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  1. #21

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    I've got 154 tickets, now come on and give me some sugar...
    Of the multi-colored kind even.

    Only 6 salt pulls, though I got the legendary all-bronze pull once (not documented).
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #22

    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Items User Name Style Change

    100 ticket salt pact

    Out of the ten rolls only three of them gave me something other than salt. I forgot to get a picture of the roll with Iono in it though I figure the picture I put in its place captures her just as well.

    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-2-3-20-salt-pact-roll-3.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-merry-christ-meh.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-2-3-20-salt-pact-roll-10.jpg

    All told, four new Knights (Physostegia, Ionocidium (X-mas), Echinacea, Laurentia (Ninja)) for a 4% success rate. At least now I have both versions of Echinacea and Laurentia.

    Nutaku and DMM IGN: Tomitain
    Nutaku Flower Knight Girl ID: 610834201 (inactive)
    DMM FKG ID: 106750967
    DMM FKG Allies: 109/123
    DMM Girls Symphony ID: 34644951 (inactive)
    Nutaku Mist Train Girls ID: 3355988
    MTG Allies: 31/50 (Nutaku), 11/50 (DMM)

  3. #23
    141 rolls, the non-salt results are below:

    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-screen-shot-2020-02-03-5.23.38-pm.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-screen-shot-2020-02-03-5.24.22-pm.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-screen-shot-2020-02-03-5.27.04-pm.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-screen-shot-2020-02-03-5.30.04-pm.jpg

    - Dupe golds: Nandina, Delphinium, Moss Phlox, Kale
    - New golds: Calendula, Apple of Sodom
    - New rainbow: Nipplewort

    Sort of surprising amount of salt, and the rainbow isn't exactly who I would've chosen, but I won't complain. A new rainbow is a new rainbow.

  4. #24
    Since I kinda slowed down because of IRL crap happening, I only had 58 tickets. I rolled them all and here are the results minus the all salt rolls:

    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-after1.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-after2.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-after3.jpg

    Not a bad one this time and got quite a few OPPAI girls. 1 gold dupe, 2 new golds, 1 new rainbow.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  5. #25
    Here are my non salt results on 120 tickets. I think I did pretty well this time

    Link for if the images don't work...

  6. #26
    A pretty sweet haul (out of 150):

    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-akashia.jpg

    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-jaamanairisu-tanabata.jpg

    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-sakuranbo-juunburaido-jaamanairisu.jpg

    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-chokoreeto-kosumosu.jpg

    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-baruunbain-iisutaa.jpg

  7. #27
    It seems I am blessed by the 5th anniversary, got 1 rainbow from the free pull and 2 more from the afterparty! Overall, 130 tickets used, 9 gold and 2 rainbow.

    8 dupe 5*: Money Tree, Delphinium, Straw Flower, Hop, Gerbera, Lippia,Echinacea (Yukata), Jujube
    1 new 5*: Coneflower (Ninja)
    2 new 6*: Golden Lace, Aizoon Stonecrop

    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-ap11.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-ap08.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-ap04.jpg
    FKG ID: 428782982 (DMM)

  8. #28

    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    80 tickets, in summary:

    5* Spirder Wort
    5* Larkspur (Halloween)

    5* Rosemary [Dupe]
    5* Rabbitear Iris [Dupe]
    5* Peach [Dupe]
    5* Lily Rubellum [Dupe]
    5* Baby Blue Eyes [Dupe]
    5* Lily Rubellum [Dupe]

    DMM Flower Knight Girl | Name: Myers | ID: 152744586 [133/145]

    Waifu Helper Team:

  9. #29

    Join Date
    May 2016

  10. #30
    120 tix. Well, too many salt!
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-fkg0205_01.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-fkg0205_02.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-fkg0205_03.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-fkg0205_04.jpg
    5th Anniversary Afterparty Salt Pact-fkg0205_05.jpg

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