Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post
Err you're mistaken? Zephyrus does C frame, which was why she was considered to be the R hime meta for quite a lot of free players. The heal loss is painful, but you can pull Andromeda to sub in more healing should you find it insufficient. Now, stack the atk debuff and heal and you'll find yourself actually surviving about as long as if you used Osiris, or maybe even not needing to survive long, provided you've optimally levelled up your weapon skills.

In that regard you'd also benefit from the weapon skills, which serve as a multiplier, not an addition to your stats... which brings me to my answer to your answer to my recommendation (lol convoluted phrasing but whatevs)...

As I mentioned, weapon skill is a multiplier, so the 300 difference is easily, EASILY overcome with a 13% addition to your atk multiplier at max skill. If that doesn't convince you enough, well just do the maths yourself.
But Chronos has c-type debuff too as i understand it (it is stackable with b-type Cybele/D'arty's debuff and a-type Hastur's buff) so i don' need Zephyr's debuff. In addition Osiris can make enemy skip a turn, a usefull ability not very high proc chance, but still better then nothing. Yes, Zephyrus will have a benifit from weapon skills so she will have little more damage (Osiris has greater base damage/hp as partial compensation), but damage of one R hime (that will be much less then for example Chronos's) is compensated with faster burst for all party, so total number of turns to kill boss will be not greater, maybe even less(especialy if i can burst twice) and greater surviability. Spending 500 soul points to Andromeda instead of Cassy is bad idea for me - her res skill is not needed at all, i'll better pick Jean as replacement of Gaja when i should get this SP.