I'm gonna assume that you mean this GO in particular, bcoz that strat will kill you in pretty much any later GOIn a Guild Order you'll often want to Burst on Stage 3, Stage 5 start, and Stage 5 Rage.
Water is just well-covered for debuffs & defensive options, making it a reliable element, but no actual nukes and very restricted options to make your team faster (basically only Sarasvati & while she does the job, she isn't amazing).
Thunder's start-off as a playable element was Mammon, but needs Baal(U) to show signs of being actually good, not just passable.
As for AWs.. I find Pussydon's a lackluster. Her new passive mechanic (20% defense up for all allies against drowned enemies) sounds fine at first, but as I mentioned above, water already has the means to defend itself. They just added one more to it. Meh. Same goes to the extended from 2 to 4 turns of 35% fire resist.
Oh, and what about the rest of the upgrades, you ask? Err.. 404 not found.
Last edited by nonsensei; 08-26-2018 at 03:35 PM.
Guide for using JP wiki
1/2 - https://youtu.be/hPK8vpqmkCg
2/2 - https://youtu.be/GhvZJXjngO8 Y U NO WATCH 2ND PART!?
Assuming that you're doing Union Events in a decently powerful Union, then there's no more bottlenecks for Awakening. You can Awakening all your Hime with relative ease. There's no real cost anymore, really.
Also, you shouldn't just gloss over the natural advantages SSRs have over SRs. These ones you mentioned:
1. Notably higher Burst modifier, even more so after Awakening.
2. Notably higher base Atk, even more so after Awakening.
3. Awakening increases combo attacks from 8% and 3% (1.14 attacks per turn) to 10% and 5% (1.2 attacks per turn).
Any of these alone would be worth the Awakening. With all three of these, Awakened Tyr laughs in the face of Noel. Noel is only good for people who don't have Tyr - and because that's almost everyone, Noel is often mentioned.
That's not an assumption I like to make of the questioner without knowing more of his/her situation. I think that it's more responsible to advise from a more reserved perspective and let the listener calculate on their own how aggressive they can get away with being.
Last edited by sanahtlig; 08-26-2018 at 04:16 PM.
Magicami Starter Guide: Rerolling for Success
Rerolling in Kamihime Project: How to get FREE SSR Kamihime
Sanahtlig's Kamihime Project Toolbox: Includes damage calculators and other useful tools, data, and info I've designed and collected. Make a copy to edit.
What is everyone's thoughts on the Thunder Ryu-Oh? Despite only being able to heal a single ally at a time, that's a crazy low cooldown.
Well, I would've liked to get her, but RNG decided that no, I'm not rolling her. Her healing/cleanse plus her dispel (combined with Cyclops for C-frame atk debuff) would've allowed me to push Sol out of my thunder team finally. The % damage aspect of that dispel would've been cool to play with too.
Last edited by Laventale; 08-26-2018 at 10:37 PM. Reason: Meh.