Not a fan of the game, auto-play doesn't use skills or Eidelons, so you are kinda forced to actually do things, at least if you want to do some dmg and not die on boss fights, not so much in early quests.

Most of the girls are big-tits mcgee, lot of h-scenes are kinda rape'ish, I don't really like either of those things.

One character (Alyssa) who we see all the time seems to be the only that has no h-scene/story/stuff (at least for now).

The plethora of loading screens can piss you off, especially when going into some option is fast, but going back somehow takes shit ton of time compared to that.

On the plus side, getting girls to level around 25-35 doesn't take that long so getting to first h-scenes (or only one for lower rarity girls) is easy (Sengoku wins here thou, cause you basically get first scene for free the moment you get the girl - and as an over-knee socks fan most of the first scenes win vs evolved/godified scenes where girls lose them often).

At least for now every single h-scene is voiced on female side and animated (so a plus vs Sengoku where 3* don't have either, 4* have voice only, and 5* have both). Thou worth mentioning is that the actual h-part of them is as short if not even shorter than Sengoku scenes, and far far shorter than FKG or Visual Novels. They could add some background f**king noises to animations, at least then they would be useful if you catch my drift hehe.

So question worth pondering is how hard getting new girls is and how much girls is out there to get for now, and how much will be added in future. For me also how many of them are the big-tit variants.