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  1. #26

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    East EU
    Quote Originally Posted by hornyg4mer View Post
    As for the girls "syncing" their periods, i know they arnt gonna fix that. Why should they? Each girl is different, and they arnt gonna make it easy for you. Check back every hour, every 30 minutes. Its actually supposed to make you want to play every minute. Besides, your girls that arnt maxed is the problem. At max, the girls will take about 2 hours to get cash. Only the level 1s and 2s generate less than an hour.

    Your calculations are off if you think your making less than 80%. But then again, you said your "guessing", so i shouldnt take your words that you say literal.
    Maybe its supposed to make you want to play every minute, but this will work only on masochist who like to basically play clicker job-like games. There is no fun in paying attention to collecting on time in harem, well at least there isn't for me.

    As long as him not having all girls maxed indeed does "help" him with low income if he collect only once per hour, you are wrong in saying that only 1 and 2 star girls have between-collection times smaller than 1 hour.

    Quite a bit of 3 star girls have timers below 1 hour, smallest being 42 minutes (at least among 70+ girls I have in my harem most being maxed).

    You could also argue that you are wrong in saying that at max girls take about 2 hours, at least for my harem average time is just a bit over 80 minutes, which is barely 1,5 hours ;].

    You are right, his calculations are off. But he over-estimated what he gains, especially if that 80% is about what he gets by collecting just once per hour with most of his girls not being maxed. At 1/2 stars girls timers vary from probably at most 1,5h to less than 30 minutes. He can lose even as much or more than 50% if he collect only once per hour with most girls being at 2 or less stars.

    Hek, even if that 80% was about maxed girls, if you collected once per hour with as spread timers as they are, you could easily lose 20% or more of what you could possibly earn if you baby-sited your harem.


    Just for sake of fun, I added new girls I got to my excel list of girls, with their how much they get me per collect, cash/h values. Time between collects in minutes calculated out of those.

    I then set a value of how often in minutes I will collect, divided calculated times between collects by that set value, resulted number rounded up to integers. This way I have a nice counter of how many "collecting" events per actually collecting what girls have to offer it will take.

    Then I take what girls give me per collecting and divide it by that counter value multiplied by that set minutes between collecting events, this gives me how much cash per minute I would actually do, which multiplied by 60 gives me how much per hour I would make.

    With my harem and that collect-event timer set to 60 minutes, my total cash/h is just shy off 75k cash. With girls cash/h values summing up to just a bit over 100k, this gives me a bit less than 75% of earnings achieved. So here you have it, its actually less than 80% ;].

    My "fastest" girl is a 1 star Cheryl that has 30 minutes between collects. If I collect once per 31 minutes, then I would achieve over 85k cash/h thus around 85%. Longer times make cash/h go down as low as 76k at 47 minutes, then it goes back up once again peaking at close to 80k at 51 minutes. Then it waves down/up but overall goes down, reaching as low as 50k cash/h at numbers higher than 140 minutes.

    Only way to get that % higher is to have collect events more often, would need less than 20 minutes to go over 90%.

    So TL : DR:

    At least based on my own harem, I would need to collect more often than once per 41 minutes to achieve more than 80% income from max possible one. Collecting once per hour or less drops that % to 75 or less. At around 30 minutes I would get around 85%, but collecting this often already makes it annoying.

    Collecting once per 2 hours as a bit of people say they do on those forums on my harem results in harem income "efficiency" of around 63%.

    EDIT 2:

    For shit and giggles I actually made an efficiency chart:
    (Horizontal axis is time between collects in minutes, vertical one is efficiency in %)

    Please cap the Affection upgrade costs!-untitled1.png And for shorter range of times: Please cap the Affection upgrade costs!-untitled.png
    Last edited by Eversor86; 11-06-2017 at 06:55 PM.

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