Quote Originally Posted by HugMeTender View Post
So I just pulled too many SSR to believe life is real (refer to Share Your Fortune thread).

My most pressing question at the moment is whether or not Nike Unleashed is core no matter what for a water team. As it stands now, my water team is as follows:

Ryu-Oh, Cthulhu, Asherah, Nike Unleashed. With Poseidon and Snow Raph as my secondaries.

I'm still in the process of getting Soul P for Hercules (since aside from the Shigen debate she seems to be the most recommended).

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Put that Raphy on main team already. If you really need heal, you can swap Ryu-Oh to Nike (albeit at the cost of losing BP), but you got 2 overdrive blob eater & even a (fking 2t) dmg cut. Should be enough defensive measures for most content.

And make sure to get Shingen lance on the long run. A free EX is much appreciated in some content.