Quote Originally Posted by vem View Post
Am I missing something? I only got new affection levels for Bunny and Juliette, which admittedly are very expensive, but I don't get what people are having to spend millions on atm.

Another problem is that there's like, no reason to spin Pachinko or try to obtain items otherwise. Getting enough stats to beat bosses is trivial, and min/maxing is irrelevant when all your efforts are invalidated every time you level up.
The 5th affection level for Bunny costs nearly 1 million directly and a lot of items, the 5th affection level for Juliette costs nearly 2 million directly and even more items. Due to the changes to pachinko, losses have increased per spin so it's not really a cheap method to get items anymore (especially not on higher levels due to the cost scaling), and the shop prices are high as well. On Juliette alone, I had to spend 4 million total in items and pure currency just to get the last step done, and if you get a girl drop with 30+ girls in your harem it costs even more to reach the third tier of affection than it did to upgrade Juliette to the fifth.