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  1. #11
    Hey all, I'm new here, so I wasn't sure if I could just make a new topic about this, so I thought I'd just put it here.

    Is an account with just 1 sol a good keep for rerolling?

    I used to play Granblue Fantasy a while back, so I've experienced a lot of rerolling, and I learned to save accounts in case someone wanted them. If anyone wants to start a new account and not have to reroll, I saved up every one I saw that had a sol in it, so I can give it away if anyone wants it. Been aiming for Micha + 1 myself.

    If anyone's interested in an account with a sol, I've got like 5 saved.
    I've also got 3 Amon accounts and 1 Fenrir, but I wasn't sure that those were actually any good or not, just saved them anyway for posterity.
    Last edited by GravityVisitor; 03-01-2017 at 08:10 PM.

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