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  1. #1
    my SR ATK's are the highest SL i have. one of em is SL20.

    but ya i will take ur advice and focus on SL'ing my SR's

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    I personally go dual-skill SSR20 -> SR15 -> SSR10 -> SR20 -> SSR20

    Do I have a mathematical reason for it? Not really no. But since each Assault level gives you the same benefit (except for dual-skills which gain double), that's probably fairly close to an optimal route. If we're not talking about as optimal as leveling everything exactly equally, which would certainly be better, but boy would it be a pain.

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest
    I have some questions:
    1) now my wind weapon grid is 1 pride SSR gun, 2x dualskill SSR, 1 thunder SSR sword (it's almost 100 lvl so i'm using it for raw stats), 1 defender SR (40 lvl, sl1), rest - assault SR (only 2 maxLB, rest - 0 to 1 LB). Skill lvl is small - 5 to 8. Is there any good reason to craft second disaster lbmax assault bow instead of defender gun? Or use them as skill fodders instead?
    2)Are there at least some good sr eidolons, other then Vine and disasters, that are worth keeping? Can i sell all of them in eidolon shop somedays or only disaster/event ones?
    3)And another question: my current parties are 1)Mordred, Hastur, Chronos, SR Cybele, Osiris 2)D'arty, Hastur, Chronos, Itaqua, Osiris (no more ssr, no more wind sr, many rares). I found, that Itaqua deals almost the same damage as SR Cybele so i'm using her when i don't need b-type debuff. Yesterday i've got Amaterasu from the premium ticket. Is it a good idea to replace someone (maybe Osiris) with her in this parties?

    4) And about D'arty's exclusive weapons - i have 3 options - keep pride gun and save regalias for someone's else exclusive weapon, take gun (allies wind attack up and snatch up), or pistol (wind character hp up, sniper shot up). What are this bonuses in numbers and what should i do with regalias, because i'ts a very long-term plan. Who among the souls will get more benefit from exclusive weapon? My legendary souls are Mordred, D'arty, Jean(in progress).

  4. #4

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    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I have some questions:
    1) now my wind weapon grid is 1 pride SSR gun, 2x dualskill SSR, 1 thunder SSR sword (it's almost 100 lvl so i'm using it for raw stats), 1 defender SR (40 lvl, sl1), rest - assault SR (only 2 maxLB, rest - 0 to 1 LB). Skill lvl is small - 5 to 8. Is there any good reason to craft second disaster lbmax assault bow instead of defender gun? Or use them as skill fodders instead?
    2)Are there at least some good sr eidolons, other then Vine and disasters, that are worth keeping? Can i sell all of them in eidolon shop somedays or only disaster/event ones?
    3)And another question: my current parties are 1)Mordred, Hastur, Chronos, SR Cybele, Osiris 2)D'arty, Hastur, Chronos, Itaqua, Osiris (no more ssr, no more wind sr, many rares). I found, that Itaqua deals almost the same damage as SR Cybele so i'm using her when i don't need b-type debuff. Yesterday i've got Amaterasu from the premium ticket. Is it a good idea to replace someone (maybe Osiris) with her in this parties?

    4) And about D'arty's exclusive weapons - i have 3 options - keep pride gun and save regalias for someone's else exclusive weapon, take gun (allies wind attack up and snatch up), or pistol (wind character hp up, sniper shot up). What are this bonuses in numbers and what should i do with regalias, because i'ts a very long-term plan. Who among the souls will get more benefit from exclusive weapon? My legendary souls are Mordred, D'arty, Jean(in progress).
    1. I'd drop the thunder sword in favour of an assault raid SR to get the assault bonus.

    2. Eventually they get overshadowed by the SSRs. Vine gets replaced by Hraeslvegr, Anzu gets replaced by Sleipnir etc. The ones you wanna keep are Vine, Anzu... Annnnnnnd that's about it. I think.

    3. Hmm. I'm guessing you don't cash or reroll, considering how jumbled your line up looks. I don't exactly know the meta for these cases, but I'd rather not drop Osiris for Amaterasu so you can drop Cybele for Ithaqua. Reason being Osiris has a burst gauge skill, which you'd lose for what would be effectively a 5% increase in atk and def break... not really the trade off I'd look for.

    4. The meta for D'Art now is ignore the assault relic and take the sniper shot boost gun. The only one I remember is the sniper shot value, which is 30% B frame atk and def break. If possible, I'd rather you hold on to your regalias until you have a better defined team, more souls to work with... and definitely until the other weapons come out.

  5. #5
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post
    1. I'd drop the thunder sword in favour of an assault raid SR to get the assault bonus.

    2. Eventually they get overshadowed by the SSRs. Vine gets replaced by Hraeslvegr, Anzu gets replaced by Sleipnir etc. The ones you wanna keep are Vine, Anzu... Annnnnnnd that's about it. I think.

    3. Hmm. I'm guessing you don't cash or reroll, considering how jumbled your line up looks. I don't exactly know the meta for these cases, but I'd rather not drop Osiris for Amaterasu so you can drop Cybele for Ithaqua. Reason being Osiris has a burst gauge skill, which you'd lose for what would be effectively a 5% increase in atk and def break... not really the trade off I'd look for.

    4. The meta for D'Art now is ignore the assault relic and take the sniper shot boost gun. The only one I remember is the sniper shot value, which is 30% B frame atk and def break. If possible, I'd rather you hold on to your regalias until you have a better defined team, more souls to work with... and definitely until the other weapons come out.
    Thunder sword is almost 1.9k attack, l85 disaster bow is only 1,6k, defender gun is 900+ so gun is much weaker then off-element ssr.

    Actualy when i started, i knew nothing about the rerolls. My statrting hand was Hastur, Behemoth and Chronos and i was thinking that it was good. But later in about 10 x10 jewel gachas i found only Itaqua and Osiris and it was terrible. I did about 100 rerols, but results were not good at all - no Sol, no Amaterasu, only 1 account with Gaja withount any support( 2 off-element rares). Well, Amaterasu makes my main account not so bad anyway, but i don't know how to use her yet- i have only some fire SR. And cash is not a method at all because they already closed Aigis and Mononofu, so i don't want to spend 50$ to nowhere.

  6. #6
    I'm wondering what SR Kamihime to MLB next, as I already have all of my SSR and R ones at MLB, and I have all of my main element (wind) SR at MLB (which are only Cybele and Iblis), and I already have my waifu (Eligos) and a select few others (Belobog and Hermod) at MLB too. Thus, I guess, who out of the following should I MLB next:

    Fire: Ragaraja, Amon, Raguel, Agni
    Water: Triton, Nike, Cupid
    Lightning: Baal, Krishna, Nemesis, Psyche
    Light: Uzume, Artemis
    Dark: Tsukoyomi, Pharol, Nyarlothotep

    If it helps, my SSRs are Amaterasu, Yamaraja, Gaia, and Titania.

  7. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by bmj420420 View Post
    I'm wondering what SR Kamihime to MLB next, as I already have all of my SSR and R ones at MLB, and I have all of my main element (wind) SR at MLB (which are only Cybele and Iblis), and I already have my waifu (Eligos) and a select few others (Belobog and Hermod) at MLB too. Thus, I guess, who out of the following should I MLB next:

    Fire: Ragaraja, Amon, Raguel, Agni
    Water: Triton, Nike, Cupid
    Lightning: Baal, Krishna, Nemesis, Psyche
    Light: Uzume, Artemis
    Dark: Tsukoyomi, Pharol, Nyarlothotep

    If it helps, my SSRs are Amaterasu, Yamaraja, Gaia, and Titania.
    I would suggest Raguel or Ragaraja, since you have good fire SSRs
    Kamihime Friend ID: 3409200

    If you're interested in adding me, here are my support eidolons: (Outdated, too lazy to update)

    I can also change Reiki to Jack Frost. I'll replace Yatagarasu and Ixion someday when a better event eidolon gets released.

    Unrelated to Kamihime:

    Also playing a bit of Fate/Grand Order on the side when I'm waiting for my AP/BP to regen over at Kamihime or when I'm already done with an ongoing event at Kamihime
    Friend ID: 045,022,168 (don't have much friends anyway lol, if you're interested you can add me and feel free to use my Blue Saber)
    My sub: 454,252,971 (might become my main account soon lol)

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by bmj420420 View Post
    I'm wondering what SR Kamihime to MLB next, as I already have all of my SSR and R ones at MLB, and I have all of my main element (wind) SR at MLB (which are only Cybele and Iblis), and I already have my waifu (Eligos) and a select few others (Belobog and Hermod) at MLB too. Thus, I guess, who out of the following should I MLB next:

    Fire: Ragaraja, Amon, Raguel, Agni
    Water: Triton, Nike, Cupid
    Lightning: Baal, Krishna, Nemesis, Psyche
    Light: Uzume, Artemis
    Dark: Tsukoyomi, Pharol, Nyarlothotep

    If it helps, my SSRs are Amaterasu, Yamaraja, Gaia, and Titania.
    Yeah, I would MLB a fire SR, the fire team seems good. Ragel if you want defense or Agni if you want attack.

  9. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I have some questions:
    1) now my wind weapon grid is 1 pride SSR gun, 2x dualskill SSR, 1 thunder SSR sword (it's almost 100 lvl so i'm using it for raw stats), 1 defender SR (40 lvl, sl1), rest - assault SR (only 2 maxLB, rest - 0 to 1 LB). Skill lvl is small - 5 to 8. Is there any good reason to craft second disaster lbmax assault bow instead of defender gun? Or use them as skill fodders instead?
    2)Are there at least some good sr eidolons, other then Vine and disasters, that are worth keeping? Can i sell all of them in eidolon shop somedays or only disaster/event ones?
    3)And another question: my current parties are 1)Mordred, Hastur, Chronos, SR Cybele, Osiris 2)D'arty, Hastur, Chronos, Itaqua, Osiris (no more ssr, no more wind sr, many rares). I found, that Itaqua deals almost the same damage as SR Cybele so i'm using her when i don't need b-type debuff. Yesterday i've got Amaterasu from the premium ticket. Is it a good idea to replace someone (maybe Osiris) with her in this parties?

    4) And about D'arty's exclusive weapons - i have 3 options - keep pride gun and save regalias for someone's else exclusive weapon, take gun (allies wind attack up and snatch up), or pistol (wind character hp up, sniper shot up). What are this bonuses in numbers and what should i do with regalias, because i'ts a very long-term plan. Who among the souls will get more benefit from exclusive weapon? My legendary souls are Mordred, D'arty, Jean(in progress).
    1. Replace the SR defender weapon you are using, there's little reason to bother with using a SR defender weapon when you have 2 SSR dual weapons and the SR defender weapon is only sLv1. The effects of that weapon aren't even be noticeable.

    2. Most SR eidolons are bad, Vine is the only one I would keep despite her awful stats. Some others might be worth keeping like Anzu or Yamata Orochi but you're better off just using event SSRs. As for trading them in, I believe all SRs will work.

    3. You'd be better off using R Zephyrs in your wind party than either of those 2 off element SSRs. There's also no reason to use Cybele with D'art since D'art has a stronger b-frame debuff, so you should have replaced her regardless of if 'did similar damage to Itaqua". If anything, you should use Hastur, Cybele, Zephrys, Ithaqua and Joan with Black Propaganda (or Mordred with Trial by Jury.

    4. You have better options for a soul than D'art for wind. Wind doesn't need D'art. You're better off saving for a different weapon.

  10. #10
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Aidoru View Post
    1. Replace the SR defender weapon you are using, there's little reason to bother with using a SR defender weapon when you have 2 SSR dual weapons and the SR defender weapon is only sLv1. The effects of that weapon aren't even be noticeable.

    3. You'd be better off using R Zephyrs in your wind party than either of those 2 off element SSRs. There's also no reason to use Cybele with D'art since D'art has a stronger b-frame debuff, so you should have replaced her regardless of if 'did similar damage to Itaqua". If anything, you should use Hastur, Cybele, Zephrys, Ithaqua and Joan with Black Propaganda (or Mordred with Trial by Jury.
    I was using Zephyrs before i've got Osiris and she is not better than her in no way. Zephyrs heals 500/5t=100hp/t and does a-type attack debuff. Osiris heals 1100/5t=220hp/t with additional +15 burst gauge (it's 1-2 turns faster burst) and has damaging skill with dizzness. Yes, Zephyrs does a little bit more damage because she is wind (but burst is still weaker then Osiris's), but in general she is not a replacement to Osiris at all.

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