Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
So, can your Soul do your debuffs? Yes. Dartagnan equipped with Charles Blast and Ambush. While everyone else gets to play around with Hercules' and her OP Relic weapon, Thunder users are pretty much forced to stick to Charles Blast for many months to come.
By the time Herc's relic weapon is out, Mammon will be out too though. If you don't have Mammon, then Herc + Sniper is also always an option. 3 months later, Baal gives you another way more efficient option than relying on D'Art. D'Art is just nice currently because without Mammon and without Herc relic weapon, it's next to impossible to get decent debuffs. At least that's my opinion on it. I traded in D'Art gun, since it'll be helpful for WaRag farming (and i got Kirin, so ele atk ain't the biggest deal for me), but once I get better options, i'll definitely switch.