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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Luffy911 View Post
    Did anyone try to refund gold bought from Nutaku? I'm not gonna quit but I was wondering if they close down accounts that refunded gold or just ignore them.
    ... refund?
    Do you mean chargeback? As in, you call your credit card company and be like "hey, can you cancel this purchase, I didn't get what I wanted?"

    Yes, that WILL get you instantly banned.

    You have to understand that chargebacks are really, REALLY expensive for content producers. Each chargeback carries a ~40 dollar fine to them, so not only do they lose the money you wanted back, they also have to pay 40 bucks to your credit card company. And they have no right whatsoever to veto that. They either have to accept that fine or stop doing business with credit card companies - which obviously isn't a solution as you go out of business!

    This leads to the annoying side effect that if somebody uses like 1000 stolen credit cards on your website, you just lost 1000+ products and 40k bucks to the chargeback fines. Because 1000 stolen credit cards isn't even a lot, imagine what'll happen when somebody uses tens of thousands... companies have gone bankrupt because of the tyrany of credit card companies who shove ALL the responsibility to content producers.

    Anyway, back on point. Because of this fine, every single store out there has an automated system that WILL BAN YOU the exact MOMENT you chargeback anything. So, if you want to keep your account - don't do it. You WILL get banned.

    EDIT: If you want your money back, your best bet is to contact support and ask nicely. Companies have the ability to cancel credit card charges with a single click. But chances are they'll refuse to. In other words, they'll tell you to fuck right off. In which case, you should politely say that "okay, but if you don't, then I'll chargeback you." The usual answer to this is... "please, please don't. But no, we're not giving your money back, fuck you. Just... please don't chargeback us."

    So, don't keep your hopes up.
    Last edited by Slashley; 05-24-2018 at 02:33 AM.

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