Uggghhh sorry guys, I'll start participating now. But a disclaimer, I can't post essays like you guys, I'm not good enough (I'm not worthy!!) and lack of time, so for each I'll be short and to the point.

Ionocidium: I've had her for a while now. She is good overall, but as mentioned, I can't fit her in any one particular archetype, just an overall pretty decent character.

HP @ 20k, almost dropping down to 19's: lower half of bracket, actually never realized 'till now.
ATK @ 7,798, slotting in around half way, it's alright. I guess.
DEF: 3,,52: around top 30 placing, so yay. But she is not counter, so can't take full adv. of this.

She is evade character, so a plus. That 40% react is a bonus, and 1.2x skill act. is a nice padding to any teams needing some extra activation. +18% ATK is regrettably lower than most girls.

Still, I really like her (DERPY >_<); but I feel she needs a good buff to stay in the top pack. Personally, I don't think she is as low as C, so I give her B rating