Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
You know... I'm actually genuinely curious about your situation too. I respect that you've done pretty much everything that can be done for the grids you're focusing on. But to be very honest, for the time and $ you've spent... The performance? Damage? You've been showing is... for the lack of better word, not quite there, compared to all of those I've seen on nutaku spending the same amount of time and some even with less $.
Define seen? Since maybe they're bullshitting. Words are cheap, after all.

I would love for Ikki to make a video of his Hime + Grid + Eidolons and then do AQ4, for example.
Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
But for your fire team, just hang on til Horus. It will do a lot better after that (plus maxing your fire grid). And imo, you prolly could have played a lil more aggressively in that AQ run.
I wasn't exactly planning on doing that run, you know! I have enough fragments to LMB Herc Axe as soon as the month rolls over, so the Axe wasn't meant to be used at all until then. But NOT using it for this run would've been... uh, odd, to say the least.

And yes, I could've played more aggressively. But I didn't know how the run would go (as this was obviously my first Herc run), so I was saving up. I prefer a far more... controlling gamestyle, where things can't go wrong (combo-, I love you so very, very, VERY much). Except in raids, where others can pick up my shit if things go south. If I had known that I would effectively one-shot the last boss, I would've unloaded on wave2 as soon as all cooldowns were lined up for wave3. Most importantly, there was the huge misplay on using Amaterasu's Def+ AFTER Overdrive...
Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
p.s. Who did you spend your $ on anyway?
I whaled for Karin for waifu reasons.

Going through my videos of that:
Session 1, 50 bucks + 21k Jewels: Ares (guaranteed), Titania
Session 2, 390 bucks + 3k Jewels: Yamaraja (guaranteed), Fafnir
Session 3, 620 bucks : Acala (guaranteed), Fenrir, Susanoo, Titania, Titania, Fafnir
... I though it was 980 bucks, but it was 1060 bucks. Huh. Anyway, 1060 bucks and five SSR Hime to show for it. If it wasn't that three of them were guaranteed, that'd be about average!

Also, this is really the only reason why I even have a Fire team at all. Amaterasu showed in the next month's guaranteed SSR, I believe. If it wasn't for this Karin hunt, my Fire team would still be just SRs.