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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    East EU
    Also a small joke note:

    If my theory about upgrading is right then we will have a static 50 more upgrades per each level with static 2 price increase till the new level cap of 400. If at level 40 we have total of 1620 upgrades per stat and last one costs 3243, then thats then 360 levels worth total of 18000 more upgrades per stat with first one costing 3245 and last one 35998 more and thus averaging at 21244 cost per upgrade and wooping 382.392 millions to hit a single stat from them being maxed out at level 40 (after update) to maxed at cap level.

    Seeing that there are 1620 upgrades from start to level 40, with starting price of 5 and last one being 3243, which averages at 1624 per upgrade - that gives us a total price to upgrade from scratch to max upgrades at level 40 of 2630880.

    Sum both together and max capping a single stat at a cap level 400 will cost us 385 millions 22 thousand 880 cash. Or 1155 millions 68 thousand 640 for all 3 stats. And from those upgrades alone each of our stats would be increased by 19620.


    With how fucking slow they add story - which is main reason why I even play, and seeing how tower rankings aren't fixed - I predict that at least I wont even see that far into leveling/upgrading main stats ;]

    EDIT 2:

    The total upgrade cost calculated above also seems far smaller that affection upgrading our harem girls if what people say/calculate is right hehe.
    Last edited by Eversor86; 08-25-2017 at 01:01 AM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Eversor86 View Post
    EDIT 2:

    The total upgrade cost calculated above also seems far smaller that affection upgrading our harem girls if what people say/calculate is right hehe.
    Yea, but unlike the harem girls, the stats are completely pointless as it stands now... I mean, I can practically block 100% of the damage from Donatien and oneshot him consistently. I'd be surprised if level 400 bosses would require more than 10% of the stats you could get by then... Not to mention that with my current money growth rate and the xp required per level, I'll reach that amount of money before I even get close to level 220, and with assuming a player that gets around 10% of the amount of money I gain per day, they will reach it before level 340...

  3. #3
    BigAZDude Guest

    Exclamation Level-up Energy

    While I concur with most of the complaints about affection needing to be fixed, my main issue I'm having is that when I level up my energy isn't refreshed any more.

    Also, trying to proceed through the story line has become ridiculous. I'm not sure if it has always been this way, but only being able to advance 1-2 screens on a full bar of energy is not reasonable. My other main complaint is that now that I know the trolls have girls left to drop, I've been fighting them nonstop and having difficulty getting new girls to drop, though I understand that is not something new.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by BigAZDude View Post
    While I concur with most of the complaints about affection needing to be fixed, my main issue I'm having is that when I level up my energy isn't refreshed any more.

    Also, trying to proceed through the story line has become ridiculous. I'm not sure if it has always been this way, but only being able to advance 1-2 screens on a full bar of energy is not reasonable. My other main complaint is that now that I know the trolls have girls left to drop, I've been fighting them nonstop and having difficulty getting new girls to drop, though I understand that is not something new.
    Leveling is currently very fast, it would actually let you pass through the story within a week or two if it did reset currently. I'm already well on my way to level 60... The xp seems to be more or less a small linear increase per level now (not sure on the amount cuz of rounding), but it's not unreasonable to say that if I could get energy refills every level, the story would be finished rather quickly due to the increased leveling speed. Before, it took a longer time to level up, so the bar refilling on level ups was only a minor advantage, but now you can level at least once a day just by doing the daily missions and often more due to story and combat xp from the arena. There is now a refill every 10 levels, which seems to take about as long as getting 1 level previously, so in the end not much changed in that regard. The story (especially the later chapters of it) has always been rather slow due to the high energy consumption, which hasn't changed at all... Also in regards to the boss girl drops, it's at least easier to get them now, it was much worse...

    In other news, I got a "Super Sexy Magical Wand" legendary item earlier from the contest rewards, so there is confirmation that legendary items drop from contests... It had way too many stats, more or less an equal spread between crit, ego, charm, hardcore and know-how with some sort of swirly rainbow symbol for its stat icon... Accidentally sold it though, so don't have a screenshot, but people can look out for that type of item now. That said, any chance for an optional confirmation for selling legendary items?

  5. #5
    Hello, all!

    Thank you so much for the feedback.

    We are going to gather and read it, but we need to know if we can get your Nutaku ID?
    This way we can check the current world, quest you are in and will be easy for us to see the real problem for a player on your level.

    Maybe, you can send me an email with a copy of your feedback and also Nutaku ID?
    I promise a beautiful present made of sweet kobans :*
    My email:

    Thank you all in advance,

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    East EU
    Welp. I did sent a huge wall of text.

    Wrote about my idea about 4 first girls affection cost sloping up to then a static cost. That this cost should be set so that hard "working" F2P could afford unlocking scenes on all their F2P dropped/farmed girls. But be cheap in kobans enough to incentivize whales to support the game.

    I wrote that upgrading level of girls should be a static same amount exp per level, and raised a bit, cause now its retardly cheap.

    I wrote about crit% - that the cap should be raised, and that how much crit you get per stats should have diminishing returns, so that you wont cap the damn thing on its actual 25% limit with stats alone at level 41 making crit items and boosters obsolete for longer players like it is now.

    Added few other things, mostly QoL small stuff that I personally would like them add/change:
    Like making free a day normal pachinko spin be reset like dailies at certain hour, instead of starting 24h timer when we use it.
    Like making active quest button be inactive when there is no quest to play, which would be a nice indicator if they finally added a quest.
    Like adding button next to it that would take us directly to best troll fight screen, with a note that we should stay on that page after the fight, to let us easily do a bunch of fights.
    Like a button that would let us upgrade our stat to max (of course the button would be capped on either how much cash we have or how much upgrades we can get at that time) - clicking 150 times to upgrade all 3 starts each damn level is kinda annoying - we have enough busy work with collecting cash in harem.
    And lastly - maybe making Adventure button work like Activities one - if clicked down without releasing - it would open a menu-list of pages of worlds, now we have only 2, but later in future there will be more, and being able to go directly to pages to get in less clicks to certain trolls for events for example would be nice. Added a note that alternatively we could just have small buttons below it.

    Forgot to write that when the event is up, next to the best available troll fight button, there could be 2 next to it with event trolls.

    Also forgot to write and the end that I would like to get an answer mail with what they think about those things I mentioned giving reasoning why they would not wan't to do them (other than "its to much work" of course).
    Last edited by Eversor86; 08-28-2017 at 02:45 AM.

  7. #7
    UnRegistered Guest
    I don't know if the update changed the energy requirement for the early chapters or not, but back in the day you could get through those chapters really fast. I actually like it when the story missions take a lot of energy to complete. The full story (to date) isn't that long, so it prevents players from reaching the end too fast.

    And before anyone starts attacking me for saying that and say the developers should churn new chapters out faster, I agree with you.
    But it doesn't look like there's a huge team of artists working on the game, so I understand why it takes a long time to come out with new chapters.

    I like those QoL suggestions mentioned in the post above, especially the reset time for pachinko and the button to max the stats.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Can anyone say how xp is calculated now? because this is much less than i expected.
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