Last RB event was in Oct. It took me all 4 teams to solo the 18 million RB barely. And I could only do it about half the time.
We have had several key blooms since then and I have been using ampy on RB teams.
I assume that it will only take three teams to kill it this time and I am going to move the teams around to see what damage they can do
Here is what I will be starting with this time and have Burning Bush, Stewartia on hand to sub in

[Event 73] Steamy Healing & Hot Trouble (2019/01/23-2019/02/06)-19-rb-team.png

Team 1 Alpinia and Kerria
Team 2 Counter (Needs Apple bloom)
Team 3 Crit (Need the HPeony bloom bad)
Team 4 Whats left (Kerrias team if and when they bloom)