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  1. #1
    Adding more to the discussion. I pulled this from a post here:

    @Rizelea She is ok. Fire and Dark attack passive buff as leader but the first event SSR summon has the exact same passive. Better just roll something else.

    Rolling SR Kamihime is only good if you can get Belphegor or Beelzebub and MAYBE Brynhilde if you need a SR healer and isn't going to whale for Sol.

    The ONLY SSR summon worth keeping is Fafnir/Behemoth, everything else should just reroll. Don't even keep SR summon, its total waste.

    Below is my summary of what will be happening within 9 months of the game, for your future reference and planning:

    Water (Best element, can heal/debuff/buff/spike damage, requires later KH that you probably won't have for half a year) >>>>>> Fire (Glass cannon element, lacks survivability but a lot of SSR event weapons to support. Amaterasu will be a godsent if you have her.) = Dark (Only if you have beelze, else goes behind Thunder) > Thunder (High spike skill damage, can paralyze boss, also offer some debuff. Not much healing exist) > Wind (Multihit specialist, burst gauge filler, your only debuffer is literally Oberon which is a SR. Gaia boost your team survive rate by LOTS) > Light (Literally good for nothing, lacks debuff, lacks damage, lacks event SSR. KH skills are all over the place. Sol is god tier KH but you better off splash her into other element team. The dev are trying to buff this element right now it seems.)

    SSR Gacha Summon that will make you happy that you get them. Link to JP wiki
    Fafnir (The best summon in the game up to date imo, no other summon has atk/def up large buff that lasts 2 turns, every other summon's buff effect only last 1 turn. Also has hybrid 40% fire/water passive which are the 2 better elements.)

    There is a SR summon, in jp called Anzu, which ups drop chance of chest and have increased effect when max limit break. She is the only one with that ability barring Slepnir which is a SSR Gacha summon.

    Event Summon that I highly recommended to max (Or get as high as possible as event SSR weapon takes priority):
    Crom Cruach

    SSR KH that is pretty much a must have: Link to JP wiki

    Some others SSR KH that are nice to have:

    Dark Amon


    Goddess Nike


    Good to have SR KH:

    You ALWAYS want to max SSR event weapon or get it as high as possible. Those are extremely important as they are your main source of damage. A maxed event SSR weapon stat has about the same HP but quite a bit more attack than a maxed gacha SR weapon. Focus on weapon with attack up ability.

    Pick your element before the game launch and stick to it until you have it decently developed (All KH Limit Break 3* at least). Switching element mid way is a giant pain in the ass and takes really long time. Also will cause you to be really weak for events and unable to get MVP for more drops.

    Plan your 3rd tier heroine ahead. EP are super difficult to get and each GOOD 3rd tier Heroine takes 1200EP to unlock. Which means roughly around lv40 account level by the time you get your first one, even with active playing and eventing you may get your first one around lv 35 or so.

    Recommend 3rd tier heroine: (Good to bad)
    Andromeda (Best defensive heroine, super short heal CD and can resurrect dead KH, slot EX ablity with Black Propaganda for ultimate boss control). Rank Interchangable with Siegfried depending on your play style.
    Siegfried (MVP stealer, mad damage when boss is stunned) Rank Interchangable with Andromeda depending on your play style.
    D' Art (Good debuff, can increase chest drop chance, good for farming event)
    Mordred (Debuff spammer, kinda loses her functionality late game by other KH and summon)
    Arthur (All about attack buff and burst, nothing else)
    Jeanne (Defensive hero, has atk debuff and guard party, thats about it)
    Solomon is trash

    Join a really active Union, don't be stupid and stick with inactives or low population ones. When Union event comes around, you will want to stab your ownself to death for being in a shitty Union.

    These are my personal recommendation from playing 9 months of this game.
    - - - Updated - - -

    In essence, this game will be a total grind like Granblue is. Right now, my main focus has been to focus on raising my Dark setup, and getting the advanced classes that will help to further that goal. Unfortunately, my major issue with GBF is that the real grind is just around the corner with weapon grids. Unless that improves (and sounds like KH is going to be the same), my event results aren't going to be nearly as good, and that means less rankings, less drops, less rewards, and ultimately slow-as-hell progress.

    I probably will try KH, but not going to stick around, considering how much time investment I already put into GBF, and really not wanting to pursue further at this point (only about 4 months into the game), and probably just moving back to FFXIV as far as an MMO game is concerned.

  2. #2
    Anyone know if Kamihime will use a ranking system for its event prizes? If so, that's an automatic "I'll pass" for me for the game. Whale-vs Whale combat is too expensive AND time-consumming for my tastes.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by TiamatRoar View Post
    Anyone know if Kamihime will use a ranking system for its event prizes? If so, that's an automatic "I'll pass" for me for the game. Whale-vs Whale combat is too expensive AND time-consumming for my tastes.
    I have seen events from April of last year and not one single ranking event.

    I have stopped playing around a week ago due to this version.
    Last edited by kahurangi; 01-18-2017 at 04:27 AM.

  4. #4
    HotSpam Guest
    I currently have the SSR Eidolon Behemoth saved from lottery and I just rolled the SR KH(?) Ramiel. I'm conflicted as to which to keep since I've heard relatively good things about both but the SR KH > SSR Eidolons thing is stuck in the back of my head.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Seems like this game will require fuck ton of time. Not sure if I wanna commit to that or not yet. FKG Nutaku and DMM account plus X-Overd with its super fast AP recharge time take pretty much most of my time reserved for Browser games.
    Good post above with bunch of usefull info. I had Beelzebub, but swapped her once I got Ramiel.
    I really dont wanna go Dark element, and hearing as Light sux ballz (sad, considering the buffs I mean Paladins, Priests etc. duh... should be boss at healing and buffing allies) I might forego Artemis if I should ever happen to pull her from the pre-reg.... hmm

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by kahurangi View Post
    About Light, with the recent update, IF you are able to get the newest SSR Light Kamihime, then it becomes one of the strongest element. As it decreases the target's Light resistances. Resistance buffs/debuffs are extremely rare and they have their own slot, so you won't be overlapping any other slots. Before this new Kamihime, the highest defense debuff we can place on a boss was 45% with Dark. Now with this one, Light is able to reach 50%, and 50% is the current limit. Not to mention, this new debuff works only for Light, so in a multi-user environment, such as raids, you'd have a damage upperhand over others who aren't using Light.
    Multi-user environment and upper hand? Are there competitive events in this game or something?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by TiamatRoar View Post
    Multi-user environment and upper hand? Are there competitive events in this game or something?
    Although you can consider these events competitive, it's closer to just getting a little extra.

    For example, during raids, there are 3 bonuses awarded to:
    1) the player who started the fight.
    2) the player with the highest damage.
    3) the player with the highest contribution.

    Please note that these bonuses are not necessary for the completion of the events. Although you do end up finishing said event faster.
    Last edited by kahurangi; 01-18-2017 at 05:50 PM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by kahurangi View Post
    I usually don't like commenting on others' opinion, but that post you are referring to is a bit over the top.
    I only re-posted a comment from another forum, and they've also cited discussion from Himeuta, which tends to lend itself to more credibility, as they've always provided good discussions from the community on DMM titles.

    He even mentioned that unless you're a whale, Brynhilde is not good.
    Where did you read this in what I posted? I reread the post and didn't see this anywhere. Pro-tip: your argument must center around what was actually written, and not what you thought you read.

    Good to have SR KH:
    This is what he actually wrote in the post. You decided to have a cow over Belphegor's addition to that list, and went tangent on a non-existent slight.

    Who writes must-haves with gacha content?
    Granblue Fantasy has a good deal of guides based on that premise. I've seen JP wiki on Kamihime that does the same thing. It's called min-maxing, and it exists in every. game. out. there.

    And no, you don't need those SSR's in order to finish content.
    Again, the quoted post pointed out that you should focus on SSR event weapons, which I must imagine isn't terribly difficult to obtain, as long as you're willing to put time and effort into it (probably similar to Granblue's Revenant Weapons in Unite and Fight events) I'm not sure how the grind compares between the two games, but again, you're either reading another post, or you're reading into the post too much and have seen things that aren't written there.

    You're entitled to your opinion just as much as anybody here does. And to foster a healthy discussion, the community appreciates more input and more information. However, you need to stay on point, and keep to what's written.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Discoceris View Post
    You're entitled to your opinion just as much as anybody here does. And to foster a healthy discussion, the community appreciates more input and more information. However, you need to stay on point, and keep to what's written.
    Seriously? Just this alone is enough to show that I don't need to waste my time on any other parts of your comment. You should take your own advice and re-read what you have written in the past. Your posts have brought negativity to this forum for a game that you don't even plan on playing. Why are you even here? Are you so bored with your life that you need to peruse and post about a game that you hate from a publisher that you dispise?

    I am only here to show others information on how to proceed with the pre-reg. That's why I ignored your ignorant posts before since replying to you wouldn't really bring anything worthwhile for others who do plan to play this game; however, what you posted from another site evidently is pointing others in the wrong direction.

    And I doubt I will reply to anymore of your posts in the future.

    To everyone else: I suggest to beware of posts that are extremely biased, especially posts that tries you tell you one element is much stronger than another. Also look out for posts that tries to repeat points have been covered from previous comments in this thread. You're better off looking through this thread to find your answers than asking a question that have already been answered.
    Last edited by kahurangi; 01-21-2017 at 05:55 PM.

  10. #10
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Discoceris View Post
    I only re-posted a comment from another forum, and they've also cited discussion from Himeuta, which tends to lend itself to more credibility, as they've always provided good discussions from the community on DMM titles.

    He even mentioned that unless you're a whale, Brynhilde is not good.
    Where did you read this in what I posted? I reread the post and didn't see this anywhere. Pro-tip: your argument must center around what was actually written, and not what you thought you read.
    Sorry to intrude, but it is kahurangi is right about Brynhilde. The quote actually mentions Brynhilde right in beginning. It is located in second line before everything that was bold.

    Rolling SR Kamihime is only good if you can get Belphegor or Beelzebub and MAYBE Brynhilde if you need a SR healer and isn't going to whale for Sol.
    So everyone whom is free player or not willing to invest a lot of money in this game should try to get Brynhilde for preregister or sometime later in the game. I purposely rolled for Brynhilde for this reason.

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