Quote Originally Posted by Ericridge View Post
Private servers to me is a way to tell RNGESUS to go take a hike. I played for one week on a private server for world of warcraft so I could get to have fun with thunderfury sword and Sulfuras mace. Chances of them dropping is astronomically low + gotta craft them through materials as well. I wasn't lucky enough to get either so I went and played with them in private server for a week and got it out of my system.


And then went on to play wow for like five other years before quitting for good.

A private server for Kanpani Girls will be no good except for one thing, You get to have your dream team. No more arguing with rng bullshit, you get to have girls you want right now and here.

Denying yourself the desired pleasure if stupid.

Like, You want a team full of Roses that is fully awakened? You can haz it. That will never happen on official server because odds is impossible and they also hate you for not being a rngesus. Private Server is only way for those wishes to get granted.
Wow private servers aren't perfect. Bugs and greed are two issues (i donated to Warmane, but they put all donations to other realms but mine, Frostwolf).

Oh, and they are facing the threats of Blizzard/Activision.


With this base, a DMM/Nutaku clone could be greedier/worse than original ones. And we will know (well, we already know) how Mindgeek is when is mad. Mindgeek is the Microsoft of porn and is the main partner of Nutaku (manage payments and some content like Hellfire Girls).