Voting score can be differ from 2 reasons as I see in the forum here.

1. Waifuism and thus biased. It's unavoidable but at least don't make it super obvious.
2. You have/don't have the girl. When you have the girl and use her all the time in various build up you can see potential or weakness much clearer than one who doesn't have her. That's why I always mark 'paper only' to indicate that my rambling come from text and data only. Never use the girl myself or at least rarely use via helper team. I also separate extra section as I note, a more subjective view that could do or have nothing to do with waifu factor. Just whatever things that first come to mind when talking about her.

Whatever it is, just chill and go with what you think. Grading like this can plus or minus one without problem. It's not like someone just barge in and said 'Kerria suck and deserve rank D/E because I said so' If the dissonance become severe like that, then we can talk later.

PS: Finally decided to give Cattleya a B It's somewhere around C+ and B- but since I don't have her I will give her credit by rounding up rather than down.