Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
Your 'western community' 'adult browser game' shenanigans is none of my concern. None of that will make in game items have less stat or players do less using the same unit + same gear as they would on DMM. This isn't the same as the lack of Walkure Collab or Noel. I point out what can reasonably be done by any freebies to achieve those marks. You are your only wall to yourselves.
But it should be part of your concern as you keep pushing some kind of expectation onto Nutaku players by using DMM standards, especially when you use yourself as the comparison where you have a full SSR team of core himes (and maybe more, not sure what your other teams are). That's beyond what you would call average or 'freebies'. Game stats and what not isn't an importance in this matter because I could't care less about the discussion about you guys reaching damage cap, I only responded to your implications of what you're calling average, where things like player base plays much a bigger role than game mechanics.