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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    East EU
    Its more or less similar to Sengoku, just that if you go to some thing like upgrading girls/weapons the menu buttons are on the left not bottom.

    Raid bosses menu for example:

    Kamihime Project R Preregistration-clipboard05.png

    No full-screen like in X-Overd or now Sengoku, and the gold-digger cute girl on the right seems to have no plot/h-scenes even that she is always around you (like Nazuna in FKG lol). Thou no clue if thats true just for now or whole game.

    Still as long as I can live with sizes of buttons and stuff, how the menu works (loading when you go back is up to 10 times longer than when you entered the certain menu/position) is just annoying.

    You can at least change the girl on the main screen whenever you want with that button on the bottom right. So that is a plus vs Sengoku.

    And the girl isn't maybe to zoomed in per se, its more that she is hidden behind the UI clutter (Or at least best parts like legs are khe khe *lenny face*).


    The worst part about this game is, it automatically pauses when you go to a different tab in chrome. Only way to keep the bloody thing auto-playing simple quests and stuff is to keep it in a separate window. Then somehow it works even if it lost focus. No clue if thats just chrome settings, or game itself. But I did have that problem only with Aigis, all other games work fine.

    EDIT 2:

    Why can't we minimize text box outside of h-scenes? It nearly always hides legs of the cute girls hehehe .
    Last edited by Eversor86; 02-10-2017 at 05:56 AM.

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