the current girl and your final vote in your post.
    For example:
    My thoughts about "insert Flower Knight here":
    Final Verdict: S;A;B;C;D

    4. The Voting Deadline for each girl is exactly five days. You will have to vote in this timespan.
    5. A few hours after the Deadline i will look over every post about the current girl, sum it up and announce the final result afterwards.
    6. Please try to eliminate all bias you have for/against any girl.
    This thread is not about looks, VA, waifuism but about battle capabilities. In the right team almost every girl can shine but some girls have a little bit more potential than others. Please be fair. I don't think i'll have to say that considering our subforum here is friendly and polite but i say it anyway cause new commanders might join our ranks in the future.
    7. To judge which girls belong in a certain Tier we have to look at:
    Stats (Atk, Def, HP)
    How synergetic is the Girl?
    How good is the archetype she belongs to?
    Is she outclassed by other knights which belong to the same archetype but do a better job than her?
    Does she absorb HP?
    Skill Damage
    Skill Activation chance etc.

    Tier List explanation:
    We will have 5 Tiers: S-Tier, A-Tier, B-Tier, C-Tier, D-Tier,
    S-Tier is the strongest Tier, D-Tier the weakest.

    To differentiate between the girls even more you are also allowed to add the suffix + or - to your vote. Since there are differences even in the same Tier it was decided to implement this rule.

    S-Tier (God-Tier): Only broken girls belong to this tier. These Girls can single-handedly turn the tide of the battle,survive almost everything and kill the enemies in the process or dish out enough damage to nuke everything.

    A-Tier (Amazing-Tier): These girls are really strong assets for specific archetypes (stables) or versatile enough to be viable in almost every team.

    B-Tier (Good-Tier): Strong in specific archetypes. Good in others. Not a must have but a nice to have.

    C-Tier (Decent-Tier): These girls are decent in a specific archetype but usually outclassed by other knights.

    D-Tier (Meh-Tier):
    These girls are heavily outclassed by almost all other knights in every archetype or belong to an archetype which is inferior to others.

    Here is the list:

    S-Tier(God-Tier) Dogwood (-), Kerria
    A-Tier(Amazing-Tier) Dendrobium, Red Ginger, Cactus, Japanese Apricot, Sakura, Peach Blossom (-), Anemone
    B-Tier(Good-Tier) Black Baccara (-), Chocolate Lily (-), Cherry (-), Pink
    C-Tier(Decent-Tier) Cattleya, Daisy, Ionocidium, Nerine

    Current Discussion:
    Deadline: 16.08.2018
    Last edited by Wutan; 08-12-2018 at 02:51 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2016
    I dont think its fair to make an E tier, considering we all know which knight goes there.
    And after blooming she became bit more decent.
    Unless you have anyone else to put into F I would just remove that. Alstromaria is a good girl and she is trying hard, no need to bash her for it :P

  3. #3

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    That's why I wanted to rename E-tier as Alstroemaria-tier . Even if sheis the worst rainbow, she is still slightly better than most of 5* after blooming (I said most. Obviously some 5* are much much better than her but... she came from so far,lost in her 3* class).

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
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  4. #4

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    There is one rainbow that fit E-tier for me.
    She's Tsutsuji/Azalea.
    Her ability is very normal, her buff is very low compare to other Knight.

    yea yea sorry loli-Tsutsuji fan.

  5. #5

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    Ok i deleted the E-Tier.

    It looks like i can't create more than one poll at a time.

    We start with:

    You can vote and discuss now.
    Last edited by Wutan; 05-14-2018 at 11:55 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  6. #6

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    Just an idea to make this more... convenient, you can add a link to the wiki (if you take the 6* picture from the wiki) with the picture. Like, the picture redirect to the 6* page on the wiki. It's just an idea like that.

    Back to discuss about BB-chan, I rarely ssee her in ally teams and I don't have her. Her buffs seem really decents and she has a nice ATK stat but not awesome. All her stats seems balanced. Nothing to high of too low. She looks a bit like Kerria (in term of ability I mean) with less high destruction power and more oriented for pest group control than boss raping.
    It's hard to judge but B seems right for her. She is clearly not S-tier for me. She could be A-tier but other A-tier I have in mind are still way better (Dendrobium, Sleepy-chan or Pigmy Lily for example).

    edit: another question about the Ranking. Should we do also promoted girls or not? Since we got 3-4 promoted girls per weeks + 1 regular 6* each 2 weeks, it will take for ever to do all the available girls.
    Last edited by maotd; 05-14-2018 at 12:22 PM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  7. #7

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    I also thought about including promoted girls. I don't know how our schedule should look like.

    It's a bummer that i can't add more than one poll to this thread. I could create three threads every week for three rainbow girls but that would be inconvenient. People are basically forced to switch between threads to discuss every girl individually which kinda sucks.

    Any suggestions are much appreciated.

    My two cents about Black Baccara:

    She has high Attack, good HP and above average Def.

    I can see her work in an AEO Damage Squad (basically a squad utilizing this Ability: Increases Attack for party members by 15% multiplied by the number of remaining enemies on the field when combat begins.) An Atk Increase of 45 % is really strong considering most pest groups consists of three enemies anyway.
    Her Skill Act. Buff is average but always n1 to have. She buffs herself and another team member for 65 % atk (130% atk total) which makes her a hard hitting AOE-Girl.
    I don't understand why the devs decided to give her the defense Buff Ability. All other Abilities of Black Baccara are obviously designed for Offense. She works best in an offensive team and her defense buff does little there.

    Her Speed being 400 (Borderline Snail) is a big bummer at least for me. I like Squads with balanced Speed stats. BB's Speed slows the Squad's overall Speed down by a significant amount.

    An AOE Damage Squad has potential in my opinion and so has BB. Imagine 5 girls who all buff the Atk of the whole team for 45 %. That's a total buff of 225 % atk without even applying the normal atk buff. In all other offensive Archetypes she is decent.

    Is BB necessary in an AOE Squad? No. But she especially shines there.

    I wavered for a long time between B and C-Tier but in the end i went with B-Tier because i really think AOE Damage Stacking is a good Archetype.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  8. #8

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    Instead of using the forumpoll, we could use something like Strawpoll. In the first post you can pu the3 pictures of the 3 current girls and redirect to their respective poll.

    edit: Something like this (but maybe with smaller pictures. So, they can go on the same line and take less vertical space.

    Black Baccara's Tier Voting Poll

    Dendrobium's Tier Voting Poll

    Cattleya's Tier Voting Poll

    It's maybe a better idea to swap Wiki link and Poll link. Poll link goes on the picture, wiki link goes on a text under the picture.
    Last edited by maotd; 05-14-2018 at 01:52 PM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #9

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    Yeah that's a good idea. This way everyone can create the poll and it's not limited only to me.

    However i see a huge flaw in both systems the forum poll and the straw poll (i only realized it by now): Unregistered users can vote.
    I checked it (I voted C-Tier for BB as an unregistered users).

    I would like to make it mandatory to register here to have the right to vote.
    Write a little text why you think the girl should be in this Tier yaddi yaddi yadda.
    Since this Tier List should be created by us forumers it annoys me that even someone who only visit this forum one time in his live can vote.
    How should i know if this random unregistered user has knowledge about the game or not?

    Maybe every forumer who wants to vote should just write his opinion and ranking about the girls and i summarize it at then end of each week.
    Last edited by Wutan; 05-14-2018 at 02:32 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  10. #10

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    I thought the same thing. What's if unkwnown peoples vote or if some people vote extreme tiers just to change te results... But even if other people votes, they can still vote only one time since it's limited to one time per IP adress.
    I think we should just keep both thread explaination and strawpoll and follow the main tendency to decide tier after that (with more importance to text from our firend than wreid isolated votes, far from actual thoughts of our little community.
    In other words, like we said earlier, it's just a tiering for fun. We should not bother too much about that and about false votes. 1 vote will not make a big difference anyway, too much votes will be obvious since we are not that much here.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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