Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post
Feel free to debate my point, but I'd rather not argue in absolutes. Outside of the fact that yes, Siegfried relies heavily on the presence of a boss gauge and burst time... how exactly does she perform less in a situation where the gauge does exist? You argue Arthur does better, but you can't use the concept of burst time when you've just assumed a situation where burst time doesn't exist...

Literally the worst soul is quite a stretch... pretty sure that medal belongs to Solomon in cost to reward ratio.

You argue that MVP is attained by being strong... yeah that's a given, but that's also an issue of when you enter the raids. You can be as strong as you want, but if you can't dish out enough damage in time... I don't see how? As far as I know, as low-tier as stun punishers are (are they? I'm not well versed enough in the meta), don't you agree that when stun sniped at the correct time, the ragna MVP is pretty much yours?
Theres no point in arguing cause theres no chance that sieg is stronger than arthur with pf during burst time (yeah im assuming burst time cause sieg without burst time is trash).

1- The more people in a raid, the harder it is to land the stun full burst.
2- The existing soft cap makes sieg to lose dmg the better your grid is (opposite to arthur)
3- Arthur with pf doesnt need stun at all to do 1.5x+~ your sieg full burst dmg.
4- By the time the boss is stun and you are ready to use your op stun punisher full burst, arthur already destroyed you with her pf full burst+ autoattacks.