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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by kokusho View Post
    It looks like the developers responded to the affection problem on discord. Let's see what they said. JessieChan says "Before it was really easy to have affection scenes, now you have to spend a lot more time... Well, life.."

    Well, before I played a game that didn't have a broken system and didn't punish you for playing it, and now it is impossible to level up all of the girls I collect. So now I'm not going to play your stupid game anymore....Well,life.
    You should try reading everything and not an out of context part of just one message. You only make a fool out of yourself like this... In the same message from Jessie, she acknowledged the issue, and said they were gathering data to help them create a better balance.
    Last edited by soviras; 09-12-2017 at 08:09 AM.

  2. #2

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    Part they did collect data and do a beta run before they run with 2.0 big update and we can see how shitty it was ;].

    Personally if I was a whale and I got an "welp its life, but we are gathering data to maybe repair or maybe fuck it up even more" response I would reacted the same way as kokusho did.

    As a side note, they probably need someone who knows math in their team. To do all the balancing.

    A 2nd side note, technically if we would assume that each girl has the same 1270 cash/h at 3 stars. Then the time one would need to collect cash to upgrade girl on what ever number of girls he has would be always the same. Cause 60th girl would require 60 times more cash, than 59th, but at the same time you have 60 times 1270c/h vs 59 - thus theoretically time to upgrade girl 60th should be the same as 59.

    Problem is that it doesn't take into account few things, like there is cash/h in PvP or battling trolls and that doesn't go up with each new girl. Troll cash/h maybe goes up with new world/trolls. There is also the aspect of actually buying the affection items. There is also problem of 5 stars, how much more expensive they are, and how much more cash we will get from them. And also that it takes more time to upgrade than average time between new girls we get.

    Girl 60th should take 93 hours to upgrade (or actually any girl). On just perfect collecting of cash from harem alone, thats total cost and doesn't take time to collect the affection items aka just how much they cost. But 5 stars will require over 10 times the affection points. And nearly 20 times the total cash. While cash/h on 5 stars wont be 10/20 times higher, maybe twice as high at best.

    So over-all cash/h isn't really that big of a problem. As long as we don't count in the rising costs of upgrading stats, but we all can safely say the stats atm are useless. The biggest problem is time gating on affection items. IIRC I calculated that average shop buy-out is worth 330 affection points, which is 660 a day, which could maybe go up to a whole 1K if one leveled up once a day. And this is more or less a static number. So if we use average the per day down to around 830 affection points a day. Then to get a 60th/80th girl to 3 stars would take 15.5/20.7 days.

    If we go to 5 stars thou - those 15.5 days on 60th girl, change to 192 days. Fucking 192 days. And this begs a questions, who the fuck worked on the update to let this slide. Especially that already or soon we will have over 100 girls possible to have in harem. 100th girl would take 321 days in this system.

    This also doesn't take into account how long it takes for a single girl to get even on upgrading her stars on just hers cash/h upgrade alone, but we could argue that you upgrade mostly for the timer between collecting being longer, and to get the upgrade scenes/avatars.
    Last edited by Eversor86; 09-12-2017 at 09:56 AM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Eversor86 View Post
    Personally if I was a whale and I got an "welp its life, but we are gathering data to maybe repair or maybe fuck it up even more" response I would reacted the same way as kokusho did.
    He took a single sentence in a lengthy reply completely out of context. There was a lot more to it than just that, but he chose to take only the part that would make the devs seem bad and ignores the rest of the reply and every other related message from the devs. It wasn't the best reply they could have given, but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as he tries to make it seem. I'm far from a fan of the devs in this case, but trying to make them look bad through deception is not cool either. And yes, taking a part of a quote out of context is deception, the same kind of deception some tabloids use to make it seem like they have a real story.
    Last edited by soviras; 09-12-2017 at 10:59 AM.

  4. #4

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    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by soviras View Post
    You should try reading everything and not an out of context part of just one message. You only make a fool out of yourself like this... In the same message from Jessie, she acknowledged the issue, and said they were gathering data to help them create a better balance.
    Oh really? And how was that full sentence quote taken out of context may I ask? Was it because before that sentence, he/she said we know there is a possibility that the affection is too expensive? How does that take the last sentence I quoted out of context? Or how about another line before that where it is said they want to give their changes a bit of time before the next changes? Does that change the context of that last line? Nope, not really. Or how about the big thank you to the nicest community out there? Does that change the context of that last sentence? Nope, including that line wouldn't have done shit to change the context of that sentence.

    So what exactly am I doing to "make a fool of myself" by quoting the last sentence of that statement? Was there another hidden statement somewhere that changes the context of it? I quoted the last sentence of a statement right on the front page of the wiki where everyone can see, it's not some mystery message that only I saw, deciphered from a cereal box decoder or some shit.

    The new affection system is obviously busted, and they are going to gather data to decide. It's broken they don't need to decide shit, they need to be working on a fix if they want to keep their players. I'll tell you what made me the fool. Wasting my huge stockpile of affection items I was saving since the beginning of the game. I used a shit-load on getting Bunny and Juliette up to 5 stars. I thought, "ok they are going up to 5 stars so that's why they are so expensive, this is going to be a major problem in the future if all the girls get to 5 stars, but at least the girl drop-rate is better, that's a positive". Then I get disappointing pictures and shit cash for the amount of affection and cash I poured into them (I spent all that to see Juliette with a hand penis). Sure that sucks, too. But's almost just as expensive to get any other girl to 3 stars and my stockpile saved up from over a year is gone? That fucking pisses me off! That is not too expensive. That is fucking broken and unplayable.
    Last edited by kokusho; 09-13-2017 at 12:38 AM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by kokusho View Post
    Oh really? And how was that full sentence quote taken out of context may I ask? Was it because before that sentence, he/she said we know there is a possibility that the affection is too expensive? How does that take the last sentence I quoted out of context? Or how about another line before that where it is said they want to give their changes a bit of time before the next changes? Does that change the context of that last line? Nope, not really. Or how about the big thank you to the nicest community out there? Does that change the context of that last sentence? Nope, including that line wouldn't have done shit to change the context of that sentence.

    So what exactly am I doing to "make a fool of myself" by quoting the last sentence of that statement? Was there another hidden statement somewhere that changes the context of it? I quoted the last sentence of a statement right on the front page of the wiki where everyone can see, it's not some mystery message that I deciphered between the lines from a cereal box decoder or some shit.

    The new affection system is obviously busted, and they are going to gather data to decide. It's broken they don't need to decide shit, they need to be working on a fix if they want to keep their players. I'll tell you what made me the fool. Wasting my huge stockpile of affection items I was saving since the beginning of the game. I used a shit-load on getting Bunny and Juliette up to 5 stars. I thought, "ok they are going up to 5 stars so that's why they are so expensive, at least the drop-rate is better". Then I get disappointing pictures and shit cash for the amount of affection and cash I poured into them (I spent all that to see Juliette with a hand penis). Sure that sucks, too. But's almost just as expensive to get any other girl to 3 stars and my stockpile is gone? That fucking pisses me off!
    It was not the last sentence of the statement, and you know that just as well. Even the wiki version continues past that point. Also, Jessie has not edited the wiki, that was all by the players. You know it comes from the discord, you know the wiki entry was not from Jessie directly (anyone with some eyes can see that), and you don't even bother to check if you have read everything? And yes, it does change the context, because it comes down to a difference between telling the players to go screw themselves with their complaints and saying "shit happens, but we are working on fixing it". That is what context means, and it makes a difference. You are making a fool out of yourself by spreading partial information on purpose and for trusting a wiki that is edited by players without checking the facts.

  6. #6

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    In all honesty this fight starts to look like a fight about semantics.

    Important things to note is that - this big update had a freaking beta and it got past it.

    The fucked up affection times/costs don't require any damn data collection, all you need to do is plug you damn formulas into excel and check how long it takes. All stuff like cash/h can be easily estimated cause as fucking devs you know the numbers. You can also estimate how much affection points in items on average a player can get.

    They say they want to make the game fun to play, but what they fix, and you could argue fuck up, are busy-works around the actual game-play of doing story quests and/or pvp/troll battles. They fucked up PvP even more instead of fixing it, thou at least now you can see how many players stopped playing by seeing all those 40- level accounts that don't have the full legendary set everyone got as a present. Troll battles are a joke. Story wasn't fixed and there is a chance it will be released slower cause of 4/5 star affection needing to be done sometimes.

    Nah what they fixed is:
    - Totally broken the game balance by adding 360 more levels to level up (nobody asked for that - for some levels over the cap ala paragons in diablo 3 to not waste the exp - that I saw people ask for), which also makes future balancing harder to do, when they have issues doing so already.
    - Reworked harem cash collecting by making it even more annoying and time consuming if one wanted to be as efficient as possible with it.
    - Reworked affection upgrading, by making it dependent on how fast one can collect affection items, basically pushing premium content from getting girls onto upgrading them when you get them, but even if you lie that you already have planned to add new features to help with it, its not really hard to estimate how long it will take now to get to 5 stars on a single girl, and see that players will fucking rage over this broken crap, especially if you tell them that "well life, we need to data collect".

    If anyone asked for my opinion - if the wiki stuff is a direct copy or close estimate of what supposedly PR girl? or guy said, then they need to fucking learn they job cause they suck at doing PR. When you make a huge update, beta test it using actual players, and you release it and get bad feed-back from community. You don't go and say "well, life..." even if its just one lane in huge wall of probably mostly positive other stuff, cause people will get glued onto it. To quote someone (no clue who thou) "people lose jobs cause of this".

    What I want to know is what they plan to do about PvP and affection. Just telling us they need to data collect is a joke. You were supposed to do that on beta. As a dev you should have some ideas in head already - will you leave it fucked as is, change requirements for 4/5 stars only, change all requirements, or just provide some number of girls dependent affection points gathering ways to speed up the process.

    Will you work on adding seasons to PvP or maybe level ranges so new players don't compete with long time players, or are you just going "full retard" and pretend giving us 360 levels more to level and new items/upgrades will fix it instead of actually fucking it up even more than it was.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by soviras View Post
    You should try reading everything and not an out of context part of just one message. You only make a fool out of yourself like this... In the same message from Jessie, she acknowledged the issue, and said they were gathering data to help them create a better balance.
    She didnt acknowledge anything, she says there might be a possibility that it is too expensive. While its pretty obvious that it is utterly broken.
    You dont need weeks of data gathering to see how shit the current affection system is.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Frelas View Post
    She didnt acknowledge anything, she says there might be a possibility that it is too expensive. While its pretty obvious that it is utterly broken.
    You dont need weeks of data gathering to see how shit the current affection system is.
    No, but you do need to figure out how to change it without causing issues and that isn't always instant.
    To quote Kaos on the issue: "we are currently working on analyzing the feedbacks and the datas about the affection to see what needs to be done, yet we don't want to rush it to not break it even more"

  9. #9
    Unregistered Guest
    Jesus people, stop hating on the devs so much. They made a mistake with the new update and they owned up to it. We gave them the feedback and that all we can do. Having arguments with each other about this is pointless. If you dislike the update so much then drop the game. It's not like you payed $80 for it like you would a console game, it's a F2P online game.

    Yes I agree the game is broken but thast no reason to completely trash the devs. I honest get what Jessie was saying and you know what I agree with her. The ease of maxing out the girls where too easy. You never got to appreciate the affection poses in my opinion. Now the way that they did it was way too extreme and could have just hiked the price up a bit instead of messing with the affection amount that you need for the girls and the items.

    Shit happens get over it.


  10. #10

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    Well, they do seem to want to fix the affection issue. You could argue that they want to do it in a hard easy to fuck-up way, but then I do understand the dev ideas behind why they would rather do it this way, than just make affection upgrading cheaper again. (Talked with Kaos on the discord about this).

    Only question is how long it will take them to implement those ideas.

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