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    Lightbulb KamiPro - Rerolling guide

    ^This is what you can achieve with rerolling.

    I didnt kept it tho I was aiming for someone with Sol.

    NEW Stuff! Rerolling script now included in the below! Rerolling was never this quick before ;D
    *Credits go to my dear russian friend, Tarnumius, who did it.*

    Just change vpn location when getting IP restriction, thats all! USE VPN DONT BE SHY ABOUT IT! I got tired of getting same questions over and over, no harm comes from using VPN i recommend you to use Browsec vpn addon for Chrome&Opera and Hoxx vpn addon for Firefox.

    Q: Still got 1 location blocked in opera somehow
    A: It passes in time no worries. I rerolled for infinite times just using these 4 locations, even at pre-reg time when rerolling locations were limited af and rerolling was like hell.

    You can also use this guide to reroll on other games like aigis, fkg.
    Its never late to reroll unless you already got a SSR kami from a lucky roll or progressed very far with events.

    Lets start!

    -First off use a random e-mail, USING UNEXISTENT E-MAILS make rerolling process faster. You can always change e-mail&ingame id&other infos. But if your reroll dependent on 100 nutaku gold like aigis needs you to clear first 4 maps and 100 nutaku gold gives you extra 1 sc to make you be able to do 2 rolls without the need of doing the 5th map, then use real e-mail and activate it before starting to reroll.
    -After tutorial screen comes, just skip it via the button right under the screen, namely Skip tutorial, be sure you didnt zoomed max otherwise you cant see the button in first glance.
    -Do your rolls, if you have some spare time you can aim for 2 SSR kamihimes. If you dont have enough time just get 1 SSR kami you desired and be done with it. Mind you though only Dark Amon and Sol are the kamis thats gonna accompany for the longest time, meaning they are the best at what they does if you want to aim for something better. Summon is only worth if its Fafnir or have the elements of your team. Ourobos is also good. Stay away from SSR weapons, they'll be trash after they get removed from gacha, tho you can still use them for a while if you accidentally get them.

    until here is basic process, now you need to copy/paste this link to delete your account:

    -Now dont create another account instantly, wait for 10 seconds then do it with the 'SAME' e-mail you used before, Done!

    -"There was an error with your information
    Creating account with your IP address is restricted."
    ^ you'll get this message if you delete and create your account quickly, solution is changing your IP, a vpn program works wonders.

    -Here's a tip: when you clicked to gacha screen if there comes a gold lightning it means you'll get at least one SSR from that pull. If its blue lightning then there's no SSR there, just go on with rerolling without looking to results.

    -Another Tip: (this was late) Your screen better look like this for an easier reroll.

    -My rolling advice: I always kept telling people that even Sol alone is good to go. I mean Sol alone is better than any double SSR combo that doesnt have Sol or Amon, and even Amon needs a good filler, Gaia is not one for instance. What i mean is Sol is a lifetime unit while everything else is temporary, since if even your element preference changes Sol's slot at your party never gonna be changed unless you somehow go into berserk/glass cannon/punisher routes.

    Its not risky to reroll btw, im currently playing with 6 aigis accounts which all of em seen this process. Same with fkg, kami.
    I'll add things as things come into my mind and/or how thread evolves.

    Edit1: Added some SS upon request.
    Edit2: Removed vpn warnings as pre-reg ended and game opened to Global now.
    Edit3: Added script, some changes about summons and weapons.

    Script (use only if you're good with pc stuff, we wont be responsible for anything if you mess things up, this script is tested and used by me and various people with zero problem)

    Download CJS addon if you're using chrome and copy paste the text below, edit the e-mail, username, password first.
    Download scripter addon if you're using opera, paste the contents below at javascript section, then select onload at the above.
    Dont ask me any questions about firefox.
    Disable your pop-up blocker.
    Have fun with the reroll.

    By the way, this script only handles the process between signing up and game start, after that you need to handle yourself ofc, decide rolls, delete account and script will start working again at signup page. Be sure to first edit the form information first before using script.

    Also i didnt included the deletion part because i know many people would use it recklessly and end up deleting their main account, so this is the safe version.

    if(window.location.pathname == '/signup/'){
    document.getElementById("s-email").value = "your-email-here";
    document.getElementById("s-username").value = "your username here";
    document.getElementById("s-password").value = "your-password-here";
    var button = document.getElementById("create-account");;
    if(window.location.pathname == '/home/' && window.location.hostname == ''){"","_self",false);
    if((window.location.pathname == '/games/kamihime-r/') || (window.location.pathname == '/games/kamihime-r/')){
    var button = document.getElementById('playnow');

    My rerolls:

    Last edited by Ramazan; 03-09-2017 at 06:01 AM.
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