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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    East EU
    Also a small joke note:

    If my theory about upgrading is right then we will have a static 50 more upgrades per each level with static 2 price increase till the new level cap of 400. If at level 40 we have total of 1620 upgrades per stat and last one costs 3243, then thats then 360 levels worth total of 18000 more upgrades per stat with first one costing 3245 and last one 35998 more and thus averaging at 21244 cost per upgrade and wooping 382.392 millions to hit a single stat from them being maxed out at level 40 (after update) to maxed at cap level.

    Seeing that there are 1620 upgrades from start to level 40, with starting price of 5 and last one being 3243, which averages at 1624 per upgrade - that gives us a total price to upgrade from scratch to max upgrades at level 40 of 2630880.

    Sum both together and max capping a single stat at a cap level 400 will cost us 385 millions 22 thousand 880 cash. Or 1155 millions 68 thousand 640 for all 3 stats. And from those upgrades alone each of our stats would be increased by 19620.


    With how fucking slow they add story - which is main reason why I even play, and seeing how tower rankings aren't fixed - I predict that at least I wont even see that far into leveling/upgrading main stats ;]

    EDIT 2:

    The total upgrade cost calculated above also seems far smaller that affection upgrading our harem girls if what people say/calculate is right hehe.
    Last edited by Eversor86; 08-25-2017 at 01:01 AM.

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