Quote Originally Posted by Ikki View Post
If by "manual" you mean "click Battle the moment it is available over and over again", then yes. That's the same as AB, after all. Or if you meant, "click Battle the moment it is available, refresh immediately over and over again" and yes. You're right. That's like the manual version of AB

The problem with raids is, you're extremely pressed for time. You're in a race against everyone else in the raid, and lag will become a factor. The best damage output per "turn" (and using skills takes one "turn") is by far normal attacks - because they build your burst meter. The first person to reach full burst wins, as such, ANY skill usage is a waste of your time and will just cause you to lose MvPs.

Of course, this rapid fire attacking will lower your survival ability by a massive amount. If you're not down to 4 or less characters by time the raid dies, you're doing it wrong. And that's what I meant by the "assuming that the boss dies" part, since if everyone in the raid does the same and wipes, then it was all moot. That's the fun of raid fights, I find. Estimate how strong the raid overall is, when can you afford to go AB and when can you not.

Oh, and by the way. The one single exception to this "NO SKILLS" rule is Raiko's Zeal. For the loss of one turn and its of attacks, you gain three turns of burst. This is OP as fuck because, yet again, the first person to full burst wins. To be noted is that Fire Beelz excels at this far better than Raiko does, since her Zeal also gives Berserk. Thus, you pay one turn in advance, gain it back in two turns, gain an extra turn in four turns, and have a GUARANTEED full burst on turn 6. There is absolutely no beating that one bit. Expect to lose every single MvP in every single non-Water raid fight to Fire Beelz users once she is out.