This is very exasperating. I'm not trying to bash other cultures, but as earlier stated the JP audience is far too obsessive with their idol worshipping. For Anemone to win it all AGAIN, it actually hurts the game in my opinion. Let me explain a bit. I do Patreon for a few artists. One, literally just posted a poll yesterday for the next original character to do this next month. Voting totals from previous polls are included to give other girls better chance to win in next poll. There were 2 redheads (75 and 68 votes), a pink hair (59 votes), blue hair (33), silver hair (51), and a blonde (0). Know who won? You probably guessed it already: THE BLONDE! 100 FUCKING votes from 0 to beat out the runner-up redhead at 98!!! I have nothing against blondes, but damn they are so overrated and I don't know why Eastern cultures obsess over them so much. The same thing happens when the artist does a character poll. FGO characters win every time. This single-minded obsession is enough that I'm beginning to consider withdrawing my support from this artist. Hence, my point.

As earlier stated by another, I agree and don't hate the whales as they do help keep things going. But you cannot sustain a game when you become top heavy. What I mean is if you eventually drive off your dolphins, casuals, and F2P because they feel they have no say or part in the game's future or community, you begin to lose your foundation until all you have left is just whales. And top heavy with no foundation will lead to collapse. This situation would have been far better handled in the winners from the previous year were excluded from the voting pool. I sincerely hope anyone here with the same feelings and knowledge I don't have to write in Japanese can express this in a post/letter to the devs. Whether it makes any impact on them, who knows. But I would just be glad that the feeling of our disdain in this process has been made known.