Quote Originally Posted by vem
Considering the #2 and #3 girls are much better for Charm, I see no reason to switch.
Once again consider the fact ther isn't any charm players (probably a part of the game is HC due to the fact top 10 was almost only HC players) and KH players are still in a loosing match up until those girls are available in the game

Especially since the next legendary girls will most certainly have other specializations.
Same, until they are available, when they will, devs will give a free class switch again, I can bet a 6-pack of beer on it.
for the specialisation of those future girls, yeah it's a fact, according to the powerfullness of the girls in each class, are you sure the next ones will be charm ? They will try to give some in each class it's a fact,but the order is still undetermined, as you already said charm girls are already able to compete vs HC legendary ones at 5 stars.

if you had any one stat legendaries, well good luck finding new ones.
TLDR:Not really, Legendary girls is just a way to :
1) create some hype and force people to spent kobans/fight harder for free kobans
2)create some turn over in winning match ups. You go for them or you go out. It's just a matter of time before every class players with no legendaries fell themselves powerlessness.
New forum or not people frustrated too much will ragequit this game little by little.