As usual, here's my account before I ask the question:

Annnnnnnnnnd here I go.

I've started playing this game since about 4-5 months ago. Rolled SSR Nike and Raphael, cashed 2 miracle tickets (Sol and Cthulhu) and here I am now, looking for a progress check. The questions might be all over the place...

I main water and secondary light, my primary setups for both teams are in the team builder tab, where I have all the stats listed, and the weapon skill bonus calculated.

Recently I've found myself able to clear AQ4 with my water team setup, so far only tried on water and light AQ4, but should be able to handle dark and fire no problem either. Wind might be an issue until awakened Sol rolls about, but I certainly can try. 4-5 months before I touch AQ4, is that good progress, or is that too slow?

Would also like to question how optimal my setup is at the moment. I currently use 0LB hime release weapons in the grid, should I remove and convert to SR assaults?

As far as water goes, I have the holy trinity on hand, so it's a question of whether I got the remaining 3 slots right, and the soul choice? The remaining unmaxed SR disaster assaults I have on hand poses another question: should I max those or simply wait for more water events to roll about till I get a full MLB SSR grid?

I'm well aware that my light team setup is basically piss poor, both in hime and weapon skill. Definitely need advice on those fronts, but should I focus completely on water team optimisation or should I start working on my light team?

Next, when the water and light catastrophes (a bit easier to different than the ragna/ultimate thing that's going on) come, what soul weapon should I get first? And that said, what soul weapons should I get now with wind and thunder, or should I just hold on to my current regalia stock?

And the last question: What kinda setup do them JP players use to get to 15k HP AND still deal crap tons of damage? This is more a curiosity question, does the meta actually involve dual skill defender or something?

Thanks for whoever actually has time to read and answer