So, the same girls will end with a new form like past year. And the year before.
That's why new 5* for event 5*/4*/3* and 2* was the best thing in poll event. and they fucked it. Why?

I don't care about Anemone. I like her but she has too much form. It's not fun anymore.
I love Pinkladies and it's not a such bad thing to have one more (even if her current forms are more than perfect...) but I want other girls.
Cyclamen is a good thing for low rarity girls but she is not a true low rarity girl anymore.

The worste side of this popularity contest is that it's NOT fair and representative at all. Why a single guy with a lot of time/money/FG/stamina potion is more representative of the community than a bunch of regular players? It's just pure non sens.
They should (or must?) cap the number of ticket you can get (maybe... 60k? Like the last reward stp of the event?). With that, the more dedicated players can support their waifu with alot of farming withou making a ridiculous gap like they did...

I already got arround 20k tickets with my two accounts and they are already useless. It's impossible to rivalize with whales crazyness.