Yeh, its the slime thingy.

I read the manga up to chapter ... what 11 ? or so. The one where they enter the dwarven city. But then they showed the slime taking a form of a young girl and that kinda turned me off. I kinda liked the idea of the slime being just that and if, taking a more manly appearance, since there were waifus all around (and that yuri shit really turns me off). And then it became to overhyped which turned me off even more. I kinda steer away from anything that becomes to much mainstream as it tends to kill the originality in any work rather quickly (the whole "one fit for all sizes" thing).
Sometimes I wonder how the things went on, and if the slime really turned into a chick, or instead of that into something more manly and relatable ?
(even though one cant really relate to a slime but you know what I mean)

Is the collab purely a gacha thing or do we have some special missions ? Or visit a site and like this, share that, you know the usual ?