View Poll Results: Which Tier does Black Baccara belongs to?

12. This poll is closed
  • S-Tier

    0 0%
  • A-Tier

    1 8.33%
  • B-Tier

    5 41.67%
  • C-Tier

    5 41.67%
  • D-Tier

    1 8.33%
Results 1 to 10 of 225

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  1. #11

    Join Date
    May 2016
    I suggest throwing in a link so we can view the girl without the need for prolonged navigation.
    As for the unreg people - I said this many times as well as in in other game threads. If someone cant be bothered to take a little time to register, while they can still post comments, but considering the zero investment form their side just ignore them for the purpose of polls etc.

    twilight - I thought we are discussing all 3 girls in an order even if you dont have her. I mean I will comment on comment on Denbro and Cat as well, but not immediately.

    We can take it slowly to give everyone a chance to comment on each girl. I suggest Wutan always drops a comment with the picture of the next girl in discussion after the first one is concluded and no one responds to her anymore. Then we discuss the next one, wait till everyone who wants to jump in has a chance, and move one. (doesnt mean we wait endlessly for everyone, but few days for each girl seems about right.)

    Wutan, this being your thread I think you should be the one to call the shots with a comment including picture and all when moving onto the next girl in question after giving everyone a chance to respond, since otherwise it will become slightly chaotic

    As for Black Bacara.

    I think she is B- or C+. Her stats are above avarage, only her defense is on the weak side, which is odd in combination with her Def skill.
    Her HP and attack are pretty high. Speed is mediocre/on the slower side, but nothing that cant be fixed with other girls own speed.

    Stats and Skills:
    As for the skills. She does offer a solid damage buff. Her skill is standard 2.2 AoE with 24% chance on L1 up to 34%. So the usual.

    As for the skills I can see her shining in two setups - full damage setup with girls buffing their raw damage and skill act.
    Or in a team where girls have Guts/Def buffing abylities to guard etc. Since there are some other knights who being offensively tailored do still have these (Mace loli Chan in my helper team for example. You wouldnt believe how often that Guts pulled me through broken fights, and no one cant complain about her not being an Offense centered girl.)
    So technically you could go with high damage, vanilla team with defense buffs as one of the abilities, maybe even guts for that matter, resulting into a unexpectedly tough DMG team, that can wither good amounts of damage simply through high Guard/Guts rate, but still dishes out above average damage.

    Design: I know this is not part of what should be discussed, but if we are rating girls I think the overall feel and aesthetics are a major part of each knight. There are girls for each of us, that dont have skills we want, but we choose them for Waifu reasons. Thus I shall include it, and honestly I think peope should consider it as well, since this is Waifu simulator game after all, so discussing the design of the Waifus is a part of ranking :P

    Now as for other aspects such as art and story. I dont have Black Boobara so cant comment on voice or story. The art is amazing as far as the amount of tiny details go. Sprite is also fairly cute, reminds me of a bubble head thing you put into your car.
    Now for the negatives of her design - I will not factor the boobs. She is after all Black Boobara, and there are some people who like that stuff.
    She is fairly nice and thick but not fat so you have something to grab onto.
    I am not a fan of that pale purple skin of hers though... what the heck, did she fall into a Galaxy ray disco chamber ? As far as we know I believe she is human, not some demi-human like elf chan, neko, inu or foxy chan, or as I recently learned an Oni like tiger lily, so that skin makes little sense, other than the artist own expression.

    Consistency is the name of the game for her design, All 3 artworks are nice, though personally the Evo art is pure shit due to her expressien and the way she poses with her boobs. i do appreciate her Bloom art softening her facial features a tiny bit and showing her actually smiling. My favorite though is the basic first form. While I like my "sexi" as any other guy, I think the market is oversaturated with "too slutty". The basic artwork shows her clad In a yukata-ish attire and while shows some skin it keeps it all nicely packed for your imagination to explore. Classy is the word.
    Compared to some 6* girls whose artwork is so simple, stale and just boring due to pale color palette and absolute lack of any details I think BB is definitely up there as far as quality and painting skill goes.

    Voice, Scene & overall Vibe:
    Now as I said, I have not seen her scene, nor heared her voice. However bunch of people call her sadist. Though some did say thats not entirely true and its more like she simply has a strong Ram like personality. Cant judge that honestly. Dont really like S&M shit myself so that would be a turn off for me.

    Ultimate Design
    As for the design of her Active skill - considering she belongs to the games Early characters where compared to some of the never girls those ultimates just look bland and boring (the devs sure did progress with their skill as far as making the effects more epic over time.), never the less I think it fits her theme, isnt completely unmemorable, and that slow motions backwards jump she does during it is pretty funny... you know Max Paine and all that old school hollywood stuff

    As much as I hated this girl in my early days, I have been warming up to her slowly and even had a moment or two of temptation to pick her up with a ticket or coins. I think she can work well in several setups, and even if not included in those, she still can pull her own way rather reliably.
    If you like what she has going on, she is in the reliable spectrum, nothing surprisingly amazing, but nothing to disappointing either, as far as 6* go. In one word: Solid
    Last edited by Myrdin; 05-15-2018 at 02:59 AM.

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