View Poll Results: Which Tier does Black Baccara belongs to?

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  • S-Tier

    0 0%
  • A-Tier

    1 8.33%
  • B-Tier

    5 41.67%
  • C-Tier

    5 41.67%
  • D-Tier

    1 8.33%
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  1. #1

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  2. #2

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    Ok i updated the rules. We will discuss a new girl every three days. I think for the sake of simplicity and to make sure only forumers have the right to vote (Yes i am elitist about it ) please just write a post with your vote. I will look over every post after the deadline, sum it up and announce the result.

    Looks like enough people voted in case of Black Baccara (She will be put in B-Tier). Since Dendrobium and Cattleya weren't officaly approved for voting and only a few people (three on average) participated in their Voting let's continue with Dendrobium now.

    PS: Twilight i have seen your votes for Dendrobium and Cattleya so if you don't want to change them i will just use them for your final vote. You don't have to write your thoughts again

    So it's official the next Girl we discuss:

    Deadline is the 2th of June.

    You can vote now.
    Last edited by Wutan; 05-30-2018 at 12:30 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  3. #3

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    What do i think about Dendrobium?

    Her Atk is mediocre for a 6* Girl. Her Defense is lower midrange. The only stat where she really shines is HP. 22144 HP is one of the highest HP Pools in the game. Since Dendrobium has a really offensive Skillset the high HP doesn't help her much though.

    Special Attack:
    Dendrobium Deals x2,4 Damage to all Enemies (same as Pink). Most other Knights only have the standard 2,2 times multiplier. That little bit of extra damage is really n1 for her especially due to the fact that she attacks twice in the first round. Overall Damage is x4,8.

    She buffs the whole party for 22 % Atk. This buff is a little bit above average. Not bad. She buffs her own for 10 % Atk. Decent selfbuff, not amazing though.
    Dendrobium's last two Abilities combined is where this girl really shines:
    Increases Skill Activation by 2x on turn 1
    After Attacking an enemy, there is a 100 % chance to attack again.

    If you are fan of Hyper offensive First Turn Squads this Skill Combination is really really really good. Pair her with other Skill Activation Girls and other Re-Enact Girls and you are good to go.

    Lately (especially with Rarity Promotions) we see Re-Enact Girls outclassing or catching up to Dendrobium in terms of Raw Damage output (Rainbow Rose comes to mind).


    Dendrobium's biggest strength is consistency. You can bet your soul that she will always activate her Skill and attack twice if you build the team around her appropriately.
    There might be a few very hard maps where her Fire Power alone isn't enough so you can't expect her to do all the dirty work by herself.

    Dendrobium is a really good girl in offensive teams. She has a good amount of team options, hits hard, is consistent in her Damage output but don't reach S-Tier in my opinion. She can't tackle every map on her own, her damage is really good but not broken and for that reason my vote is:

    Last edited by Wutan; 05-30-2018 at 04:49 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  4. #4

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    Apr 2017
    Finally some free time after a long crapsack day, now time to throw some opinions for this twin-tailed girl.

    Dendrobium... she's the old goddess of nuke in FKG back then and now she still one of the best sweeper in the game. Although she's not so unique anymore, she still one of very popular choice in my ally list. Now let's get started

    1. Raw stat: Her stat are pretty low except HP which exceed 20k. Her atk, which is the most important for her character, is surprisingly low with 7500 only. Def is also low with 2800ish. Spd is okay with 530, easy to fit in any team without breaking composition or setup.
    Grading: C
    2. Skill: Slightly better than any average AOE type with 2.4x, the chance is 24-34% as usual. Potent power for sweeper.
    Grading: B+
    3. Abilities: She boost 22% atk on party and total 32% on self. Not too shabby but I do want some more for nuker like her. Her true worth shines in her skill activation combo however. The 100% to react on first turn and 2x chance to use skill made her spot as vanguard who clears all small flies first before any single target nuker can land attack on boss or stronger remaining enemy. But just like any nuke girls, her value decline sharply if cannot defeat enemy in single turn. It's a normal trade-off, not exactly a flaw or bad point. Fit her with correct composition and she will blow trough enemy's rank cleanly with potentially 4.8x on first turn.
    Grading: A (If stand as team vanguard, otherwise just B)

    Final verdict: Somewhere between B+ and A- It just kinda hanging around there. Her raw stat hold back so much of the potential she possesses. If only it reach at least 7800atk or her abilities boost damage from skill or even sharply increase atk like BB. Then solid A is a given. In a new, broken map it's become more common that Dendrobium cannot clear even fodder pests so some powerful boss killer skill might wasted on them rather than actal big prey. Maybe after she got rebuff she will reach pinnacle of A proudly. For now it just A from round up.

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    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  5. #5

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    So, it's time for Dendrobium.

    My dears friends already said it, her stats are low. She only has good HP but it's not that usefull on her. Nothing much to say.

    A solid and powerful all target skill. It's a perfect skill for her role.

    The most interesting... and disapointing part.
    Skill Activation Rate for oneself by 2x on turn 1 + 100% chance to Act Again on turn 1 is the key of all her power. THIS will just destroy every pests too weak to survive. Add someone like Cymbidium in her team and she will sweep every small pathetic insetcs in her way.
    +22% ATK for member is nice and welcome.
    +10% ATK for herself is... bad. Sorry. A long time ago, when she ruled among the most powerful rainbows, it was cool but now with all the newcomer, +10% for herself it not enough at all. She need to be buffed a bit on this point.

    Despite that tiny black point, her abilities combo is great and make her what she is.

    She was an awesome 6* in the past but she is outclassed by some new 6* now. She is still truely powerful with a high destruction power but she shines brighter than the sun only on 1st turn. After this short moment of glory, she is just a 6* with low stats and mediocre ATK boost.
    Despite this, she remains a solid unit for a great part of the game or all really short battles scenario (like helper teams for Nidhogg phase 1). But with the lastest broken maps and boss who needs more than 1 turn, she is outclassed by many better girls.
    To conclude the conclusion, she is still as good as she was on her good days but the game changed and she remains almost the same. She suffer a lot of her old age, like many firsts girls.

    Final verdict:
    One year ago, I could rank her as S-tier but due to the game evolution and her lack of buff to folow the new rainbow tendancy, I will just give her a A-tier, for her sweep power on a great part of the game.
    She deserves more a A- but it's still a A.

    Just to be clear, I like her. For her design, and combat style and all the other stuff. But she is still not as good as she was in the past
    Last edited by maotd; 05-30-2018 at 02:02 PM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
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  6. #6

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    So pretty much all has been said about the abilities and the ranking.
    I too rank her former S, current A.
    Nothing to add about the abilities, stats or ult.

    Design and artwork
    But since I am a rebel like that HBC's FKG 6* Tier List-maxresdefault.jpg I am gonna comment on it, even if its not allowed !

    Her basic art is extremely boring. Like really boring.
    It gets more endearing with her Evo artwork. Her Bloom art is actually decently cute and unlike some girls it holds still in the theme with her overall style.
    The voice over is nice, and while I can imagine the voice on other girls as well, its not horribly out of place and doesnt grind ones ears.
    The effect of the ultimate is pretty cool and gives of that Avatar LA feel.

    I can see two skills that she could profit from as a form of buff - Pure damage increase and Counter. There arent many good Blue counter girls, and just by giving her Counter this would kick up to S tier once more as she could fill that gap for people like me who want to build teams with all colors included but due to limited selection in certain colors types its a rather problematic. Pure damage buff, increased to from 10% to lets say 35% for self is self explanatory.
    A possible Skill damage buff on this girl would be devastating even if it was the usual 15%

    Yes Denbro is still a solid girl, and if you like yourself some battle maids she is still a solid pick, especially if you want a team with 4 single target nukers and need one sweeper to open up on the adds to clear the field.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 05-31-2018 at 01:34 AM.

  7. #7

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    I would buff Dendrobium's Selfbuff to 30-40% i think.

    Btw. guys did you notice that the devs always buff the Skillset only? I think they didn't change the stats of any girl so far.

    I still question some of there buff decisions.
    For example: They buffed Anemone through the roof. She is now a really really good Counter/Crit Hybrid.
    I mean 30 % Crit Chance and 40 % Crit Damage on top of her Counter Ability? That's insane.

    Same with Acacia. Her buff was also really n1. Maple got buffed twice and now she has one of the highest if not the highest Group Atk Buff in the whole game. Helenium also got buffed multiple times in a row (she will recive another buff in the near future).

    Then we have girls like Iono and BB which only got the standard Skill Damage boost. I don't know i am at that point where it bothers me to see the unoriginal "15 % Skill Damage to the whole group" on every other buffed Girl.

    I mean i dig the buffs my Waifu, Helenium etc. got but i feel like some girls were left behind a little bit in terms of buffing.

    At this point we can clearly see some form of power creep due to Rarity Growth (girls have more synergetic Skillsets, higher stats etc.) and if some girls won't get buffed more they could slip down to C-Tier.

    Dendrobium was strong enough to stay in A-Tier but for other girls it don't look so good.

    I am happy there is no PVP. Wouldn't be pleasant i imagine


    Silly Mofu
    Of course you are allowed to write about design etc. It shouldn't influence the final decision to much though. That's all


    Do you want to rate Rarity Promoted Rainbows as well?

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

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