Cattleya, Cattleya... that's hard to speak about her. I don't have her and I don't see her often in ally teams compared to Nutaku.

HP are a bit low but it's still decent since she don't have defensive purpose.
DEF is good. But once again, she don't need a super high DEF stat since she is not a counter girl.
ATK is really high and THAT'S important.
So, her stats are well bamanced and fit exactly to her role. Nothing much to say.

2.4 FIRE damages to all. That's good, that's why we love her.
34% skill activation on max level is normal and enough is she has some skill activation support.

And... here we are. THE worst part. Sorry Cattleya.
Starts with the Light Gauge 50% filled.
Meh why not. It can be useful but she is not a Solar unit. It'sjust gimmick for her. The kind of ability and girl you will take when you need some extra damages. But that's NOT something a good 6* should have (unless she is a solar unit obviously).

Increases Attack for 3 party members, oneself included, by 40%.
Ok but... no for me. It's good but she is not strong enough to carry all the battle on her shoulders. With her skill and ability set she is supposed to be more a support than the heroine. This kind of skill is... meh on her. Not enough selfish to be broken, and too random to let you rely on this to boost another girl. It's the kind of extra skill you want with other good skill aside. But she don't have enough good skills aside!

Increases Damage of Skills for party members by 18% + Increases Skill Activation Rate for party members up to 1.2x
Ok that's a good ability combo. With her skill, it make it even better. So, she can do good damage and have a good place in a skill activation team or as support of any kind of offensive team as a srong placeholder.

Like the previous ones, she suffer from being an old girl. She is not bad but even with the boosts she received, she still have some incoherent abilities and that make her good but not awesome. And she suffer from begin less good that her Radiant Princess version.
She is a very solid 6* for beginners or for every day missions like event or story mode. But she can only be a nice placeholder for the hardest missions since she can't fil well in every curretn efficient teams archetypes. That's not a bad thing. Good 6* are still welcome. But that's don't make her a must have or a girl you can rely on with closed eyes.

Final verdict:
She is good but not enough, she suffer too much from being old and compared to her latter 6* version (and maybe her future new 6* versions since she seems to won every contests). But she still have some place in a lot of less serious teams. I hope she will get buff that make her better. Like damages on bosses. Or something like that.
C Tier for me.

I'm rude but I still love you my cute little Loli 5* Cattleya.