Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
New player, here. I just realized this, so I'll ask since I'm not sure.

How often am I supposed to be buying Soul P from Advent Battles? It feels like just ranking up and getting Soul P that way will take forever. Are SR weapons worth getting? My weapon page has a bunch of no-limit-break SSR and SR gear, and I feel a maxed out atk SR would spruce it up, but a legendary soul would really help too.
the materials for the first 100 points is trivial with enough grinding... but after it is where you dip into an item that's used for all the major trades (SSR stuff, gacha tickets, magic jewels, etc). and now is the point of the game where you need to get every SSR you see with assault/pride in it until you can start being picky about selection. this goes DOUBLE for your main element.

only get them is you can grind for it.... especially in the case of the ones after the first 100.... you're better off getting other stuff you need first...

as for SR weapons, again... only if you can grind for it as they're honestly worth less than the soul points. they can fill holes that you're missing on assault, but the disaster/catastrophe raids drop these too so only if you're impatient... besides, your aim is to get SSR weapons filling the whole grid so they're easily replacement fodder. if you truly want SR weapons that badly, this isn't the way to go as you only get one max lv SR compared to the permanent raids being an infinite supply

and keep in mind that you get fed this stuff easily from the other events.... raid and union events hand them to you and the raid events can even let you pull multiple with enough grinding and luck (which needs to happen at least once for a Maxed copy)